
Diablo 1

1) LemmingofGlory's Guide to Diablo
Think you know Diablo?

2) A Blind Searchlight Gets His 3@30 - by Arnold Layne
Arnold Layne's write up of his BNM's 3@30. He's no ordinary dark mage.

3) Oncal's Polite Cooping Guide - by Oncal Assistance by DeeBye, LemmingofGlory, and Sabra
Oncal provides a tips for effective multiplayer cooperative gaming, a skill necessary if you'd like to stay on speaking terms with those you game with.

4) Piece of Cake - by Bucky(N_BARL)
A Nude Luminous Barbarian gets his first dot.

Diablo 2

1) Taunt Guide - by LemmingofGlory
A guide on effective Taunting.

2) Mercenary Guide - by LemmingofGlory
A guide to Mercenaries in the Expansion Pack.

3) Petrified Beyond Belief - by Antique Cupcake
A Naked Druid explores the world of the expansion pack and details his adventures.

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