Horadric Knight
by LemmingofGlory
many thanks for the valuable input from Charis


Mighty though may mages be
Without a tank they'll get sore feet

Class: Paladin
Tag: HKT


Though the Horadrim may have been a mage clan, this does not mean that they did not see the importance of physical combat. On the contrary, sorcerers quite enjoy muscle-brained meleers holding off enemies.

Deckard Cain, last of the Horadrim, knew of this training and soon after the heroes began arriving in Tristram he started to train those that would listen. These warriors learned from their mentor various forms of magical attacks and different ways to enhance their melee.

You are a warrior trained in the art of fighting by a mage. Hmm, this could get interesting...


Horadric artifacts (Malus, Cube, Staff, and Scroll) are treasured and, if possible, the Horadric Knight should save them instead of allowing them to become lost or fall into the hands of those not affiliated with the Horadrim. So try not to give Charsi the Malus. And, if in a cooperative game, see if you can get into Tal Rasha's Chamber without giving up the Horadric Staff. As would be expected, the Horadric Cube is a true treasure.

Cain must always be saved. He's your mentor, afterall.

If you have saved the Horadric Malus (or the Staff), you may wish to weild it in your battle against Diablo and banish him back to the burning Hells. May he know the power of Horadric Malice!

Mercenary Rules: Disciple of the Horadrim

Any mercenary may be hired, but Iron Wolves are restricted. They're members of a rival mage clan, and you'd never employ them directly. However, should you obtain Tal Rasha's Howling Wind and Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest, you may hire an Iron Wolf. Tal Rasha's equipment converts him to the Horadric Way and you dub him "Tal Rasha." From that point on you are his protector and you'd gladly give your own life so that he may escape.

Alternatively, you may hire an Iron Wolf and play him as a "Classic Diablo Coop Partner," the rules of which are found on the Classic Diablo Character page. The same protection rule applies for this merc that applies to Tal Rasha, you'd gladly give your life to protect him.

Mercenaries cannot be played as Horadric Knights.


These warriors studied numerous tomes that they found within the Cathedral of Tristram. They can harness magical powers to use against their enemies. However, so not to seperate them from physical combat they have a unique way of casting such spells: Auras. Unfortunately, due to the passive nature of these attacks, the damage is somewhat minimal.


Horadric Fire (Holy Fire), Horadric Lightning (Holy Shock), Ethereal Zone (Sanctuary), Healing (Prayer), Meditation, Holy Bolt, Horadric Banishment (Fist of the Heavens), Horadric Malus (Blessed Hammer)

Horadric Fire, Horadric Lightning, and Ethereal Zone must all be learned to at least slvl 1 for they are the nucleus of your power.

Combat Spells
Smite, Charge, Holy Bolt, Prayer, Vengeance, Cleansing, Meditation, Vigor, Sacrifice, Horadric Seal (Holy Shield), Conversion

Sacrifice is your ability to imbue your weapon with the power of a Blood Star.
Use Conversion to show enemies the way of the Light, and the glory of the Horadrim!


The HKT may not use evil items, such as Bone Helms, Bone Shields, or Wands.
Poison damage, "of Vileness", and the Undead Crown are examples of evil magical items.

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