
Class: Any
Tag: None. Just have a simple name like "Stripe" and call yourself "StripetheGremlin"


The Gremlin is a michievous green imp. This particular version of the Gremlin is based upon the Gremlin movies.


Gremlin characters start out as Moguai (spelling?). To become Gremlins they must find something to eat, but it must be past midnight. To invoke midnight, find two -Light Radius items and after that find a +Life (not +Vit. Must be +Life) item.

You cannot reverse the Gremlin transformation. As a Gremlin, You must use a +Life item whenever you're not doing an item recovery.

You must play non-passworded games.

Because your purpose is to be kind of irritating, having customized hotkeys for your Gremlin would be great.

Suggestions for Hotkeys
*Insane laughter or giggling
*Unintelligible jibbering
*"Brightlight!brightlight! EEEEE!"
*False messages such as "Help!"
*Messages pertaining to wanting food or water


Gremlins do not like bright light, nor do Moguai. +Light items (including uniques) may never be used. If a +Light item is dropped on the screen of a Gremlin or Moguai, it will flee. This even applies to unid'd uniques (if the player knows the item has +LR%).

Gremlins will not use Medium or Heavy armor, other than Breast Plates, because they're too noisy.

Gremlin weapon useage is rather limited.

Swords Clubs Staves Axes Bows Shields
Dagger Club Short Staff Small Axe Short Bow Buckler
Short Sword Spiked Club Composite Staff Battle Axe Short Battle Bow Small Shield
Scimitar Maul Quarter Staff Great Axe Short War Bow Large Shield

Gremlin helm useage may be anything, but Great Helms may not be used until you've slain someone.


Fire and Lightning create a lot of light, which bothers Gremlins (and Moguai). They will flee screaming "Bright light! Bright light!" if they're around when a Fire spell, a Lightning spell, Holy Bolt, or Flash is used. This can be counteracted, however, they're wearing -Light Radius items. (Note: -Light does not protect them from fleeing from +Light items.) Different levels of light permit you to ignore different levels of spell power.


Because the light spells bother Gremlins, their spell choices are fairly limited.

Skill, Healing, Heal Other, Town Portal, Telekinesis, Stone Curse, Phasing, Bone Spirit, Golem, Blood Star, Teleport, Identify, Infravision, Fire Wall
Berserk, Search, Warp, Mana, Magi

Mana Shield and Reflect are not used because they'd draw attention to the Gremlin, who prefers to skulk around.

Town Portal, while certainly a source of light, is a tunnel to Gremlins. They use ventilation shafts to move about quickly.

Fire Wall may be learned, but its use is restricted to mischief. See below.


Harmless Mischief
These are some generally harmless things that a Gremlin might do to show how mischievous it is. While some of these activities may be annoying, they should cause no permanent harm to any character. When in doubt, add smiley faces to the end of your comments so that people will know you (the player) are being silly.

These things might get people pissed at you, so ONLY use these on someone if they have provoked you, and even then it's not required. Also be careful that you don't end up harming someone who DIDN'T deserve it.

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