As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Woden gets swept away by the Gathering Storm in PBEM15

Persia: The End Game cont.

Next, let's look in the northeast...

This area is still unsettled and my next 4 settler will go here. I will send them to the farthest city locations first and can buy a settler every 4 or so turns, so they should be all settled around the same time. The good thing about this area is lots of flat coastal areas but there is limited freshwater.

Northern Lights
Northern Lights is pretty much a tundra junk city but does have a good location for a national park and +4 Campus or Holy Site. It will take a while to grow and will need a granary and aqueduct or neighborhood to be much of anything. I plan to settle off of the water and will be suffering from the housing penalty right away. Now that I look at it, it might be better to settle on the forested river tile just southeast of the pin. I want to save the wood for chopping but it might be a better city if it can grow a little bit. It will need more builder labor than shown. Probably needs about 15 builder charges.   

Fog will have some nice spots for seaside resorts, 6 spots pinned. It needs lots of builder love to get appeal high enough for the resorts with forests and Pairidaezas where possible. The city will build walls and a granary after it is settled. After that, hopefully I can buy the harbor and it can work on the buildings. In total, I have pinned 26 charges for Fog.

Blizzard is another junk tundra city but does have locations for 5 seaside resorts. Builds are pretty much like Fog...walls and granary, then Harbor. It will have some wood to chop a few things out, so that is good. It will need 24 charges to get the work done.

Tropical Depression
This city is planned as a canal city to the small inland sea but as it turns out will have lots of places for seaside resorts, 10 is total. And only need 21 builder charges. Same as the others for city builds. The goal here will be to get all of the walls up before I hit Steel. This city will also be my military hub for the northeast. Strategically, it protects my northeastern flank and would be a key location for an eastern invasion.

In total, these four cities will need 86 builder charges but will get 24 when settled, so not too bad. It will take a while to get the borders pushed out and I will probably have to buy a few tiles if I want to speed things along. I figure I should be able to start settling the first few around T170.

Next up will be my original core and I need to figure out how I am going to do all of this as fast as I can...

Persia: The End Game cont.

Now for my original core...

This area is fairly well developed but there is still plenty to do. Starting in the north...

1,000-year Storm
This city will be where my last settler goes before the era change. It is mostly a filler but has 2 spots for seaside resorts and a possible ski resort. It also has some good spots for districts and will start a commercial hub after its walls are complete. Needs about 15 builder charges to get it going but also has lots to chop for speedy growth and wall production. It should end up a decent city once it can get some infrastructure down. 

Bomb Cyclone
Bomb Cyclone needs to be repaired from the tornado and needs some builder beyond that. I just noticed I pinned an invalid tile (4th ring for both cities), well actually invalid until the city starts grabbing 4th ring tiles. It has 1 seaside resort location within its 3 rings but if it grabs 4th ring tiles, it will have another. The city also has a spot for a national park if I want to unhook a spice tile, which might be worth it once I get some of the other sites made into national parks. It need 14 builder charges but a few will be jungle chops to get the city growing. With the Great Bath it has 13 housing and can support much more population. I could also harvest the bananas and rice if I want to grow it bigger. Might start with the rice so I can plant some trees. The city is currently working on its Industrial Zone and I will chop out a workshop and bank before it repairs the Encampment and library. Maybe I can fit those in before the bank, since I need the forest tile southeast of the Pyramids for the chop. I will use this city to push out builders and chase boosts when needed. At size 13, it will build a Theater Square to collect artifacts.

Ground Blizzard
This city has some pretty nice spots for seaside resorts (6) once the jungle is cleared out. Needs about 31 charges (some not pinned) to clear out everything and plant some trees. There is lots of food here, so I may need to build a neighborhood. I will chop out a shipyard for the boost to Stream Power and might build one of the early water wonders after the walls are complete, hell, maybe even both. The city needs production and will need some love shortly after I can start planting trees.

Sun Showers
This city needs housing but after the granary s finished, the city works on walls and the next discounted Theater Square. My next available trade route will come here to help everything along. It needs 11 builder charges to get a few tiles going. After the Theater Square, it will work on a Commercial Hub for the trader route but will probably take forever becuase it will be a small city with limited production. 

Sun Dogs
Sun Dogs needs some fisherman to come over and hook up all this seafood. It has spots for 2 seaside resorts and needs a few small improvements. In total, it needs 8 builder charges. The city work on the walls and harbor before kicking out builders. 

