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  PBEM25 Organizing/Tech Thread
Posted by: Serdoa - September 19th, 2011, 08:17 - Forum: PBEM25 Veterans - Replies (117)

Looking through the forum I realized today that some PBEMs have finally finished and I wondered if there is enough interest for PBEM25. What is (imo) mandatory:

- BTS (obviously)
- normal diplomacy
- max. of 5 players (imo after the 5th player most games start to not get in a turn / day often)
- Ancient start
- Quick Speed
- War Elephants banned

Apart from that I think some settings are worth discussion:

- Espionage allowed but some missions (change civic, change religions) banned?
- Tech-Trading allowed but not Tech-Brokering? No Tech-Trading? Tech-Trading with a certain amount of trades allowed?
- Certain civs / leaders banned?
- Barbarians?
- Difficulty? Somewhere between Noble and Emperor? Maybe Emperor to make Organized more viable?

For the map I would like to use what others did before (PBEM23 or 24?), being that we will get shown screenshots of our starting land and the game settings before we actually start snake-picking our civs/leaders.

So, anyone interested in it?

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  Whats the point of summoned monsters?
Posted by: Question - September 19th, 2011, 05:55 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (13)

As title?

You need at least conjurer or they are too expensive. A lot of buffs dont work on them and most of the monsters you can summon are inferior to elite ranged troops.

I mean, war bears need 2 mana upkeep, and they are inferior to regular cavalry. Normal units are just faster to train(especially if you have inspiration), can benefit from mithril/adamantinium, are really cheap to support once you get fame the list goes on and on...

And its always pretty sad to summon up a giant or something and then they kill like 1 figure per turn.

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  PBEM 18 Postgame Discussion
Posted by: Lewwyn - September 19th, 2011, 03:40 - Forum: PBEM18 - Replies (8)

Hey everyone, I'm putting this up and hopefully we can have a bit of discussion once everyone's had a chance to read the threads. I'm going to have my postmortem in a bit, but I wanted to get this up first.

Congrats to Nicolae and Mackoti, both Kublai of France. smile

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  Sign-ups for WW8: Madness in Outer Space
Posted by: zakalwe - September 19th, 2011, 02:08 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (46)

The journey through a wormhole has always carried a certain risk. Occasionally, a molecule will fail to unfold in the correct manner, or an electron will resurface with the wrong spin. Machines can be built to tolerate such inconsistencies; but for the organic vessels of the human mind, these effects are more precarious. Coupled with the traumatic disconnection from the rest of reality, and the peculiar effects on human perception that arise when the laws of space and time are openly mocked, most people exit from a spacetime portal as another person, quite literally.

Usually people can recover from these effects by going on a solid drinking binge, or by undergoing other more or less equivalent psychological treatments. But there is a minority who can never fully recover from the mental trauma, who have irrevocably entered unpredictable mind-states. Some are obsessively wondering if they remembered to turn off the gas back home, knowing full well that by the time they can ever return to find out, their apartment may well be inhabited by an altogether new species (evolved, perhaps, to enjoy the atmosphere). Some take up live action role-playing or cricket, claiming it's a world sport. Others acquire more severe personality disorders and become outright psychopaths. Collectively, these symptoms are known as the Spacetime Cognitive Unsettlement Malady. The term describing the symptoms is also used informally in reference to the people afflicted with them. You never know what to expect from SCUM, but if you want to leave the conventional space lanes and travel to the realms beyond, you must be prepared to encounter them.

As you may know, the western exit of wormhole #8 is famed for its Space Bar, where eccentric travelers from all corners of the galaxy meet to exchange stories and bodily fluids. Telling the SCUM from the ordinary nutcases can be particularly difficult in this environment. This was also the scene of a particularly nasty SCUM incident very recently. Like most of the early portals, WW8 is powered by a local neutron star, and on this fateful day, there was a starquake: a sudden release of pent-up stress in the rapidly spinning star's inflexible crust. The resulting and unexpected increase in angular momentum triggered a corresponding spike in power output, which overloaded the wormhole stabilizers. The failover energy sinks also failed to compensate, as they were out of order; apparently, some of the recently arrived maintenance crew were afflicted with SCUM. All spare parts (and some that strictly speaking couldn't be spared) had been appropriated to construct a giant space fair, featuring an asteroid-sized Ferris wheel. When the power surge hit, the Ferris wheel set a new speed record, but that was of little consolation to the thousands of spacefarers who disintegrated along with their ships as the wormhole lost stability and its radius dwindled to zero.

