by Sirian

Class: Any


The Seeker is another variant I played a lot... In fact, it's the one I have played the most over the years. Never gets old. Not the most challenging, but loads of fun.

The Seeker Mage seeks books, and can advance his spell levels only by finding books as treasure. This means his magic will lag way behind that compared to normal mages of his experience level. Maxing your Page 3 spells is a real challenge, and you can forget ever maxing your Page 4 spells as a Seeker. My very first Seeker Mage did not even FIND a Book of Teleport or Guardian until he was level 42. He was also slow to find his first book of Fireball... at level 33. I remember it well, because the MOMENT I found that book, I went and cleared Hell/Hell solo (no deaths!) to earn 3 Dots. I'd gotten my first dot with just Firebolt and Fire Wall, and my second with Elemental (level 1).


The Seeker can be played in any of the three classes, but was originally designed for the Sorcerer class. The rules differ for each class, but some rules apply to all classes.

Seekers must play 100% PURE. No gifts from any other players at any time. No trades with other players. No allowing other players to buy items for you, or loan you gold. No exceptions. The Seeker must acquire all their own gear, including books, and may not use mule characters. You can only keep what you can carry with you!

Spoils from cooperative play are not considered gifts or trades, but the players have to be working together; either teaming, or separated but working on clearing the same level(s). In this case, a Seeker may divvy up the spoils, but use reason. Someone keeping 1 gold piece while the Seeker takes everything else is NOT divvying up spoils. Use common sense, and obey the spirit of the rule.

It is NOT legal to play cooperatively for the purpose of being a walking Stone Curse staff; where you'd be there strictly to give someone an easy time. Nor is it legal to allow someone else to do this for you. Players need to hold their own, not play with the training wheels on. Playing Seekers is not for the novice. Stay within the spirit of the challenge.



Seeker Rogues are prohibited from purchasing any equipment. This means the Seeker Rogue must find all her own gear: Bows, Armor, Helms, Staves.

Books, Potions, Reading Glasses, Scrolls, and Spells

The purchase of books and elixirs is prohibited! Use of equipment to boost reading ability is allowed, but all such reading aids must be found not bought. Seeker Rogues may use any elixirs they get as treasure, just never elixirs from Adria.

The purchase of potions and scrolls is allowed.

Seeker Rgoues are allowed to use Apocalypse but NOT to abuse it. Only one Apocalypse staff may be used per game, though it's legal to carry more!. It may only be recharged once per dungeon level AT MOST.


Seeker Rogues are allowed to use any Shrines they like. It's inadvisable to use Goat Shrines and Cauldrons, for risk of permanent mana loss, but doing so is not prohibited. This means that Seeker Rogues can advance their magic through use of Enchanted Shrines, unlike Seeker Magi.


The Seeker Rogue is torn between the realm of the Warrior and that of the Mage, and suffers *both* restrictions... so we have to give her a bit of relief somewhere. To this end, the Seeker Rogue is allowed to make ONE equipment purchase from each of the three equipment merchants, after meeting certain conditions.

Purchase 1
After reaching both clvl 30 and at least one dot, the Seeker Rogue may purchase ONE Book of Teleport from Adria. This purchase is still allowed even if one or more Books of Teleport have already been found!

Purchase 2
After reaching both clvl 35 and at least two dots, the Seeker Rogue may purchase ONE armor from Griswold. This can be done at any time, but there is only ONE chance no refunds or exchanges, so spend wisely.

Purchase 3
After reaching both clvl 40 and three dots, ONE bow may be purchased from Wirt. Any bow, at any time (after qualifying), but only once.

Since you only get one buy in each category, make it a good one! You've earned it by proving that you didn't need it.



Seekers are never allowed to equip any item that requires more than 45 strength to use. This, regardless of their boosted strength.


The Seeker Mage is prohibited from ever using Goat Shrines and Cauldrons. Seekers are also prohibited from using spell-altering shrines: Fascinating, Ornate, Sacred, Enchanted. Other named shrines are legal. The purpose of this rule is (in combination with the spell book rule) to restrict ALL spell gains to books that are found as treasure during actual gameplay.

Elixirs, Scrolls, Spells, and Staves

The Seeker Mage is prohibited from purchasing any books or elixirs. The quest of the Seeker Mage is to seek out his own books and elixers.

The purchase of equipment, including any scroll or staff, is permitted, as is the use of any elixirs found as treasure during play. This means that Seekers will eventually max their stats, but it will take a long time... and will take even longer unless they devote nearly all their level up points to Magic.

Seeker Magi are allowed to use Apocalypse, but NOT to abuse it. Only one Apocalypse staff may be used per game, though it's legal to carry more! It may only be recharged once per dungeon level AT MOST.

Seeker Mage Subclasses

These are optional additions to normal Seeker gameplay, and may be combined with eachother if you wish.

You can play as an "Ages" seeker, who collects items "of the Ages". Other gear may be used, but only until "of Ages" gear can be found or bought. Found items are worth more, so any items of the Ages that are bought should be replaced with found items at the earliest chance.

You can play as a "Scholar" seeker, who uses only leather armors (eschewing even Naj Plate), and who uses only caps and crowns, daggers and staves, and never a shield!


You can play as a "Naked" seeker, who never uses any equipment except for a staff. (Will need a staff that boosts magic to get to 255, for reading books).


You can play as a "Staff" Seeker... Finding staves is more impressive than buying them. If you find a Nova or an Apocalypse staff, or an Emerald staff or Arch-Angel's staff, you *must* keep it. This applies to each type of staff, and may require you to keep up to five staves, if you also want a Kings/Masters for beating on Triple Immunes. If you find more than one of a certain type, you need only keep one of them, your choice as to which. These staves can be left on the ground in town while you adventure, but make sure you back up your char in case of crash or irretrievable disconnect. Note, you can double up on staves. Finding an Emerald of Apocalypse covers both keeper requirements. If you find a Mindcry, you can keep that in place of *any* other staff you have found (as a replacement).



Seeker Warriors are prohibited from purchasing any equipment, including from Wirt. This means the Seeker Warrior must find all his own gear: Weapons, Armor, Helms, Shields, Staves.

Books, Potions, Reading Glasses, and Scrolls

The purchase of potions, scrolls, and books is allowed. Use of equipment to boost reading ability is also allowed, but all such reading aids must be found, not bought.

Seeker Warriors may use any elixirs they get as treasure, but they may not purchase elixirs.


Seeker Warriors are allowed to use any Shrines they like. It's inadvisable to use Goat Shrines and Cauldrons, for risk of permanent mana loss, but doing so is not prohibited.

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