Tyger Mage
by ~Rasputin~

Class: Sorcerer
Tag: TGR


These nomadic warlocks from the north rely on cold, hard steel as well as the mystic art of magic. They all hold a deep seated hatred towards ALL vipers, because they damnable creatures destroyed there homeland, forcing the mages to wander the desolate wastelands of the north. Upon hearing of the serpent infestation in Tristam they sent out to stop there evil presence, in hopes of saving the city from the fate that there's suffered...


All dungeon levels containing vipers MUST be cleared completly. All of these vile beasts must die by your hand, so no magic may be used on them. You want to see the fear in their eyes as your blade severs there life blood...


Anything that you can equip.

All ok except crown, which is reserved for Tyger Master.

No staves are allowed.
No blunt weapons.
Tyger Mages enjoy slicing their enemies, so blades are allowed.

Due to there fierce hatred of all things serpentine, no +Mana items are allowed.
These nomads dislike royalty, so kings and lords are not allowed. These titles are only given to the most powerful of warlocks.
They are also deeply religous and they do not place themselves on the same level of gods so they will not use these prefixes: Saintly, Godly, and Holy.
No +strength items are allowed, for they want there power to be their own, and not that of a ring or jewel.

If you can use the base item, you can use the unique. If you find one, you must truly be an expert warrior and the gods wish to offer you a gift.


The gods are there to be prayed to, so all shrines, pools, and cauldrons are allowed.

The Stages of Training

The Years of the Hunt (clvl 1-15)
The magic these people train under is extremely complex and hard to learn. Therefore for these first years they must rely on there strength and cunning to keep them alive. They do have some innate magic abilities and can use healing and town portal. Point distribution for these levels is up to you, but only ONE point may be given to magic per level.

The Years of the Mind (clvl 16-21)
During these years the mages enter a hermit like state, venturing into the dungeons by themselves in hopes of strengthing there mind. No weapons can be used, all enemies must be defeated with magic. The only spells not allowed are chain lightning, fireball, apocalypse, nova and elemental (elemental can be used, but more on that later). The reason for the banishment of these spells are many but the main reasons are that they require a lot of magical ability, and are extremely hard to cast. Also, these people hate mass destruction spells. All level up points must go to magic during this phase.

During the years of the mind only robe and lower can be worn as well as a cap or skull cap Rings and ammys as well so i suggest looking for a decent casting outfit before entering the years of the mind!

If you wish to advance to the years of the mind in a faster manner, you must do so by killing Leoric and all of his minions by yourself.

The Forging of the Warrior (clvls 21-39)
Both spells and steel may be used together now, in hopes of purging the world of evil. If it is possible destroy your enemy with thy blade, if that proves to difficult, fry 'em! Level up points are up to you.

Tyger Master (clvl 40+ & three dots)
You are now powerful enough to summon phantoms to do your destructive bidding. (elemental). You can now use these forbidden prefixes : kings and lords. Crowns may also be worn. Level up points are up to you.

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