Friends of Farnham

Class: Any (Sorcerers might have a nasty time)
Tag: (FoF)

You were with Griswold and Farnham the night that Lazarus led the townspeople into the labryinth. Friends falling, falling, falling all around you! Ugh, it was unbearable! Thankfully, the three of you escaped that hellhole, but while the physical danger seemed to be gone, the memories stayed. Those memories haunt the town to this day.

Griswold seemed to be relatively unscathed by the incident, save a crippled leg. Farnham, on the other hand, never fully recovered from what he saw. Through it all, you've been there for him, but he's only gotten worse. You can't stand to see him in the state that he's in now. It saddens your heart so.

After discussing it with Griswold, you've decided to go into the labryinth once more. You have secretly been training for such an occasion where you would battle demons, and the time seems to finally have come. Descend into the dungeon and mercilessly murder what lurks there! Hopefully, Farnham will see your heroic deeds and finally become the old pal he used to be.

You later tell Farnham of your plan. He disapproves but admits that he cannot stop you --and will not because Ogden is selling drinks for half price tonight. You make a promise to Farnham: "Listen, old buddy, I'll come by during my travels and tell you what's going on. All you need to do is give me some advice when I need it. Can you do that?" To which he replies, "Y-you mean that I-I could help? Golly, it'll be just like old times! I'll be right by your side, or so to speak. We can save the town!"

You give him a warm smile, "That we can, old friend! That we can!"


Farnham has been in Tristram longer than you have. After asking him, he tells you about each and every person.

1) "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when we... Lazarus... Lazarus... Lazarus!!!" -Farnham
Griswold is allowed to be used.

2) "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... She's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little." -Farnham
Adria is not visited. She is untrustworthy.

3) "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah. What a pretty lady. So nice, too." -Farnham
Gillian is allowed.

4) "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me too much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..." -Farnham
Ogden is very nice to Farnham. You should talk to him sometime.

5) "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh Hero? I was a hero too..." -Farnham
Get to know Pepin.

6) "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there. You know? Lost his leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..." -Farnham
Wirt visitation is encouraged.

7) "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows." -Farnham
Farnham is suspicious of Cain, but he's good for ID and stories.


As far as I know, in Hellfire, no additional conversations were added to the original NPCs. As a result, Farnham doesn't have anything to say about these people. However, here's what I think he'd think of them.

8) "Celia? Oh, yeah the little girl. She always carries around that stuffed toy of hers. That is, she did until... Lazarus! Lazarus! Lazarus!!!"
Celia is a little girl who lost her teddy. Farnham would want you to save it for her.

9) "Lester's a fine fella. Only guy who's still got a farm around here. If it weren't for him we'd all go hungary."
Lester is a farmer who can't get to his field to make food!

10) "Who? The crazy moose guy? Listen here, you stay away from him unless you want to go daffy too..."
The Complete Nut is crazy. Farnham would laugh himself silly if he saw you running around doing this guy's chores. Clean his donkey suit, clean his moose suit, clean his cow suit...


There are no base item restrictions or bans.


Kings may not be used if bought from Griswold or Wirt. There are two exceptions to this, however. The first is if it has the suffix "of Ages." The second is if it's a Two-Handed or Great sword. Griswold did, afterall, forge Leoric's sword. Perhaps somebody found it along the way and sold it back to him.


No unique items are banned, but some are highly preferred and will be used, if found, in the clearing of at least one dungeon level. SNOB-FoF's that are accepting a unique item for a Birthday Present may only choose from this list.

1) Torn Flesh of Souls
This item symbolizes all of your fallen comerads, the ones who died when Lazarus lead them into the labryinth. Whenever you find this, if you are not going to use it, give it to Farnham. The poor guy's buck naked except for his shoes and gloves.
2) Bloodslayer
This item represents blinding (-1 slvl) rage (+dmg%) brought about by the mere thought of Lazarus' betrayl.
3-5)Bow of the Dead, Deadly Hunter, Eaglehorn
These bows are built from the bones of your fallen friends. Using them to kill demons will surely avenge their deaths.
6) The Rift Bow
Users of this are often called "more drunk Farnham" due to the way it fires.
7) Civerb's Cudgel
Demon Bashing Dyslexic Mace of Atrophy. A user of this is obviously inebriated due to the uncontrolled strength, reading trouble, and a minor loss of general dexterity.
8) Cranium Basher
Another item representative of blinding (-mana) rage(+dmg & str).
9) Fool's Crest
The Crown of the Drunk. Wearing this will make Farnham laugh, and that's quite an accomplishment these days.
10) Split Skull Shield
This morbid shield was crafted out of the craniums of those slain when Lazarus lead the townspeople into the labyrinth.
11) The Bonesaw
Nicknamed "Ratskinner" before it was lost, this claymore is very powerful yet its negative dexterity led some to think that the only thing that the weilder could hit with it was a rat.
12) Doombringer
This blade of rage is used by someone who cares not if they are weakened as long as their enemy goes down... even if they go with them.
13) The Grizzly
"Grizzly" was Griswold's nickname many years ago. This sword was named after him. It is an excellent weapon and any Friend of Farnham would use it - at least for a time - to honor the blacksmith.
14) Gryphon's Claw
Nearly identical to Civerb's Cudgel, this blade is used by someone less drunken and enraged than a user of the Cudgel.

