Realms Beyond

WarCraft 3- Beta Report

Friendly Fire

If you missed having friendly fire in Diablo 2, you'll be happy to know that it's alive and well in WC3. Your units won't attack friendly or neutral units unless you tell them to, but area of effect spells do their damage to anything in that area. Since I needed the pictures to be close to full screen anyway, I didn't crop them so that you could get a feel for the whole "look" of the game.

Above, my Priestess of the Moon is about to cast Starfall, her level 5 ability. The glowing circle you see is the area of the spell, which is on my cursor as I select the target. Look at the life bar of the priestess and the building.


Now I've cast the spell on my own town. Ouch! Another reason to cast wisely is that Starfall can't be cast very often- the "cool down" period seems very long.

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