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[SPOILERS] Woden gets swept away by the Gathering Storm in PBEM15

(July 3rd, 2019, 10:11)Banzailizard Wrote: What are your plans for your local city states, especially given the houserules for this game?

I should be able to get suzerain of Antananarivo fairly soon. Their quest is to build a campus, which I will do at Bomb Cyclone once Writing is complete and I will place the envoy from Mysticism for the third envoy. I do play to build a few Theater Squares to increase adjacency on my unique improvement, so I will be able to use them. 

Not sure what to do about Jerusalem. Even if I get Suzerain, I don't think I can travel through the city center and get past the mountains. And I am not sure how much religion will play in this game or at least I have no plans to build a Holy Site any time soon. The best scenario would be for Jester to become Suzerain and I capture the city if I go to war with him and find a back door into his lands but I think that is unlikely. We will have to see.

Turn 38
Builder finishes at Bomb Cyclone but will have to wait a few turns for Magnus to establish to chop out the Encampment. Up north... 

No sure if the landmass goes east or west but it is looking less likely that it goes east. Will need to check it out, this is a fractal map after all and it is totally possible that there is a small land bridge to the east of Antananarivo.

Turn 39
Start the turn off with...

Start Pottery. I will go Pottery->Writing->Irrigation->Iron Working. Should give me enough time to collect enough iron for upgrades and new units. At home...

A barb scout showed up at Polar Vortex. Must be a camp in the south. The warrior that finishes next turn will go south and look for it and for city locations. I am a little worried that Jester might threaten my Trader if he moves south. Builder moves to the hill next to the iron. Still 3 turns until I grab the tile. I will have enough into Craftsmanship next turn to finish with the inspiration. I need to decide if I want to wait until I grab the iron and mine it or do I place my unique improvement and finish Craftsmanship next turn. I need to start collecting iron so I can upgrade a few warriors when Iron Working finishes but gold and culture will help speed up my civic rate.  

Turn 40
I decided to go with...

Which finishes...

I place Agoge and Ilkum in for my government. Agoge for units and Ilkum because since I place the Pairidaeza, I will need another builder, which will also chop out my next settler. 

Jester's scout is closer to my Trader. I guess I will know his intentions when I open the save next turn. Barb scout becomes activated and my warrior will give chase. I might have a swarm of barbs soon. I will upgrade slinger and hold around Polar Vortex to guard it and the settler when it comes out. 

Builder at Bomb Cyclone moves to chop next turn. Should bring the Encampment down to 1 turn. Builder will then place a Pairidaeza and move to chop the spot of the Campus between the mountains, which I bought the tile. The jungle chop will also make the eastern spice tile breathtaking for the added faith. I am going to need to harvest the marsh north of teh western spice to make that spice tile breathtaking. 

Turn 41
Up north...

It is looking less likely that there is a land bridge going east. Scout will continue north. Jester's scout bypasses my Trader and it looks less likely he is looking for war in the immediate future.  Internationally...

I am leading in score thanks to my Era Score. Everybody pretty much has the same empire score. I am leading in Civics and pindicator is leading in Techs.

Turn 42
The Encampment finishes and I get...

And that was pretty much it this turn. I start an Archer at Bomb Cyclone and will switch to a builder in a few turns to chop the jungle into it before I move Magnus to Polar Vortex to chop into a Settler. 

Turn 43
Start turn with...

and start researching Writing. In the south, my warrior finds a possible fresh water city site...

If possible, I am thinking the tile between the mountains so I can place a first ring Campus in the middle of the mountains. Not sure yet if the tile is fresh water or if there is another mountain between the others. 

Turn 44
Up north...

Find little, just a small chunk of land that doesn't look to go east. My best bet would be that I am in the eastern part of the map and the others are west. There is still a small chance for a land bridge to the southeast of my capital but my scout will continue north and hope the land wraps around the water to the west of his location and then he will head towards Jester's lands to see if there is a way around him to his north. 

Swap Bomb Cyclone to the builder and will chop the jungle next turn. 

Turn 45
Builder chops the jungle...

Bringing the builder down to 3 turns. I move Magnus to Polar Vortex and the spice tile adds 2 faith due to my pantheon. Builder at Polar Vortex finishes and I start a Settler. I rework the tiles at Polar Vortex to add the iron tile for the extra science and this brings Writing down to 2 turns. Up north...

Scout still finds nothing but still a chance for a land bridge around the north of the western sea. 

Now that I am caught up on my turns, hopefully I can stay relatively up to date. I have a strategy worked out and will write it up sometime today or tomorrow.

Turn 46
Start turn off with...

Start Political Philosophy. I switch out Ilkum for Colonization. I put Liang into Bomb Cyclone and finish the builder when she is established. Builder at Polar Vortex is ready to mine iron next turn. In the south...

Found a nice city site. In other news, I forgot to place the Government Plaza at Polar Vortex and forgot to check where the settler was at. I should be able to get ~75Icon_Production out of the chop (with the card) and not sure where it is at. Will check next turn. Hope I am not losing much production, now that overflow is messed up. I will work on the Plaza while I wait for the builder to reach the forest to chop.