Shrines & Pools

All of these are good for use. However, Eldritch is found you must use it and then bring all of the rejuvenation potions to Farnham.
Books & Spells

All useable, but you may have a difficult time getting them because of Adria's untrustworthiness.


1) Full/partial mana/healing potions are fine.
2) Elixirs are all fine.
3) Full/partial Rejuvination potions (booze) should not be used if it can be avoided. Instead, give them to Farnham. Maybe they'll help him along. If you are in danger, need to drink, and are on your way up to Farnham with a supply of booze, don't sweat dowing one or two so you can get a TP up. Farnham would rather see you safe than see you dead just because you were trying to bring him some booze and got mobbed.

At least 1 level up point must go into Vitality per level. This is done to increase resistance to the alcohol that Farnham drinks and often gets you to partake in.

The combined strength requirement of all of your items must be less than or equal to your current (the "Now" column on char stat screen) strength.
The combined strength requirement of all of your items must be less than or equal to your current dexterity.
The combined strength requirement of all of your items must be less than or equal to the sum of your current strength and dexterity.

General Rulings and Quests

Every time you enter a game (and intend on playing in it), you must immediately talk to Farnham. Listen to what he has to say. Some quotes from Farnham are written below. If one of the quotes is what he tells you the first time you enter that particular game then you must do the following quest. Some quests carry over to other games if you do not complete them when Farnham assigns them.

1) "I wanna tell you somethin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..." -Farnham & the Quest for Good Ale
You must kill all dog bosses (between 0 and 3, varies from game to game) in a particular game. The "dog" bosses appear on dlvls 6, 8, and 10.
You may not go into Hell in the current game or subsequent ones until you have killed all dog bosses in a particular game.
--Victory: Farnham has good ale again! Be proud! Be aware that the dogs could strike back at any time!
--Failure: If you fail to kill all dog bosses in the current game, then you may not enter Hell until you have killed all the dog bosses in a subsequent game. This is not cumulative, so if you fail to complete the quest after two assignments, you do not have to kill all dog bosses in TWO games, only one.

2) "I know you have your own ideas, and I know you're not going to believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days." -Farnham & the Quest for a Good Weapon
You must discard (xfer, give away, sell, etc. It's your choice but you must be rid of it.) your current weapons and shields (spares too!) and find better ones. If you have a weapon/shield of Ages/Craftsmanship or a preferred FoF unique as your weapon/shield, then you may keep that particular item and any others like it.
So what's the goal of this quest? To go find a better weapon! Now hop to it!

3) "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... he's always got something good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got." -Farnham & the Fresh Equipment
Part 1)
You must sell/xfer/trade away/etc. ALL equippable items that you currently have in your inventory (except for jewelry, items of ages, FoF preferred uniques, and Wirt-purchased items). You must, however, get compensation for your items. That's the way Wirt does it, and Farnham says you ought to be a bit more like him.
Everything equippable must go. You will be starting out fresh with Wirt-purchased items. See below.
Part 2)
With the money that you got for your items, buy yourself a new outfit (minimum "oufit:" 2 items useable at the same time. e.g. sword/shield, but not shield/shield.) from Wirt.
Quest Exemption
If you currently have ONLY Basic items, you do not have to do this quest, but you may not buy and use items from Griswold for the rest of that game. However, since BARs only use Basic Items, they must sell their basic items and FIND a new set of equipment. Characters that cannot use Wirt's current item in their current game are exempt from the above rulings of this quest, but they must buy ONE item from him at their first available opportunity. Because of this rule, always check Wirt before you sell out your entire inventory.

