Realms Beyond

WarCraft3- Beta Report

Night Elves

Jump to my Night Elf update- 01/Mar/02

As a fan of the Drow variant for both D1 and D2, naturally I jumped at the opportunity to play Night Elves in WC3.

Interesting Night Elf features:
-Their Town Halls are trees, which collect gold on their own if they are rooted close enough to a gold mine.
-Many of their buildings are trees, which can uproot and attack enemy units.
-Night elf workers (wisps) harvest lumber without cutting down trees.
-Wisps get "used up" after constructing a building.

So far, I have focused on the Priestess of the Moon hero, mostly because she is the only Night Elf Hero whose primary attack is ranged. As a result, I've had better luck keeping her alive in battle. However, the same argument could be made in favor of the melee Heroes- if they're more equipped to take hits, they will be better able to survive an opponent's attack (since you can usually expect your opponent to focus the attack on your hero). We're still only a week or so into the beta, with numerous balance changes ahead, so it's probably way to early to know which hero might end up being the most useful in battle (besides, the only reason we'd want to know is so that we could play the other ones, right? ;) You can see in the following picture that she will sometimes take a position behind the front line if the group is ordered to attack and allowed to choose its own formation.

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