Only a few of the very smallest single-pilot ships escaped, propelled by a spacetime shock-wave like wind-surfers ejected from a tornado. Gathering along with the other survivors in the Space Bar for some much-needed post-traumatic stress treatment, they quickly realized that the situation was dire. They had to root out the SCUM before they stood any chance of repairing the spacetime portal and regaining contact with the rest of the uncivilized world. What's more, they were almost out of ice.

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  Shameless plug for Master of Magic mod
Posted by: Catwalk - September 18th, 2011, 05:20 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (1)

[If this is against forum policy, please delete it with my apologies]
I'd like to invite you all to check out the Master of Magic mod I'm tinkering with, greatly assisted by kyrub. It is aptly named Catnip, both because of my feline inclination and because it's Master of Magic on crack. It's still a work in progress (and has been so for a looooong time), and we expect to have an initial testing version out sometime next week. kyrub is doing all the techie stuff and he recently managed to find the time to take another stab at it, so we're trying to make the most of it. After that, there'll be a number of balance releases which I will be needing a lot of feedback on. The list of planned changes is too long to list, here's a small summary:

1) Extensive unit rebalancing, including speed increases of 50%-100% and fewer figures for high end units, weaker ranged units in general
2) Big changes to the unrest system: Troops give no unrest control and buildings give a % reduction rather than a flat reduction
3) Complete revision of heroes, both for flavour and balance
4) Changing several combat mechanics: Poison, resistance, XP, retreating and more
5) Bunch of cost tweaks to spells, and major changes to a few select spells
6) More number tweaking of buildings
7) Lots of miscellaneous changes, such as alchemy, lairs, terrain and wizard creation

Also make sure to check out all we have to offer in the main section, we just finished our first succession game on the RB forums and are looking at starting the second one. Hope you'll drop by!

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  Does anyone else notice that the AI doesn't try to take nodes?
Posted by: Question - September 17th, 2011, 08:12 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (2)

They only seem to fight for your nodes early game. Past the early game, even if you have completely undefended nodes, they never try to send a magic spirit over to steal it....really weird.

The most funny part is that the AI will send huge stacks to sit on your nodes, but will never try to capture them...

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  Game Report: The Sexy, Shoeless Gods of War
Posted by: Oso - September 17th, 2011, 01:15 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (26)

Well, since I went ahead and joined this forum, I should probably try and contribute something useful since just about every idea I have on how to improve the game has already been mentioned by others in the various modification threads, so I'll go with a Game Report.

[SIZE="5"]Game Report: The Sexy, Shoeless Gods of War[/SIZE]


Magician: Tlaloc (Customized)
Race: Halflings
Difficulty: Hard
Opponents: Four(4)
Land Size: Medium
Magic Strength: Normal
Skills: Warlord, Myrran
Spell Books: 5-White/1-Green
Game Version: 1.31


I chose Tlaloc mainly because he is a Warlord by default. I chose to be a Warlord. Granted, there is a chance he could lose Warlord status (I think) during game generation and there is also a chance any other Wizard may be granted it during generation as well, I think this way has the best chance of ensuring there being only one Warlord in the game...Me.


