@RefSteel: You may be right that the bug occurs when the AI can no longer support its ships, I know I have read that before. That does seem odd in the context of my Meklar game though, where both the Klackons (who appear to have a decent economy and of course have their extra Klackon production bonus) and the Psilons (who have a whole bunch of planets) have at least one ship group showing 32000. Thank you for clarifying the "64000 - X" formula, that is new to me.
@sargon0: Thank you.. I did not know that editors provide that information. Hopefully I didn't come across as criticizing, that was not my intention. Thank you for mentioning your new success with editing fleets in transit. I'll bring it up if I see the bug.
@sargon0: Thank you.. I did not know that editors provide that information. Hopefully I didn't come across as criticizing, that was not my intention. Thank you for mentioning your new success with editing fleets in transit. I'll bring it up if I see the bug.