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Where is the turn number/date in the UI?

Hey there, Realms Beyond, it's been a while.

Just bought MOO from GOG the other night after reading some of Sullla's old stuff, and I did not get a wink of sleep so maybe starting a game immediately had been a bad idea. I did win my first game as the Mrrshan, but it was on Average difficulty so probably not that spectacular, ha ha.

Anyway, I feel silly making a whole thread for this but I can't seem to find a general Q&A thread here. Sullla's reports mentioned a lot of turn numbers, but I could never see the current turn aside from when I founded a colony or built a ship. Is that info hiding somewhere or am I just tired and blind?

I don't think you're blind, it's very well hidden. In the base game, click on Races, then Status. With kyrub's unofficial patch (highly recommended!), it is also displayed on the map screen. The turn number is given as a year, with 2300 as the first turn.

Yup, it was hiding there. Thanks!

(Just ruined 100 turns of diplomacy in a game because my war ally captured a planet that I had transports en route to. I guess that's just how MOO rolls, huh?)

Hi, Whosit! Great to see another person discover the fun that is MoO. nod

The transports already on the way issue has led to trouble in more games than I can count. frown

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