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A quest to seek out the Light Sabre and to destroy the Emperor

Background: evident
Purpose: a fun, one-shot character
Class: Warrior (although others could try)
Optional: play the Jedi as a subclass of an Elitist

Weapons: They may use the following weapons, but as soon as a 'better' one becomes available, it must be used:
1) non magic sabre
2) magic sabre
3) Sabre "of light"
4) Sabre of speed/haste, or the "Defender", "Ice Shank" or "Inferno"
5) Millenium Falcon's Talon
6) Lightsabre
* If any weapon of corruption is found before the Lightsabre, the Jedi is turned to the power of the dark side. His quest is over. If the Black Razor is available, he must immediately challenge Diablo for the right to rule. This will be his last battle. [There is... one.. way known for the Jedi to avoid this. The Jedi must visit the Jedi Master Cain, drop all equipment, and deposit the Corruption weapon on the Altar of Lazarus' chamber without dying or returning to town, taking precisely one purging fireball from the Archbishop, to be free from the grasp of corruption... for now]
* The Lightsabre MUST be found by the Jedi himself. Dungeon lvl 16 can NOT be entered until this is found.

No Bow, axe, or two handed weapon. [Non-legits can use Lightforge ;-]

Shield: There is but one shield in the game that can be used, the Holy Defender

Armor: only capes, cloaks, robes, leather, ie. armor with no Str req'ment Helms: none, just caps, skull caps, crowns

Jewelry: any Pref./Suff: any except: corruption, merciless, thieves

Spells: quite limited. Telekinesis, town portal, heal, heal other, teleport, phasing, stone curse, mana shield.

Scrolls: any

Quest: the crucial items sought by the Jedi may be found through diligent searching, with best results in these areas:
Lightsabre -- dlvl 7 and deeper [ilvl 1, ulvl 13]
Holy Defender -- dlvl 5 and deeper [ilvl 9, ulvl 10]
Defender -- before mlvl 13 monster, up to ~dlvl 6 [ilvl 1, ulvl 1]
Inferno -- dlvl 9 or deeper [ilvl 6, ulvl 17]
Falcon's Talon -- dlvl 8 or deeper [ilvl 2, ulvl 15]

Also helpful:
Helm of Sprits -- dlvl 2 or 3 on NIGHTMARE only [ilvl 8, ulvl 1]
Thinking Cap -- dlvl 3 or deeper [ilvl 4, ulvl 6]
Royal Circlet -- only toughest monsters, Laz chamber best [ilvl 16, ulvl 27]
Leather of Aut -- dlvl 3 or deeper [ilvl 6, ulvl 4]
Rainbow Cloak -- almost anywhere, less likely as you go deeper [ilvl 2, ulvl 2]

A sabre "of light" can be bought from Griswold as a 2nd-10th level character, with it being most common at 5th-8th lvl.



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