The Lighthouse
by The`Shooter

Class: Any
Tag: LH


The Lighthouse wishes to see all enemies and does not fear them. He/She also wants to watch the enemy suffer, as The Lighthouse has seen family and friends slaughtered by the monsters as a child. The Lighthouse wishes to see all enemies and does not fear them, as his/her rage is overwhelming, and will activate whole rooms of monsters without a care, while killing them one by one. He/She wants the monsters to suffer because of the pain they have brought him.


You must have a total of at least +80% light radius by level 29, and you receive one +light item at birth. If you find a +light item, you must wear it until you get something "better."


You cannot use jewelry that gives resistance, because you want to show how powerful you are.

Enchantment Bans
The wolf, the sky, the moon, the stars, weird, strange, jagged, deadly, heavy, vicious, brutal, massive, savage, ruthless, merciless, quality, maiming, slaying, health, protection, absorption, deflection, osmosis, the leech, the bat, snake's, serpent's, raven's, white, pearl, red, crimson, blue, azure, topaz, obsidian, the dark, the night, readiness, haste, thieves.

The Lighthouse only uses uniques that at very "bright" or attention-getting. They do this to attract as many monsters as possible, and thus show off how strong they are. These uniques are...

Naj's Light Plate, Sparking Mail, Aguinara's Hatchet, Flamedart, The Celestial Star, Civerb's Cudgel, Dreamflange, Schaefer's Hammer (very prized), Thunderclap, Helm of Sprits, Thinking Cap, Constricting Ring, Ring of Regha, The Grandfather, Inferno, Lightsabre, Wizardspike, Gleamsong, Immolator, Mindcry, Naj's Puzzler, The Protector, Storm Spire, Thundercall.


The Lighthouse wants himself/herself to be known the monsters, and spells are limited mostly to this. He/She does not use certain spells because other spells aremore noticeable. In the beginning it may be hard to start out, so some other spells are allowed. These spells are...

Blood Star, Chain Lightning, Charged Bolt, Elemental, Firebolt, Fire Wall, Flame Wave, Flash, Guardian, Healing, Heal Other, Identify, Inferno, Mana Shield, Phasing, Resurrect, Stone Curse, Teleport, Town Portal, Apocalypse, Nova.


When quests are completed, the reward is that you gain the title from the quest's title.

1) Twinkler
Kill the Butcher without any help and with at least one +light item on.

2) Nightlight
Kill all bosses in church. They are...

Dlvl 2
Bladeskin the Slasher, Bonehead Kneeaxe, Boneripper, Deadeye, Pukerat the Unclean, Rotfeast the Hungry, Shadow bite, Soulpus, The Butcher.

Dlvl 3
Bongo, Brokenhead Bangshield, El Chupacabras, Goretongue, Gutshank the Quick, King Leoric, Rotcarnage, Skullfire, Warpskull.

Dlvl 4
Blackash the Burning, Madeye the Dead, Moonbender, Pulsecrawler, Spineeater.

3) Light Bulb
Kill everything from level 1 to level 8 while only returning to town by stairs.

4) Lighthouse
Kill Diablo on normal difficulty.

5) Star
Kill Diablo on hell difficulty.

6) Supernova
Solo clear 13-16, killing Diablo last.

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