Halflings. I love these guys for several reason.
  • Three food per Farmer from the get go, no Animist's Guild needed. You can, if you want, easily start the production of a Settler from Turn-1 with these guys. Turn that extra farmer into a worker and the build time isn't overly long. I plan on doing that this game, all things being equal.
  • They grow fast and you don't have to do an excessive amount of developing with guys to get to their end stage unit: Slingers. Add in Halflings +1 bonus to hit (Lucky) and what's not to like.
  • They are friendly in that, of all the races you can choose to play with, Halflings generate the least amount of rebellion as either a subjugated or a conquering race. Since I plan to start on Myrror, this could become important at the end of early game well into the middle game.
  • Slingers. One of the best units in the game in my opinion. That is why I like the Warlord skill and Myrran start when playing with them. That extra experience level does wonders for them (just like it does for any other unit) and if you can get an Admantium deposit or two fairly quickly (or even not so quickly), Slingers are pretty much unstoppable against anything that isn't missile immune or masses of tough units that can teleport. Taking on more than say, 3-4 Great Wyrms (especially under a Nature Aura), with even a 9-stack of experienced Admantium Slingers, is a bit dicey unless you have a way to get the Slingers out of the way (Flight, Invisibility) or slow down/stop the Wyrms. But short of that, stacks of Magicians, or anything innately invisible, you're good.
Just to show you they are not all “blue sky” though, they do have their drawbacks.
  • Even though Slingers are a good, solid and awesome end stage unit, at least in my opinion, the Halflings really have no heavy infantry and nothing that resembles cavalry. While the bonuses I have chosen, plus the Halflings innate +1 to hit, are good, the sad fact is that the best Halfling melee infantry is Swordsman. Even though the bonuses take them a fairly long way, swords just really don't cut it when everyone else is running around with halberds, pikes, and racial units like Paladins, Wolf Riders, Hammerhands, ect, ect. That makes summoning fast, hardy melee units or finding a race that can cover this weakness almost a requirement for a smooth game.
  • Spell Research. No Universities or Wizard's Guilds. Best you get is Sage's Guild. This makes you lag a bit and also places a priority on either pumping up your overall mana income (so more gets into the Research Wand) or subjugating a race that can build some (or all) of these of buildings.
  • Same goes for money and, to a lesser extent, production. Halflings can't build Banks, Merchant's or Machinician's Guilds. Marketplaces and Miner's Guild are the best you get. The down side to being able to get to an end-stage unit fairly quickly. Less building options.
  • While I am on the subject, the aforementioned Animist's Guild, while not needed for the farming boost, does mean that any Halfling city WILL have to have a garrison of at least two units to get rid of the rebel that shows himself at a maxed, 25 pop city. Granted, any city needs to have a minimal garrison in any case but that means should a city be targeted with a spell that increases unrest, you have no buffer to absorb any rebels. Same goes for any global spell that increases unrest. Halflings also cannot build Oracles.
  • Final building downside, no War College. So even with the Warlord trait, the best I can do experience wise is to make Veterans rather than Regulars. Altar of Battle or Crusade are the only other ways to boost initial experience levels for Halflings. Even with an Alchemical, Mithril or Admantium boost, Veteran Slingers just aren't that effective against fast moving and/or high HP enemies unless you buff them up with some enchantments first. The first closes the distance too fast, the second can absorb the damage until melee range. Both together in the same unit usually means a stack of dead Slingers fairly quickly.
  • Halflings have no Engineers. That bears repeating, HALFINGS HAVE NO ENGINEERS. May not seem like much to you folks but that is a major downer in my book. It is not so bad on Arcanus, especially if you get Nature's Pathfinding or Sorcery's Wind Walking, but on Myrror, it qualifies as a major downside as you can cover huge amounts of land with a decent stack or two and pretty much regulate most of your garrisons to tripwires/early warning (Nodes, Towers) or rebel suppression (Cities). So with a Myrran start, conquering a race that can supply Engineers becomes a pretty high priority for me.

All that said, despite the downsides, Halflings make a pretty OK race to start on Myrror with.


Hard. Pretty much a default for me. Normal got stale a bit ago, although you can toughen Normal up a bit by making Magic Strength 'Strong' as it toughens up the Nodes a slight, but noticeable, amount over 'Normal' Magic Strength at Hard. Also, since I like Myrran starts and Warlord, that leaves only six picks for books. Virtually every game I have played at Hard has yielded extra books as loot at some point. I can't say the same for playing at Normal.