Flash Flood
This city has a few sites for seaside resorts and a few other improvements. In total, it needs at least 6 builder charges. As for city builders, it will work on it walls after the granary and then a Harbor or Theater Square. 

Polar Vortex
My capital is fairly well developed as it stands but can always be improved. There is 1 location for a seaside resort but the tile will probably be switch to Alberta Clipper to work it for the gold. There are a few spots for Pairidaezas and some forests. 10 builder charges are needs, probably a little more. The city needs housing and will build a neighborhood when I get the chance. Otherwise, it will be chasing boosts and pumping out builders. I do want a commercial hub here at size 10 for the additional trade route.

Alberta Clipper
This one will be founded after the north. It has a few locations for seaside resorts and plenty of land for forests. Production in this city will be weak until it grows and I plant a few trees. It has 15 charges needed  but 6 will come from its founding. 

Inversion Clouds
There are a few locations for resorts along the southern coast. IV has 2 of them, plus a nice ski resort mountain. It needs 14 builder charges plant some trees and improve some tiles. Like all my coastal cities, it will work on its walls and granary and then finish the harbor. 

Derecho has a few spots in the south for resorts and a nice spot for a national park. It needs 18 builder charges. I do plan on building the Cristo statue once it is available. Other than that, the city needs housing  and will chase boosts and build builders when it can. 

In summary, this area needs about 132 builder charges to get everything pinned done. 

In total for all 3 areas, I have 351 builder charges worth of work to get done. Assuming 6.25 charges per builder, that is 57 builders. That's a lot of builders! No way I am going to get that all done before the end of the game but I need to work out how I can get as much done as possible. 

There is 51 seaside resort locations, 25 Pairidaezas (they give tourism equal to their culture at Flight), and 7 national park locations. Assuming an average of 6 for appeal after Eiffel Tower, that should be 850 additional tourism per turn. Is it enough, I don't know. Need to sit down and work it out still but should be a good start. 

Next, I will discuss how I might get this done. Stay Tuned...

Strategy Outline
The way I see it, I have 3 phases left to win the game and each is summarized below:

Phase 1: Boosts, Expansion, and Defense
This phase will cover the near term. I have been able to keep up/catch up in science because I have carefully tried to get as many boosts as I can and I think the others (for going to war or protection) have been teching unboosted techs, allowing me to stay in the middle while running 20% less science. Same goes for culture but I have been leading that for a while and am starting to pull away. Looking at tourist, I have 89 domestic tourist, sub has 68, and pin has 61. Each tourist equals 100Icon_Culture either generated or inspired, so I have earned 2,100Icon_Culture more than sub and 2,800Icon_Culture more than Pin so far in this game. I think most of that is related to research more than boosts since it is about equal to the 3 civic lead I have, but I still want to chase boosts to deny them the ability to catch up.  I am going to work on getting some needed boosts before I start clearing my land and getting ready for seaside resorts. The boost I can get in the near future are:
  • 3 workshops for Industrialization. One is already finished at Micro Burst, Bomb Cyclone will chop one out, and La Nina will start one next turn.
  • 2 Banks for Economics. One will be build at Derecho and one chopped out at Bomb Cyclone.
  • 2 Shipyards for Steam Power. I will chop them out while running Veterancy at Thundersnow and Ground Blizzard. 
  • 2 Field Cannons for Scotched Earth. Will upgrade a few once Ballistics is done and I can 1-turn swap into the Upgrade cards.
  • An Archaeological Museum for Natural History. El Nino will start one next turn and the builder at Thunderstorm will harvest the stone to speed it along. 
  • A breathtaking Neighborhood for Conservation. No sure if I will get this one. Might chop one out at Thundersnow while Liang is there. 
Those are what I will focus on in the near future (10-15 turns). 

For expansions, I should be able to get out 6 settlers before I am out of Monumentality. The first 4 will go north and should settle around the same time. 

For defense, I am building walls in all my cities for the defensive strength and tourism, plus I will start running the Military Research card at Urbanization to get +2Icon_Science for Renaissance Walls; 21 cities will supply 42Icon_Science. I am going to change my beeline to Globalization, since Space Race will obsolete Military Research. Instead, I am going to beeline Environmentalism for the +25% tourism.

