As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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When do AI ships fire missiles in ship-to-ship?

I've been mucking about, unwinding after IMP-42, having fun re-playing Ianus last turnset from OSG-28 to understand how he won, and trying a "One Planet Empire" challenge (Meklar, Small, Simple - surprisingly easy). While doing this, I noticed an AI behaviour that surprised me. In both games, my defences were heavily reliant on Repulsor ships, and the AI had a number of designs stacked with missiles that could (notionally) harm me.

However, if I engaged the AI in the right-most few columns of the screen, they would not fire their missiles. This happened both if I were defending a planet or if we were in "neutral" space. Some of the time (particularly in the OPE game) I could have outrun the missiles anyway, but watching an AI huge packed with Merculites just sit there in a corner trying to get closer to my (undefended) planet, while constantly being pushed back by my single, shield3 repulsor was kind of wierd.

If I let ships get a few columns into the screen then they would fire. Anyone else seen this?
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

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