1) I'm thinking about that one as well. What I should have done was to place the starting warrior more coastal rather than more inland. I expected the tile bleed and the fish to tell players that coastal start was a real possibility. I was too subtle but I do not feel that I should mess with the starting screenshots now.
2) I wanted the players to each have a monopolies so the only real choice was calendar luxuries. 4 wine/incense is a good pantheon but not broken as it requires you to work weak foodhammer tiles in the early game. The generic ones like 1 happy or 1 hammer per city should be ok in comparison. You also have to invest to get the pantheon. The difference between having a calendar lux and a mining lux is much bigger to my mind than having wine rather than sugar. Salt or citrus is even bigger.
3) Both continents have one cultural, military and maritime. 3 Religious are on the bigger islands. 2 maritime and 2 cultural are on the poles. There are 3 natural wonders: Lake Victoria in Africa as you spotted, mount Fuji in Japan Nw and Uluru in Australia SE. All players have a chance at them if they scout their islands early, anyone planting a coastal cap will obviously have an advantage. Polynesia would have a huge advantage and is the only civ to have a realistical possibility to settle one of them early enough (think turn 40) for it to be game changing.
2) I wanted the players to each have a monopolies so the only real choice was calendar luxuries. 4 wine/incense is a good pantheon but not broken as it requires you to work weak foodhammer tiles in the early game. The generic ones like 1 happy or 1 hammer per city should be ok in comparison. You also have to invest to get the pantheon. The difference between having a calendar lux and a mining lux is much bigger to my mind than having wine rather than sugar. Salt or citrus is even bigger.
3) Both continents have one cultural, military and maritime. 3 Religious are on the bigger islands. 2 maritime and 2 cultural are on the poles. There are 3 natural wonders: Lake Victoria in Africa as you spotted, mount Fuji in Japan Nw and Uluru in Australia SE. All players have a chance at them if they scout their islands early, anyone planting a coastal cap will obviously have an advantage. Polynesia would have a huge advantage and is the only civ to have a realistical possibility to settle one of them early enough (think turn 40) for it to be game changing.