Once Nationalism finishes in a couple of turns, I am going to switch up policies to include the +50%Icon_Production to crossbows and spit 5 or 6 out for added defense. About the time I am ready to finish Urbanization and Conservation, I will policy swap to upgrade units and switch policies to build shipyards and builders. After 6 or so crossbows, I should be fairly set on defenders and can shift to developing my empire for a cultural victory. 

Phase 2: Spring Cleaning
Once I get my next 6 cities founded and start running Military Research, the others will concede and the game will be over. I should start pulling ahead with science and there will be no way for them to catch me. But just in case they are delusional and want to continue, I need to think about setting up a cultural victory. This phase will start in about 15 turns, when I start pumping out builders to harvest all the old growth forests and jungles and start setting up my lands for the seaside resorts and national parks. After I upgrade a bunch of units, I will put in Public Works card and start pumping out builders. I will focus on chopping out the remaining walls in my lower production cities and putting down the Pairidaezas to get more culture and faith. I have lots of builder work laid out and need lots of builders. My more developed cities Micro Burst, La Nina, Bomb Cyclone, Polar Vortex, and El Nino will be the primary builder pumps. Priority will be to the coastal cities making sure my bigger cities are working improved tiles. Once I reach Radio, I will then start putting down seaside resorts.

Phase 3: The End Game
This phase will start once I research Radio and Steel. I will build the Cristo Redentor at Derecho and the Eiffel Tower at Micro Burst. Hopefully Gustave Eiffel is the next Great Engineer and I can get him to help build his tower. I will probably need to build an Industrial Zone at Derecho to help speed the Cristo Redento along, and will fit that in when I can. I will continue spitting out builders to get as many seaside resorts  as I can. About this time, I will also have 4 governor titles for Moksha and be able to faith buy districts. My focus will be on Harbors and Theater Squares in all my new cities. Harbors for trade routes and Theater Squares for artifacts. But I need to be cautious, because I will also need faith for Naturalists. Once the Eiffel Tower is complete, my faith should skyrocket as most tiles should be getting the +2Icon_Faith from my pantheon.  

Not sure how long it will take to get enough tourists for the cultural victory but I should be able to get my tourism up to 1,500 and get 2 tourists per turn from each player. The problem with this route is that I am not sure I can get enough tourism to win quickly. On a small map in SP, there would be 5 players to get tourists from. Here, I still need 750 tourism per tourists but am only collecting them from 2 players. I can also get bonuses from open borders but probably not hear because why would they give them to me. I can send trade routes to pin and sub for +25% tourism plus the Online Communities policy card grants +50% tourism for trade routes. There is also rock bands if I think I can get them into one of their cities. Might be worth a try but I am not going to rely on them. There is the Heritage Tourism card that grants +100% to artifacts and I will try to get some of those. 

Finally, my plan is to go into a dark age next era change, take the benefit that grants +1 era point to industrial buildings, and get a Heroic Age during the Modern Period. A dark age will also give me the policy that adds +2Icon_Food and +2Icon_Production to trade routes bu t I can't settle new cities. I should be done with settlers, so my trade routes will be more beneficial, especially to newer cities. 

Well, that is a good summary of my strategy to win this game. It will be interesting to see if this game goes this far and maybe I continue with it after the others concede just to see how long it would take. I am pretty sure this is now my game to lose and don't really see a path for the others. Even if they attack together, I rule the sea, will be able to make corps in a couple of turns, have the largest army, can make more money than the others, can faith buy units, and will have Renaissance Walls up everywhere with Urban Defenses to follow shortly afterwards.  If I was a betting man, I would say this game will last until the next era change, about 20 turns. If they do attack, I will not get so many new cities as I will need to spread my religion around for DotF. The good thing is that with the cities I have converted so far putting pressure on the surrounding cities, I should be able to convert my cities with 1 charge, except maybe El Nino with its high population.

Back in business after suboptimal's vacation and I have a few turns to report...

Turn 161
Took some time to look around and remember what I needed to do this turn. I chop out the second galley at Thunderstorm and switched civics so Nationalism will finish next turn and I can get out of Maritime Industries. Buy a settler at Bomb Cyclone for 480Icon_Faith and need to decide where this one is going, either up north or east of Polar Vortex. I think I am going to move Magnus to Micro Burst after I chop the workshop, so I will send it east next turn. In fact, I will wait until I can buy another one for north of Bomb Cyclone before moving Magnus. That way I can get a few more cities settled quicker. 

Here is the current score breakdown...