4) "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it." -Farnham & the Treasure
Go into the dungeon (Dungeon, Cats, Caves, Hell: Take your pick) and play until you find a room full of gold! (Full of Gold = room generated with gold on the floor) You may not visit town during this period. You may use town before descending but not afterwards.
--Victory: With the money you found, buy out Pepin's stock of liquor (Full Rejuvs)! You see, Ogden has stopped keeping booze at his Tavern because he feared that Farnham might break in and steal it. Pepin now controls the town's liquor supply... but don't tell Farnham!
--Failure: Should you not find such a room, donate 1/10th of your money to Farnham so that it appears you found it.

5) The Butcher
"Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!" -Farnham
For All Difficulties
You must recreate the horror that poor Farnham suffered. Lead a pack of monsters to the Butcher's room. Open the door and dash inside. The monster pack will block your exit. There will be only two ways out. You don't intend on dieing, do you? So don't! Kill the Butcher and avenge Farnham! This quest must be done in every game a FoF enters after his first slaying of the Butcher. This may be ignored on a game-to-game basis, however, if someone else wishes to kill the Butcher without your help.
A Goal to work towards: Kill the Butcher in one hit. This is the ultimate way to avenge Farnham, the town, and yourself.
Special Version (Optional)
The FoF finds 1-3 gaming partners to do this quest. The partners are to make themselves as strong as townspeople, which basically means they'll be unable to kill the Butcher. The FoF should be powerful enough that (s)he can kill the Butcher, but at the same time weak enough that it'll be a challenge and definitely not a fight that's sure to swing in the FoF's favor.
-All spells except for Resurrect, Town Portal, and Skills are banned during this quest, and only the FoF may cast resurrect.
-There are no restarts in town during this quest.
-Butcher may not be trapped and cheese killed.
-The quest ends when either the Butcher or the FoF dies.

6) King Leoric
"I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is going to be my king. Leoric is king. King, do you hear me? Hail to the King!" -Farnham
You heard the man. Leoric is king, even if he is dead. Kill him if you have to but not if you can avoid it.

7) Lazarus
"They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! Liar! They're all dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault... *weeps*" -Farnham
This quest is should be attempted any time you set foot upon dungeon level 14. However, this may be ignored on a game-to-game basis if someone else wishes to kill Lazarus without your help.
This Arch-Bishop Lazarus is no holy man! You must kill Lazarus (or help to kill him) and take his item to Farnham as proof (only required the first time you kill him, and someone else may keep the item afterwards).
--Victory: Farnham will rejoice and all will be well... at least for a little while.

8) Diablo
"Farnham, Cain has told me something that is most disturbing, yet first I must clarify a few things. King Leoric is dead. Now, I know you think he isn't, but he is. He was murdered by his trusted advisers; they were forced to kill him. An evil force had tainted his mind, Farnham. That is the force that I will be battling. This same demon turned Lazarus against us. Lazarus did not want to do what he did! He was forced into it! And now, friend, I must leave you. I know not what will happen to me, but I don't have much hope for myself. Promise me that you will put down the bottle, Farnham. Promise me! Tristram could be so much better if you would do something instead of drinking all the time. I hope that you will find pride in our quest, as it has surely turned out well. Good bye, dear friend." -Your parting conversation to Farnham
This quest is simple. Kill Diablo, but donate one half of your gold to Farnham before you do so (required only for the first time on each difficulty).
--Victory in Normal: Farnham's quests- as long as you have completed all of them at least once in Normal difficulty- may be ignored if he bids you do one in Normal Difficulty.
--Victory in Nightmare: Same as normal except for Nightmare.
--Victory in Hell: Same as nightmare except for Hell.
Epilogue: Farnham puts down the bottle and puts his life back together. You see him again when you set out for the East, but only once. Afterwards you hear good things about him from travelers.

Extra Quests

These are some extra (optional) quests that you might have fun doing- and maybe getting others to help you do. :) They're quests that are initiated when you speak to a townsperson and they give you the message that is written below. Before completing any of these quests, decide if you will follow the Nice Way or the Evil Way.

