Massive developments over the last 2-3 turns
Yuri was eliminated by Scooter in a 3-turn blitz with Knights/HA. When Scooter declared and razed Yuri's 2nd city on the first turn, I offered Commodore a 4-turn countdown to war and since he had more gold in the bank than the target turn number I clarified with the specific gold amount (134) for my target turn. Commodore mirrored back (3), which I mirrored to him. Then I opened the turn to ...
Yikes! That was quick. And just like that, Yuri's empire evaporated from the map ... leaving a huge sucking sound as a vacuum of power emerges in the northeast. I continued the countdown, but also immediately staged my units in preparation to cut the countdown short on the following turn. Only to open the following turn and find the Commodore skipped the countdown and offered immediate war:
Accepted! Commodore and I each have more power than Scooter, and his army is off in the east. This is the best opening that we are going to get.
I sent Commodore a proposed battle plan in a trade deal:
- Commodore's side: Rice + (2 gold), trying to signify that his responsibility is the two border cities with Rice resource
- My side: Ivory + Gold, trying to signify that I intend to bypass the front city and immediately march my full strength to Amigos.
Between us we need to raze 3 cities. My army is more powerful than Commodore's, both in numbers and quality (knights and maces vs. HA and crossbows). Therefore my army is more fit to wade 5 turns deep into Scooter's culture.
We have 10 turns of peace to eliminate Scooter and then take up defensive positions, and then plan our futures.