Mutually Beneficial Trio
by Lupus[DE]

Class: One of Each


I have been searching for a way to allow people to play Warrior, Archer and Sorceror Variants on mutually beneficial ground. I would like to see more people playing together. Diablo 1, IMHO, was designed as a single player game. The multi player option was added later. You can see this in how the game plays. It is typically against players interests to play together. Everyone wants the best items and maximum experience. The more people in a game the less items and experience for each. The players in multi player games often end up racing around trying to find Uniques and items playing at odds with each other instead of together.

These variants, I hope, will demand a more deliberate hunting style of play. The characters are designed to enhance team gaming. The three can and should be encouraged to trade among themselves. The very specialized material needs of each can be dealt with by trading with characters of the other types, what one can not use the other two can. Characters are encouraged to make purchases for other characters too. These Characters should not venture into places that are not safe for them with characters not of their variant type, at least until character level 30.

The three characters are built from the Rogue because the Rogue it seemed the easiest way to build these team players.


Between character levels 1-20 all three characters can use any weapons, armor, jewels, shields they find. Any purchases must fall within the variant rules. The spell requiremnets start immediatly. Each character must establish Variant type by placing (RA,RW or RS) with character name when the character is first made. At character level 21 all rules apply.

Any character can use plus all, plus all reist items but they must obide by the other character restrictions. The Rogue would be the only character that could use plus all, plus all resist items without other qualifiers.


Class: Rogue
Tag: RA


Armor Enchantments
Anything with plus dexterity, plus all, plus recovery speed or plus all resistance

Jewelry Enchantments
Must add to dexterity, all stats, recovery speed, or resist all

Bows. Enchantments are unrestricted.


Healing, Heal Other, Fire Wall, Charged Bolt,Telekinesis, Town Portal, Stone Curse, Guardian, Golem, Teleport, and Mana Shield


Class: Warrior
Tag: RW


Armor Enchantments
Must add strength, vitality, to hit, hit points, or single reistance

Jewelry Enchantments
Must add strength, vitality, to hit, or single resistance.

Shields Enchantments
Must add strength, vitality, to hit (from +dex), hit points, or single resistance

Swords or Axes. Enchantments unrestricted.


Healing, Heal Other, Fire Wall, Charged Bolt,Telekinesis, Town Portal, Stone Curse, Guardian, Golem, Teleport, and Mana Shield


Class: Sorcerer
Tag: RS


Armor Enchantments
Must add to magic or mana

Jewelry Enchantments
Must add to magic or mana

Shields Enchantments
Must add to magic or mana

Staves and Blunts. Enchantments are unrestricted.


All except Chain Lightning

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