I have more than a 200 point lead on the others but a bunch of that is due to wonders and religion. The important score here is empire score and I lead that by almost 100 points and my lead will only get bigger. Unless the others can do something radical, this game is pretty much over and with any luck, will be a fairly boring game for the lurkers as I build my way to victory. If all goes smoothly, I think I can reach cultural victory by T250.

The 3rd World Congress is next and let's hope for something good, like the 50% bonus to district buildings. I think worst thing now would be the +50%Icon_Production for units. Don't need the others building massive armies while I set up my tourism. 

Third World Congress
World Congress is in session...

The cultural and luxury policy resolutions...My votes are shown. It would be bad if the others gained up on me and denied my borders to expand but I don't think they will put many votes into that resolution. The luxury policy could be where most of the votes go to. I chose to make duplicates of furs grant amenities. I think suboptimal has the most votes and will pick whatever he has duplicates of, I think it is Ivory. Pindicator will probably choose tea.

Turn 162
And the win is...

I won the border control treaty, gaining culture bombs to new districts...which I will only build a few of during this period. Suboptimal won the Luxury Policy, gaining more happiness for Ivory. I gain 1 diplomatic point for choosing 1 resolution right. I will have to watch the great people screen now that suboptimal will gain Bologna's suzerain bonus again.

Start turn off with...

This gives a chance to change policies but before I do, I chop the third boat at Thunderstorm, then change policies...

Conscription goes back in to boost my gold and Grande Armee, so I can build a few crossbows. The current civic plan will be to bring Natural History and Civil Engineering down to 1 turn and then do an upgrade swap to make a few frigates and then bring Urbanization and Scorched Earth down to 1 turn to do an upgrade swap to upgrade a few field cannons for the boost to Scorched Earth. At the first upgrade swap, I will put in Public Works and found my 2 southern cities and faith buy a builder to start chopping at Thundersnow to get ready for seaside resorts. Then swap out again until I build all my crossbows. 

For a while now, I have had Sun Tzu scouting north of pindicator's land and this turn, he will know I am here...

Didn't have much choice as I moved next to his units and could not move far enough away so if they moved north, he won't see me, so I figured I would try to get vision on his city. That should be a nice city with Petra in there. I can see at least 2 desert hills and a geo vent. Surprised the hills are not mined yet but it is a border town, so maybe suboptimal had units threatening any builders that comes that way. 

Turn 163

Now I can build Frigates and work towards Industrialization. Last turn, a trader finished its route at Micro Burst and I sent him over to Thunderstorm. This turn I can send the route...

Pretty nice yields on those routes. I decide to go food over production and send it to El Nino. I could have gain another Icon_Production by send it to Bomb Cyclone or La Nina but I want the shorter route and quicker growth in the city. A new trader finished at Drought and was sent to Sun Shower to speed its development.

At Bomb Cyclone, Industrial Zone finishes and I chop into the Workshop, bring it down from 10 turns to 2. The timing for Industrialism will now depend on the workshop at La Nina, due in 6 turns.

Turn 164
Not much going on this turn. I have collected enough faith for another settler...

This one will go to 1000-year Storm location and I send Magnus to Micro Burst so I can get the settlers closer to the north.

Turn 165
Open the save to Amani establishing at Antananarivo, regaining suzerain...

know we'll see if suboptimal has anymore envoys. Right now, Antanananrivo's bonus is giving me 25.8Icon_Culture (+16%) and I will get another 2% next turn when I gain an Admiral. Hope he is out of envoys but I will get another 2 when Natural History finishes, 2 when Scorched Earth finishes, and 3 at Conservation. Bomb Cyclone finishes the workshop and repairs the Library. Figure I will repair stuff before kicking out a crossbow. Should have time before I need to finish Ballistics. 

I noticed a great opportunity...

Moved next the camp a few turns with the crossbow and got my butt kicked. Retreated and and this turn, thanks to Brussels' musket, I can poach the camp. Hit the barb with a boat and moved the crossbow up to take the camp...bonus 50Icon_Gold for me. There is another camp in the north by pindicator's land that I think I can grab with Sun Tzu if I kill the barb with my boats but since I finished Square Rigging, there might be a Frigate up there. Boats will next move to Thunderstorm to get upgraded before going after the camp. No sense losing a quadrireme for no reason.

Turn 166
Start turn off with a Great Admiral...