I don't play at Impossible. I play games to have fun, not to spend the entire time cursing at the programmers because, at least at the time this game was made, the only way to ramp up difficulty for the player was to allow the AI to ridiculously out produce the human player. Getting hit with Stag Beetles and Dragon Turtles early is to be expected. What I don't expect is to be getting hit with Warlocks and Paladins when my first city(s) have yet to produce anything better than a Halberdier or a Pikeman, sometimes not even that or, to see a Troll or Dark Elf city that is growing faster than a Halfling or Barbarian city (all things being being equal). It harshes my mellow rather quickly.


Four, the maximum. Back to the low number of spell books on a Myrran start. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to trade for spells that aren't in my own spell book with the AI. At the very least, even if they only have spells you don't particularly want, you can take those dud spells out of the loot pool. I have no use, really, for any Uncommon Summoning spell in Nature (save for perhaps Giant Spiders) but I do have a use for things like Change Terrain, Pathfinding, Transmute and if I can't get them through research or trade, then I will gladly trade for the uncommon 'dud' spells simply to remove the duds from showing up as loot. If that makes any sense to you.

So the more AI players, the better the chance of having spell colors in common and raising the possibility of getting the spells I want.

Land Size

Medium. I dislike both small islands and mega continents. Granted, both are possible with this setting but hopefully won't occur as often. My ideal starting point is a land mass that can comfortably house 5-7 cities with a few special terrain features thrown in. Admantium and Mithril are, of course, preferred but I like 'em all.

Expand to fill the land mass, turtle some to build up a bit while clearing said land mass of threats and then explode across the plane...or at least start making inroads on other land masses.

What I do not like is sharing my starting land mass with an AI player or having a Tower that opens directly to an AI Player which is pretty much the same as sharing a landmass with them separated by only a choke point. I generally at least consider restarting a game if either happens (fun rather than frustration) but I'll refrain from doing that this game. Also, I'll not farm for spells either. I've been known to do that from time to time as well.

Magic Strength

Normal. My Default for the Hard Difficulty Level. I've occasionally bumped that up to Strong especially if my starting race has a definite 'Heavy Hitter' at the end of it's development. Paladins, Minotaurs (surprisingly effective for a two figure unit), Nightmares,... you get the idea.

Strong Strength and Hard Difficulty also, from my experience, virtually guarantees you will likely end up with 13 books and 6 retorts by game end provided you get most f the Nodes cleared out and the AI doesn't. Going to keep it at Normal Strength for this game though.

Spell Books

White: 5 Books. I am hopelessly addicted to Green Magic so I think I'll change it up for this game. White is good in that it has city and unit development spells that rival Green in usefulness. As I pointed out above, Halflings suffer some in both Gold generation and Production Points. White can offset that somewhat with Prosperity and Inspirations. Trouble there being is that Inspirations usually only makes an appearance late game when it is least likely to have any major effect. Hopefully, it will show up as loot or able to be traded well before that. Stream of Life is a godsend if I happen to get it as it does a GREAT job of hurrying along growth in Dark Elf and Troll cities. It is not too bad to throw on an outpost of any race either, as it can be turned off after jump starting a new city to say 8-10 population.

White also some some nifty unit spells: Invulnerability, Lionheart are good general purpose spells and some like Bless and Righteousness offer outstanding protection against Red and Black spells and creatures.

Trouble with White is that it doesn't develop very fast. It has the capability to make your units and cities virtually unstoppable but there is significant game time that passes before that can happen. That is why, at least in my opinion, it works good with a fast or semi-fast developing race as you are most likely going to have to rely mostly on unenchanted (or lightly enchanted) units rather than magic to get you out of the early game. And it lends itself to a Spell of Mastery win rather than a quick military slash and gut.

Green: 1 Book. As I stated above, I am hopelessly addicted to Green magic and even though I chose to go with another color, I'm not quite prepared to chuck it altogether. Choosing 1 book at least allows the possibility of acquiring the most useful spells in the common/uncommon range. Even though very few Green spells will show up for research, they will be available for trade and as loot. Two that I am very keen to get in that range are Change Terrain and Pathfinding although most all common/uncommon Green spells are useful, at least to my way of thinking.

