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The main problem is that looing the dungeon wants to change the screen multiple times, (hire a hero, distribute items, dialog about mana and gold, in this order) and the current system isnt good enough for this. Also, there is a chainig of network events. I have to incorporate a screenchange queue. and for this Ill have to touch parts of the code I havent touched in a while.

Also, there is a lot of todos left. There is a lot of code that has been written, but due to relying on parts not yet written, never actually run. This has the consequence, that new feature development may result in bugfixing in some other, long written code. Dungeon loot is like that, it has highlighted a number of bugs that I had to adddress before I can go on with the actual looting.

i wanted to do some work today, but the latest build (from november) produces a compile error:
Error 1 Resource file "UI\CreateDungeonTypeForm.resx" cannot be found. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets 2291
could you update to a working version?

Sure. Im currently abroad so it might take a few days.

It seems I left off in an uncompiling state. Let me correct that first, than ill update.

I really want to wrap this up to a point, where I can say all featureas have an implementation, and call it alpha. This project turned out to be a blocker for other projects, because I dont want to start anything until i finished the previous thing.

And, progress has been made again. Yay!

More bugs fixed. Now gold/mana loot works as intended.
More bugs found: missile weapons only can attack each 3. turn for some reason...
Next up: items

Added items. The itemscreen lacks functionality (cant give item to anywhere), this is up next. I made itempowers, but need to tie them to the wearer.

And done. Item screen seems to work fine.

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