The +1 vision on all naval units will be nice for my fleet keeping an eye out for any invasion coming my way but he does help Frigates, so I will probably keep him around for a little while. Also notice the Great Merchant. Suboptimal is making 4 or 5 more GM points (thanks to Bologna) than me and just passed me in total points. I don't want him to get the GM, so I will have to do something about that, either run a few projects or stick a few envoys into Bologna. Might be the projects because...

He placed his Amani into Antananaviro. Good thing I will get 2 more envoys in 3 turns. And will get another 3 at Conservation and 2 at Scorched Earth and should have those done in 10 or so turns if I keep suzerain of Antananaviro. The first 2 will go into Antananaviro but after that, I could send a few to Bologna but not sure if that will be too late. I think El Nino will run a project after the Museum. Maybe have La Nina or Bomb Cyclone run one too. I would leave the projects at 1 turn until he gets close and then snatch the GM out from under him. 

In other news, I harvest a stone at El Nino to knock 3 turns off of the museum, due in 2 turns. I switched out of Natural History and start Scorched Earth while I wait for the boost to Natural History. I also start bring a few boats to cities to be upgraded when I do my next policy swap. I think I can upgrade 6 boats, 2 in each ocean.

Turn 167
A couple of notifications when I opened the save. One was a new barb camp, let's see where...

Just south of Derecho. Should be easy to dispatch. I move the crossbow towards the camp and send the musket at Inversion Clouds swimming towards the camp. Hopefully the skirmisher moves toward the city and I can kill it next turn. Then I will move the crossbow to start working on the pike and shot. It will take a couple of turns for the musket to swim over to the camp. 

Museum at El Nino will finish next turn and both my settlers are in position, so I switch research over to Civil Engineering for a policy swap. I also switch tech research to Ballistics as Industrialization is down to the boost, which I should get in 4 turns.

Pindicator comes calling with a delegation. I accepted and sent one of my own. See no harm. I guess he could be using it for the boost to military strength with increased diplomatic vision but I really don't see much threat for either of the other players right now. I can make corps and faith buy units, so if either try something, I can quick make stronger and more units. My thought on accepting ot is that maybe I can get open borders down the line.

Turn 168
Bonus second turn for the day and it was a good turn. Start of with...

Time to switch policies...

Out goes Limes, Triangle Trade, and the +50% for crossbow card and in goes the builder and upgrade cards. I kept conscription because I think I have more than 36 units (I have 9 trade routes, one is not active right now). I could be wrong, didn't count. Doesn't matter since everything is changing back in next turn. Time for some upgrades. I upgrade 6 Frigates, 2 in each ocean and should have enough money next turn if I can get the barb camp in the south, but we will get to that in a minute. First, I settle 2 cities...  

1000-year Storm and Alberta Clipper. I place a Commercial Hub at 1000-year Storm and a Harbor at Alberta Clipper to lock in costs and both start walls. I will chop out the ancient walls at 1000-year Storm so I can place a Pairidaeza and already placed on at Alberta Clipper. I also buy a Builder at Thundersnow and can buy a Settler at Micro Burst next turn, once Magnus is established. 

Down south, the skirmisher moved towards the city and I was able to 1-shot it with the city. The Pike and Shot also moved up, so I shot it with the crossbow...

If he doesn't move back into the camp, I can grab the gold with my musket and upgrade another Frigate. 

Up by Tornado, I notice pindicator is sending over a musket and he has a boat head towards Thunderstorm (saw before I moved my quads back to get upgraded). Pretty sure he is just checking me out but he may be wanting to see if I am a softer target than suboptimal. Good luck with that. I am half tempted to declare war and take out his seaport city, just so he can build ships but I don't know. We will have to see what the coming turns bring.

Turn 169
Open the save to...

Now I can swap back to mt other policies but first need to see if the barb moved back into the camp...nope, he moved towards my crossbow and is in range of the city and I just produced another crossbow at Derecho. I shot with all three but didn't quite kill it. Musket disembarks and take the camp gold. I look around to see what is going on and figure where I want to upgrade another unit and to my surprise, notice this...