Game Version

Official 1.31. I have played one unofficial version, MoM Version 2.00 I think it was, and never tried another. Didn't even know about the Insecticide Patches until I signed up here. I might give the latest one a try but haven't been over the entire list of changes. One that did stick out that I don't like is the way Naval Transports were redone. Triremes able to carry 8 units?? I'll have to take some time to read the version updates to make sure I read that right and see if the others changes offset that. I don't want to condemn an update based on one feature without giving it a fair chance.

So early priorities in this game, aside from the standard explore and expand, are to do 3 main things 1)Find a race that has Engineers 2)Find a race that has a good end stage 'heavy' melee infantry and 3)Find a race that makes structures to help bolster the halflings lackluster research pace.

Finding a Beastmen city would satisfy all three with a bonus of enhanced mana generation. Finding a Dwarf city would only satisfy 1 and 2 but would provide a decent boost to gold production. Maybe get the best of both races by finding one of each early, if either race is in the game at all.

Win conditions, just to make it a bit interesting: Spell of Mastery win (unless something happens in the game to prevent that or if any/all AI Wizards get so weak they need to be put out of their misery). My personal casting skill must be over 300 to cast the Spell of Mastery (that can't include any spell caster bonuses due to Heroes in my Enchanted Fortress). Total control of Myrror: all nodes, all towers and all towns PLUS all lairs must be defeated. All spells must be researched before casting the Spell of Mastery even if all other conditions are met.

Additionally: No farming for spells or (summoned)Heroes/Champions. No reloads to avoid bad events EXCEPT I reserve the right to reload any city decimating event (Plague, Meteor Strike, Rebellion) if I have less than 5 cities in the early game. Once I have 5 cities then I won't, even if I go below 5 later in the game. Not saying that I will use the reload in that case, just that I might.


Ok, to work then. Not going to detail this game blow by blow but I will document the early game fairly well and keep up a narrative of important events from then on. Screenies as needed/appropriate.

[Image: 0001.jpg]
[Image: 0002.jpg]

Bless and True Light I like because I seem to get a lot of Undead/Death Raiders in my games. Both can help with that and Bless can be a marginal help against Chaos creatures as well. Heroism would be a good alternate for either one of those spells as well except for its combat casting cost:20 mana, same as True Light but, even though it is only useful against Black creatures, True Light causes a battlefield wide effect where Heroism works only on a single unit.

Endurance because, if I don't get Earth Lore as researchable, a large part of my early exploration is going to be done by Magic Spirits, Endurance will double their speed.

Healing because,'s Healing.

Start (Turn 0001)
[Image: 0003.jpg]

As you can see, not too bad of a starting place. Max pop is 11 but that goes to 16 with Granary/Farmer's Market and if I should happen to come across Change Terrain, getting this city to 25 is little problem providing I don't have to overlap it with too many other cities (not as easy as it sounds sometimes).

2 Specials:Nightshade and Silver which are both good as Silver does give a game start boost to gold and can later be transmuted to Mithril if I want, should I come across that spell.

Has a shoreline for shipbuilding, if no better spot is found and it has all the terrain I need to make all production enhancing buildings the Halflings are capable of making.

Dispel Magic, Holy Armor, Summoning Circle, Just Cause, Water Walking, Guardian Spirit, Heroism and Recall Hero are all initially researchable. Going to go with Water Walking even though it is 64 turns away. Nothing else, save for perhaps Heroism(84 turns) or Holy Armor(44 turns), look very helpful at the moment.

Total spells in my spell book at the moment (thanks to my Rune Key) excluding Arcane Magic:

Incarnation, Guardian Spirit (kinda' light on Summoning Spells).

Plane Shift, Planar Seal (nice ones those two), Raise Dead, Mass Healing(nice). Could have been better but not too awful bad for Special Spells and a 5/1 color split.