9) "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. I know that Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night." -Gillian
Gillian is upset that Farnham's wasting his life. We must show her that he's improving! Hmm, but how?
The Nice Way
Place an axe near Farnham. After Farnham has the axe, go find/buy 10 chords of firewood (10 clubs) and give them to Gillian. Tell her it's a gift from Farnham. She will think that he's finally done something good for a change, and might be a good lumberjack someday.
The Evil Way
Bring Gillian some whiskey (Magic Elixer & Dexterity Elixer; both not just one.). Talk to her and she'll drink the whiskey. Soon she'll head home, but fall into the fountain. She'll give Cain an intimate kiss when he helps pull her out of the fountain.
The next morning she doesn't remember a thing. Cain winks at her and she asks Ogden why Cain would do that. She then finds out exactly how drunk she was the previous night. She starts crying because she realizes that not even Farnham has behaved like that before, and he's inhebriated all the time. She then thinks that Farnham might actually not be drinking as much as she previously thought. Gillian is now frustrated at herself for drowning herself in booze over Farnham's condition, which turned out to be not so bad afterall.

10) "Farnham spends too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the labryinth." -Ogden
Ogden thinks Farnham needs to do something rather than drinking at the Tavern of the Rising Sun.
The Nice Way
Give Farnham a vial of milk (Vitality Elixer). He'll think that the beverage was yummy and let you finish the rest (drop it near him, you may drink it for yourself afterwards). Tell him that he can get milk for himself if he wishes. Take him to the cow pasture and show him how to milk (milk each cow until you are no milkmaid). He'll start doing it, too! Soon Farnham is supplying the town with a large supply of milk! Ogden is happy that Farnham's spending time with the cows rather than with ale.
The Evil Way
Find/buy two flails. Tie up Ogden and his wife with the flails' chains.
Go tell Farnham that Ogden is having a liquor sale: 100% off!
Farnham will go and drink Ogden's entire booze supply.
Farnham won't be allowed back in the tavern for at least a week, so he'll start moping around town whining for liquor instead. He eventually finds the cows and starts trying to figure out how to milk them (he'd heard rumors about cows giving milk). He discovers how to milk them and sells the milk.
After this quest is completed (by following either the Nice or the Evil Way) the following rule applies: When you find a vitality elixer, you must pay Farnham 500 gold to use it. Every FoF is happy to contribute to the Farnham Fund, the official charity of FoFs.

11) "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense" -Wirt
Wirt is a nice kid, but he's got problems. He's obviously in denial of them if he's criticizing Farnham. Afterall, Farnham did say the boy had more problems than him.
The Nice Way
Offer to adopt Wirt. He'll be unwilling at first, but after buying 4 things from him with minimum cost of 20,000 gold (total), he'll come around. After adoption you can teach him things. Bring him a book of Healing and have him read it. It will help make him nicer again.
The Evil Way
Make sure that the boy has more problems than Farnham. Buy the item that he's hiding behind and then use it (equip it). Now bash him with it! Maybe he'll pull through, maybe he won't. Either way you're damn sure he's got more problems than Farnham.

12) "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do." -Pepin
You must succeed where Pepin failed!
The Only Way
Learn Heal Other to spell level 15.
Learn Telekinesis to spell level 15.
Cast Heal Other on Farnham.
Go and destroy Diablo. If he drops something, telekinesis it or have someone wait in the game so you can return for it.
Take that item to Farnham. His spirit will be healed because he knows that the beast is beaten.

Even More Quests

Here are some more fun things (optional) to try.

13) Follow the Leader
Farnham's naked, so why shouldn't you be naked? That's a good question. Go to Pepin and order up something strongly alcoholic (Full Rejuvenation). Drink it. Then strip nude: drop all items in town (or mule them), except for any +To Hit/resistance jewelry (no suffixes) that you might have. Buy as many potions as you want from Pepin and then go into Hell. Fight until you die. You may use any item that you find, but you may not return to town until death. Clear levels as far as you can go. If you make it to Diablo (and all but his room is clear) you may return to town and retrieve your items, but do nothing else while re-visiting. Using only the items found on your journey and the resistance/+To Hit stuff you started off with, kill Diablo.
This quest may be done in groups, but everyone must be following these rules.

14) Wandering
After you've had your fill from Pepin's secret booze supply, travel into a public game. Follow another player around (you may switch the player you follow at any time) and mumble drunkenly. If you are forced to drink a potion, curse and run off into the labryinth. Try to find the steps down and go as far as you can.
Upon death, start crying and wailing about your miserable life (from the character's point of view, not your real life).
Quest End 1
If you are ignored and not resurrected, restart and try to kill the other characters. If you are killed or you kill the player, this quest is finished.
Quest End 2
If you are resurrected, thank your resurrector and start your antics again... or call it off. :)

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