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Holes in the wall
They are everywhere, well, surprised me how many and how easily recognizable they are. All spells as well as arrows can pass through these holes. I am using Lightning to demonstrate only because the continuous strands is the easiest to grab and uses the least amount of frames.

The holes are identifiable by examining the game tiles inside the container wall. If the game tiles, as a whole, have the same shading pattern as the one below then there are holes in the wall. Well, not really. :p It’s actually a combination of two things - leak in game tiles and false perspective.

When position against a wall such as the one below, it would seem one is standing and protected behind the corner column when in reality the column is two game tiles back (toward the bottom of the pic) where it meets the floor. The red spots are the tops of heal potions I’ve placed to mark the coordinate of the tile where I was standing. Also note that the highlighted tiles underneath the strand of lightning is the actual tiles affected by the spell; so (judging the bearing by the highlighted tiles) the origin of the lightning strand is tile #2 which indicates a (semi?) hole in the wall. Btw, this is a two way street, the monster can see you and shoot at you from the angle of the lightning. It helps to remember that you don’t have to move further into the room to attack and exposing yourself to more monsters. You would be completely exposed even if you move forward by one game tile.

The animation below shows definite holes on both sides of the wall. Now I am standing even further away from the corner tiles.



Hell Holes

I do not have enough data to recognize them on sight yet, but they definitely exist. More time for testing is needed, I do play the game too you know ;p Further more, I have not come across a hole like the ones in the Church where I have a wild range of firing angles, yet.

Just another hole in the wall - virtual walls where your projectiles can go through the holes in the wall, but missiles from monsters are blocked.

Poor Black Jade - the biggest discovery in hell, so far, is the leak in Laz’s chamber. I have found a hole where I can fling Fireballs at Black Jade. Fireballs? Yes, only Fireballs get through this hole.

Nothing else works, not arrows, Lightning or even Firebolts. It’s a very narrow slit of opening where the Fireball will go through, you would have to be standing right at the second square from the corner for this to work. You will also need Slvl 17 Fireball for that.

Instead of aiming at Black Jade, there is a more consistent way of doing this. The picture on the right shows the aim with most successes. Line up the cursor where the wall meets the base of the extrusion and fire away. Imagine a line from the base of the caster pass the tip of the cursor, the line hit smack middle of the square where Black Jade stands.




Hell Stairs as Walls
The game treats the stairs as a full wall and better. Better because you can see the other side and there are more holes in the wall. Also they behaves differently from normal walls.

I have to admit I used this extensively during my NM Ironman run. Too many times, there were just not enough room to run around before I (had to) activated more than I can handle. (No, I didn't activate that many in the actual game as shown in the pic.)

Notice none of them are firing, and one witch is just totally confused? You may remember from your own games when you hide behind a normal wall, the witches will still seek you out until they have LoS and fire at you. But not so with stairs, they'll stay put where they lost sight of you. So, next time you advice people never to retreat back to the stairs, think again ;p

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