Wall of Stone, Stream of Life(excellent), Astral Gate. One great City Spell and 2 duds as I don't think I have ever cast Wall of Stone or Astral Gate.

Just Cause, True Light, CRUSADE, CHARM OF LIFE. Absolutely no useless spells in Enchantments, actually did quite well here for the books I chose.

Resist Elements, Water Walking, Bless, Endurance, Holy Armor, Heroism, Planar Travel, Righteousness. Again, nothing to complain about here either for the books chosen. All the Units Spells are quite useful generally speaking and particularly good against Chaos and Death in the case of a few.

Ice Bolt, Dispel Evil. Combat Spells are very light but what can I expect from a White/Green Spell book combo. Both that I will be able to use are useful.

So, change that extra Farmer to a Worker, queue up a Settler and start casting Magic Spirit and we are off.

Turn 0024
[Image: 0004.jpg]

Just founded my first city and this one can go 20 pop. without any magical help at all. Initial exploration reveals 2 cities, 1 Dwarf (lower one AND it is even located next to Mithril) and 1 Dark Elf (upper one) so in less than 25 turns I have found possible ways to make up for any racial deficiencies the Halflings have in units: Normal and high end Cavalry (Dark Elf Nightmares and vanilla Cavalry), normal and heavy infantry (Dark Elf Halberdiers/Dwarven Hammerhands), Engineers and as an added bonus, Dark Elf Magicians to (eventually) replace any Halfling Shamans, that I might have to make, as ranged magical troops.

And having Dark Elves to draw upon, it solves a lot of the slowness you can run into with spell research when playing Halflings. The boost that DE give to mana production through population can be considerable as well.

Now just need to get into position to conquer them. That is going to take a while because.....well, they are Dark Elves and Dwarves and I'm Halfling. Be a bit before I can match their garrisons with anything I can make I think.

Found some usable Admantium
[Image: 0005.jpg]

Those Spearmen in the upper left corner have a Settler with them. I can use the square just above the Sorcery Node (that has Drakes in it by the way) to make best use of the surrounding terrain without overlapping any other city.

Managed to pick up Stone Skin from an undefended lair and I hired B'shan. He's at the lower end of the Hero range but I like him anyway. Aside from being Noble, he is also a missile Hero. With experience and some Artifacts, he can become a decently powerful force on his own.

I have finished exploring my starting landmass and don't find anything too alarming about it. 4 Nodes (2 Sorcery, 2 Nature) and one Tower. I need to bust the Tower as soon as possible to see what's up there. The spell in it is going to be nice but I REALLY want to know what is up there ASAP.

Starting landmass
[Image: 0006.jpg]

A bit bigger than perhaps I'd normally like it but I'm not going to complain, this is a good starting point.

Turn 0122 (Feb, 1410)
Found Sss'ra. He is 7:White/2:Sorcery, an Alchemist and Troll. Low threat assessment here. He has only 2 cities and I don't think he has room for a third until he expands off his island. Also, another player broke into Myrror and I'm going to make contact now. I'm not happy about that but it is a High Men city and that I can live with. Ability to make Paladins (after conquering the city at some point) is never a bad thing.

[Image: 0007.jpg]
Turns out I screenied Rjak's Town underneath the cursor. But he has Infernal Power, he is Famous and has 9 Death books. He's also a Maniac so that doesn't help. I expect I'll be at war with him within 10 turns which saves me the trouble of declaring on him when I get to where I can take his town. That has become the highest priority I have after securing my main land mass. Get over there, get that town and plug that Tower.

Heh, it didn't even take 10 turns. Introduction followed by war declaration the following turn. Picked up Serena as well. I like that she has magic ranged attack and can cast spells on her own. The Natural Healer trait isn't anything to sneeze at either.

Turn 0246(June 1420)

Found Oberic as well. He is 5:Green/7:Red with Mana Focusing and pretty sure he is Nomad, haven't found his Fortress yet though. He's also Chaotic so I don't expect to stay on his good side for very long although since he has so many Green books, I'll humor him in any way I am able so as to get access to trades.

