It is indeed very elegant.
When the game begins and you first start researching, you'll be presented with a random selection of techs from Tier One in each field. You will always have at least one tech to research in each field, but you may have several or all, depending on the limited research list.
As soon as you complete research on a tech, you will be presented with all the previously available and unresearched techs for that field, plus a new random assortment from the next Tier. In other words, the instant you research one single tech in a Tier, you unlock the following Tier of that field for possible research.
If you choose to research old techs that reside in anything besides than your most advanced unlocked Tier, you do not get any unlocking benefit, you just get whatever benefit that individual tech provides; you must complete research on a single tech in your highest available Tier to unlock further options. I don't believe there is any lower bound at all.
The same rules apply if you acquire a tech through trade, espionage, or combat. The next time the scientist asks what to research, the highest Tier available will be the one following whichever Tier holds your most advanced owned tech.
As for the displayed Tech Level, you are correct that it has no direct relation to the Tiers. Here's how it works. What is the Tech Level of your single most advanced owned technology in a field? Multiply that value by .8 and round down, then add the total number of techs you own in that field.
Therefore if your highest tech in computers in Battle Computer III (TL 10), but your displayed level is 13, you must be a completionist:
int(10*.8) = 8
8 +5 = 13
In other words, you have four lesser techs than the Battle Computer III. Someone who tries to vault up the Tiers as quickly as possible (only owns one other tech, like ECM Jammer I), might have Battle Computer III but only be Tech Level 10:
int(10*.8) = 8
8+2 = 10
So your Tech Level in a field varies depending on how much of a completionist you are. Sometimes it is strategic to research as few techs as possible and vault up the Tiers, but sometimes it is advantageous to fill out old technologies.
When the game begins and you first start researching, you'll be presented with a random selection of techs from Tier One in each field. You will always have at least one tech to research in each field, but you may have several or all, depending on the limited research list.
As soon as you complete research on a tech, you will be presented with all the previously available and unresearched techs for that field, plus a new random assortment from the next Tier. In other words, the instant you research one single tech in a Tier, you unlock the following Tier of that field for possible research.
If you choose to research old techs that reside in anything besides than your most advanced unlocked Tier, you do not get any unlocking benefit, you just get whatever benefit that individual tech provides; you must complete research on a single tech in your highest available Tier to unlock further options. I don't believe there is any lower bound at all.
The same rules apply if you acquire a tech through trade, espionage, or combat. The next time the scientist asks what to research, the highest Tier available will be the one following whichever Tier holds your most advanced owned tech.
As for the displayed Tech Level, you are correct that it has no direct relation to the Tiers. Here's how it works. What is the Tech Level of your single most advanced owned technology in a field? Multiply that value by .8 and round down, then add the total number of techs you own in that field.
Therefore if your highest tech in computers in Battle Computer III (TL 10), but your displayed level is 13, you must be a completionist:
int(10*.8) = 8
8 +5 = 13
In other words, you have four lesser techs than the Battle Computer III. Someone who tries to vault up the Tiers as quickly as possible (only owns one other tech, like ECM Jammer I), might have Battle Computer III but only be Tech Level 10:
int(10*.8) = 8
8+2 = 10
So your Tech Level in a field varies depending on how much of a completionist you are. Sometimes it is strategic to research as few techs as possible and vault up the Tiers, but sometimes it is advantageous to fill out old technologies.