Pottery in, on to writing.
Thoughts here were that I've half price libraries, and am using the min/max method of sciencing, so the buildings would be good to get in commerce cities (pretty much every one at the moment). It also allows me access to the whole of the top of the tree, though I'll get some military tech in first.
Stand-Idle got it's granary, will be whipped in next turn, overflow to settler, before doubling back on the barracks for a few turns for regrowth, and then finish the settler (probably with a whip).
Macánta finishes the barracks, probably through a very late whip, and then full on army production.
Googy finishes the warrior naturally, goes onto a granary and whips into workers from four pop. It'll put out army any time it needs regrowth (possibly just for a few turns and queued).
Bog grows up and gets the Granary before I decide what to do with it, mainly because I'm not too sure what I can use it for at the moment. It will be shield heavy, so probably unit producer no.2.
Just including the treasury to show my expenses. They're expensive.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.