Haven't quite gotten my starting continent secured but all towns are mine, the Tower is busted and commencing to take out the ruins and claim the 4 nodes.

After securing my continent and with the use of Earth Lore, have found out that Rjak has just two cities (I took out his Myrran 2 cities) I might just go ahead and take him out of the game entirely. We share no spell books in common, he's all death, so I see no upside in keeping him around as he is not even really a credible distraction or threat to the other AI players. But do see a downside as he could be an annoyance to me especially since his current spell is Demon Lord. Either he got that spell with luck or his research is farther along than I thought. So, I think I'll revoke his playing privileges for this game. Also piked up Taki, The Warrior Monk. Not my favorite Hero to be sure but he did show up with Arms Master so I'll keep him around and put him with new stacks to help level up quicker.

Now this is the grand bull-moose winner of all mixed blessings. I got the Change Terrain spell from a lair, which is good, I was hoping to get that spell some way. But I got it out of a lair that had 1 Great Wyrm and 6 Earth Elementals. That should have been worth at least 1 spell book of some sort rather than an uncommon spell, a Chain Mail and some mana. Ah, well. Take what you can get I guess.

Rjak is no longer among the living. It wasn't a very long or hard campaign but I did have to burn up about 12 ultra-elite Admantium Slingers to take down his Enchanted Fortress. He had 2 Demon Lords, B'Shan (even though that wasn't his name, same Hero though), 1 Shadow Demons and Paladins in it. That Ranged Life Stealing attack of the DLs is a pain. The second Demon Lord should have fallen to the first group but he managed to steal just enough life to live through my first retreat and of course, the Shadow Demons were there again, all healed and at full strength, for the second assault as well. This does show why I like Slingers though. The Paladins, since they hunkered down behind the wall instead of sallying, died in place during the second assault with little effort on my part really. Even if they had sallied in the first (or second assault) they still would have died before being able to land a blow but I'd have taken more losses as the DLs and Shadow Demons would have remained pretty much unmolested for the first half of the first assault.

Probably not much for a while, I think I just entered the mid-game grind. I'm going to go ahead and concentrate on securing the rest of Myrror. Specifically, ridding myself of Sss'ra and securing towers. Planar Seal isn't exactly useless to me now but the only other Wizard that has magical means of getting here without using a Tower, is already here. Granted, Shadow Demons can Plane Shift but has anyone actually seen the computer players use this ability with them. I haven't although I guess they could be using it in places where I can't notice.

Also, I'm earning enough gold per turn that I can go ahead and start shifting some power out of the mana wand and into the skill wand. Hopefully it won't be long where I can turn down mana to zero, maintenance only, and get working mana through Alchemy.

Ah, finally. A Sorcery Node guarded by 3 Djinns and 4 Phantom Beast gave up 2 Sorcery books. Not going to complain really even though I was hoping to get Green (1st choice) or White (2nd choice) books as loot. Sorcery works though plenty of good common/uncommon spells there.

Ok, I'm grinding now so time for a some of snapshots:
[Image: 0008.jpg]
[Image: 0009.jpg]
[Image: 0010.jpg]

As you can see, even though I haven't gotten rid of Sss'ra, he no longer has a presence on Myrror and that I pretty much have the run of it. Just in the process of cleaning up the remain Lairs, Towers and Nodes. All of the races I have conquered so far, High Men, Troll, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Draconian and Beastmen, have at least one city that can use Admantium or Mithril, excepting Trolls of course as they can't use either. And with the Change Terrain spell, I have managed to get all my cities, save 2, to where they will reach max population of 25, eventually. All slow growing races (Trolls and Dark Elves) have Stream of Life cast on them and all new cities will have it cast on them until they reach 12-15 population if I can't afford the mana to keep it on longer. Otherwise, it will stay on them until they hit 25.

As soon as my income hits 500, I'll go into the red on per turn mana, when possible, and just start converting gold to mana. Don't want to rely on it totally as I hope to jump start any new towns by outright buying Builder's Hall->Granary->Smithy->Marketplace->Farmer's Market when they flip Hamlet. That means a balancing act for a while alternating gold for purchases and gold for conversion.

