Reading this thread made me think of a scenario where it may be impossible to test without some memory editing. What happens if a planet is infused with sufficient cash to last a few turns, and is captured in ground combat the very next turn. Does the cash disappear, or are they still there and the winner gets to use it up?
What about bombardment? Does it reset the cash to 0 for that planet if colony is destroyed. What about bioweapons that leaves factories behind? Does that leave cash or disappear as well?
This discussion has been very interesting to me, as I'm implementing the reserves/production boosting right now in my game.
What about bombardment? Does it reset the cash to 0 for that planet if colony is destroyed. What about bioweapons that leaves factories behind? Does that leave cash or disappear as well?
This discussion has been very interesting to me, as I'm implementing the reserves/production boosting right now in my game.
Dominus Galaxia, a Master of Orion inspired game I'm working on.