One unit could be scouting, two units is something else. He can't be looking to kill a city state, since that is banned. I think this game might start to become interesting. Not sure if he realizes I have vision on his units right now. Not sure if this is an invasion being mounted or a distraction to pull my units west. If I were him, I would send a small forces to my western boundary while mounting a larger force to invade my eastern shores. I send my horseman I have poking around between pin's and sub's borders back to see what else is in the fog. I also send my knights to Thunderstorm and start shifting some of my southern units north. I have plenty in the south in case something shows up there. I also send my 2 frigates in the north to take out the barb camp so Sun Tzu can get the gold. They will then poke around pin's shore to see if I can see any activity. He does have a boat poking around Thunderstorm in the north sea. 

Out east, in the Pacific Ocean, I might send my boats to the other side of the world and park them just off shore to get early warning on an invasion force mounting. Would give me more time to take action and position my troops and take pot shots as they cross. Also, still debating if I should use Lief Erikson for the added vision. I decide to upgrade an immortal near Tornado so I can make a corps if needed. Really want to wait until the next era to save the points but I might need to for the added defense. Also bought a missionary to convert Tornado and Thunderstorm. I should still have enough faith over the next 11 turns to buy my 3 remaining settlers after the one I bought this turn. Last remaining charge on the missionary will probably go to the canal city I am going to settle with the settler I just bought.  I am going to settle that city first since it will add the best protection to my eastern shore. The other city location is to far north to give any warning or added protection. 

Anyways, after the upgrade, I finally do a policy swap...

Decide to put in Veterancy to chop out the shipyards since I have the builders around. Also, probably chop out the encampment at Tornado. And since I need to run 3 military cards, I couldn't run conscription too, so Triangle Trade went back in and my income dropped by 14 more gold. I do have more than 36 units, I have 50. Should gain some of it back, as another trade route ended and was moved to 1000-year Storm and not sure if I started the one at Alberta Clipper before or after the policy swap but I will gain gold for each converted city. Also noticed Drought is going to convert in 3 turns, so it will be +8 more gold.

Edit: Quick addition. Forgot to mention last turn pindicator didn't accept my delegation, so if he is planning an attack, it is not unexpected and is half the reason I accepted his delegation (other half being free gold). Let him have +3 MS for higher diplomacy. I am hoping he is planning something. If fact, I am hoping he is working something out with suboptimal through the trade screen (such as joint war with the number of turns in gold) and they get a military alliance for additional +5 MS when fighting me. A war would make this game much more fun and probably end sooner. Am I worried about a 2 v! They have to travel and their supply lines will be long, plus, it is doubtful that either of them have the oligarchy legacy card...I do. Defender of the faith + the oligarchy legacy card + The Grand Master's Chapel and almost 200Icon_Faith per turn + some Great Generals...I should be alright. Besides, I have only seen 1 boat from either of them and I have like 14 or 15 and they have to attack by ocean...Of coarse, I could be reading into this way too much, it is only 2 units...but one could hope. This game is kind of boring to report. "Hey, I built that and placed this. Finished this and chopped out that..." gets kind of repetitive. I guess I am just a little excited about a war and don't think bring the fight to them would be worth it.

Turn 170
Open the save to a notification of a megacolossal volcano eruption...

Wiped out a unit and 4 population at Yugul...ouch! City is down to 1 population! He is gaining some nice tile yields but too bad he now doesn't have the population to work them. Glad it is not Bomb Cyclone. That volcano has been dormainate all game. Pretty sure it will decide to erupt when it is most inconvenient. 

Anyways, not much going on this turn. Units move and cities build. I have not built a spy yet because I didn't have vision on any of the others' cities. But now I do...

Everything at Bomb Cyclone is repaired, so it starts a spy instead of a crossbow to go look at sub's and pin's cities. I will build another at Micro Burst next and switch into the spy diplo card next policy swap. It will hurt my gold income but conscription is going back in so should be a wash. 

Turn 171
Open the save to boost for Industrialism, the workshop at La Nina has finished. Switch research to Industrialism. Get a notification that the World Congress is holding a special session at the end of the turn. Pindictaor must have called a aid referendum. Why? It is not like we will actual send him aid...wait, I could vote yes and send him like 10Icon_Gold to win and get 2 diplomatic points. Interesting.

I get vision on one of pin's units again...

Don't know if this is a new musket or the same one I saw a few turns ago. I lost vision last turn and assumed they travel south along the road. It is going to take a few turns for my horseman to get over here to look. 

I decided to use Leif Erikson this turn to get the extra vision. It will help my units is the eastern ocean see more as they keep an eye out for swimming units. Up in the northern sea...

My Frigates take out the spearman and Sun Tzu should be able to take the camp next turn.

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