As you can see from the bottom screenie, lairs and nodes have been good to me. Along the way I have picked up 2 Blue, 3 Red and an additional White and Green to go along with my starting books. Currently at max for books. Also, I have picked up some decent spells as loot or have shown up as researchable: Floating Island, Transmute, Pathfinding, Altar of Battle,...suffice it say, I am having no trouble casting spells constantly. Finally, Crusade is up and running as the AI players seem to be throwing all the junk they can at me whenever possible. I have also had to retake one of the Myrran Troll towns I got from Sss'ra back twice from him. He had some stacks of ships hanging out relatively close to his Myrran cities. Not a problem anymore. Raiders have been a constant problem but their threat has been diminishing although I did lose a couple of towns to them. One I got back as it was taken by neutral Draconians and stayed a town. The other was turned to ruins and had to be totally re-founded.

Winding down now. Sharee I wiped out almost by mistake. I hit her Enchanted Fortress to keep her from casting another one of those damn Pestilence spells on another one of my cities (I hadn't gotten Consecration yet to use as protection). Turns out she went down in defeat rather than being banished. No worries really but I had though she had enough mana/gold to cast the Spell of Return.

Oberic is currently banished and casting the Spell of Return, he started casting Meteor Storm and I has a stack near his Fort so I thumped him.

All my win conditions have been met. I control all of Myrror, and a decent portion of Arcanus. All nodes, lairs and Towers on Myrror are either wiped out or under my control. All spells are researched and my personal spell casting skill is over 300. 301 actually:
[Image: 0011.jpg]

So, I've started the Spell of Mastery and I'll wrap it up once that is done.

Noting of note to say really. Both Charm of Life and Crusade got Disjuncted during the Spell of Mastery cast but it made no difference.
[Image: 0013.jpg]

The AI's didn't put up much of a fight this time around. I think I got one of those games where it turned out they were fighting each other more than they were me. And, except for Sharee, none of them threw any horrendous spells. The closest anyone ever came to really alarming me was Oberic when he started casting Meteor Storm. He didn't try it again when he returned but then, he didn't really have much time to so so. The SoM only took me something like 14 or 15 turns to cast.

I consider this a good effort. The self imposed win conditions did make it a long one though: 590 turns.

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  Why can't i trade for spells?
Posted by: Question - September 17th, 2011, 00:09 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (16)

I am on the same continent as Oberic. I know he has at least 2 nature spells i can't research (change terrain and transmute). I have 1 nature spellbook.

I have spells that he wants(i can give them to him as tribute), but when i try to exchange spells, he keeps insiting that i don't have any spells for trade.

What's going on?

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  Spell of return, when can the AI cast it?
Posted by: Question - September 17th, 2011, 00:07 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (2)

Ive noticed that sometimes when taking a fortress city, the AI doesn't cast the spell of return, they just get defeated and all their cities get brown flags...what causes this?

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  The early game wall
Posted by: Question - September 16th, 2011, 22:01 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (5)

It seems that early game i keep running into the same problem...i need troops to take nodes/cities/garrison new cities, but i don't have the food/gold to spare.

I tried playing HE and i had a stack of 4 longbowmen, zaldron in the fort and a few longbowmen defenders, but at this point i ran out of food/gold to support a settler and additional longbow defenders. And yet my 4 longbowmen couldnt take any cities(they were losing to slingers in a 1 on 1 fight).

Summoned creatures seem way too mana intensive without conjurer...especially considering how powerful ranged units are compared to them. Why summon a bunch of slow melee units that cost 2 mana to upkeep when high fame makes normal units free?

With flame bladed longbows i was oneshotting most units across the map and that was without mithril.(Does the +1 to hit from alchemist guilds affect ranged attacks btw?)

Once i get past the early game it quickly becomes a mopping up exercise when i have a doom stack of a few heroes and all ranged troops, buffed up, running around and the AI can't do a thing to it...

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