Era Strategy

The Era screen states there is 10 - 15 turns and I think I can get a Golden Age. I have 12 era points now and need another 12 points. The Campus at Bomb Cyclone should give me +3. If I start Iron Working after Writing and finish it before the era change, it will give me either +1 for entering the Classical Age or +3 if I am first to it. Upgrading to an Immortal will give +4 for my unique unit and +2 for an iron unit, leaving me at 10 era points and need 2 more. The Campus will complete Antananarivo's quest and if I research Mysticism, I can get suzerain of them for +2 points and a Golden Age.  My only concern is if somebody else is ahead on Iron Working, starting it might trigger the count down and I believe I need 11 turns to research it and I might miss it. We will see how it shakes out. If I reach a Golden Age, I will take Monumentality for faith purchases of builders. I should have enough faith to buy one immediately and should be able to increase my faith production with a few Pairidaezas at my third city.

I will type up more strategies next turn, including tech/civic paths, city builders, and more...

Turn 47
Start turn with...

Builder is down to 1 turn at Bomb Cyclone, so I start working on a Campus. At Polar Vortex, I check the Settler and it is at 27/110Icon_Production, so I switch to the Government Plaza. I will switch back the turn my builder moves to the forest to chop (in 2 turns) so I can get 1 more turn of production to minimize lost overflow. Builder mines iron giving the boost to Iron Working and Wheel. 

There is some nice land in the south...

But not that much of it. Space for 2 cities in the southwest and at least 1 just south of my capital but maybe more. Archer is heading that way now. 

Turn 48
Up north, scout finds a way around the sea and is head to see what is north of Jester's capital...

Hopefully there is another city state up here somewhere for the inspiration to PP. There seems to be a little land southeast of my capital... 

Not sure how far it goes but will check it out. My southern warrior attacks a barb scout. Not sure if this is the same one that was by my capital earlier, since this one doesn't look activated but maybe he made it back to his camp already. I can see tundra down there, so the camp is probably down there. 

General Strategy
My general strategy for the foreseeable future is to establish a good core of cities and move on Jester as soon as possible while I have the advantage. This means building a bunch of immortals and pushing on him before he can muster enough forces to counter. I say I have the advantage now because although my immortals are slightly weaker than swords, they cost 10 iron while his swordsman cost 20. So, I can produce twice as many as he can. There is always horsemen to counter but I don't see him collecting horses yet. I figure I will need at least 6 immortals to start the attack. I should be able to upgrade 2 or 3 warriors and will need to build 3 or 4. I just hooked up the iron, so will need 30 turns to collect enough iron for 6 immortals. I will also research Horseback Riding after Iron Working and Irrigation and build horsemen if I don't have the iron to build immortals. I figure I can move on him around T80 +/- 5 turns. 

For techs, my immediate goal is Iron Working for Immortals and the era points. After that, I need Irrigation to hook up the spices and Horseback Riding for horsemen. After those, probably go Wheel and Construction for lumber mills then run to Apprenticeship.

For civics, I will switch to Mysticism in a few turns to get the then switch back to Political Philosophy and finish Military Training afterwards. Then it will be working ones that I have or can get the inspiration for. The next goal will be Mercantilism for reduced upgrades but that is a long ways away and hopeful Jester is out of the game by then. As for governments, I plan on taking Autocracy to start for the military slots and then switch to Oligarchy after I declare. I say after because I don't want to give him a heads up so I can try and get my surprise war movement bonus. 

City Builds

Polar Vortex will work on the Government Plaza until another turn and then switch to teh settler to be chopped once Magnus is established. Once the Government Plaza and Settler, it will build a few more units. If I can find a natural wonder, I might go for Stonehenge and a Holy Site once I research Astrology. I plan on making Polar Vortex my cultural hub with Theater Square and lots of Pairidaezas. I will go for a Commercial Hub at size 10. I will sneak in a Trader here when I finish Political Philosophy and get my bonus one.

Bomb Cyclone is currently working on a Campus. Once Liang is established, I will finish the Builder and chop the plains hill jungle tile and place a mine for more production. Once the Campus is complete, it will be pumping out nothing but units for the foreseeable future. 

Derecho will be my third city from the settler at Polar Vortex and will be by the 3 mountains southwest of my capital. It will start on a Campus. I will place a Pairidaeza on the southern grassland hill next to the marsh and that should add +2 faith to the city center and the marsh.  It will also help grab the fox sooner and help with happiness. 

Don't plan on more cities until I take out Jester or fall on my face trying to do so. My next cities will probably go north, maybe fill in a coastal city to get ships out exploring.

Turn 49
Scout is clsoing in on seeing what is north of Jester...

Polar Vortex switches to settler as builder is in position to chop next turn. Southern warrior retreats towards mountain pass to protect settler when he arrives and archer moves back to capital for same reason. I switched civics to Mysticism to get envoy in play when needed and to be able to slot Urban Planning as an economic card.

Look at Antananarivo, they have iron hooked up...meaning I will get another +2 iron when I become suzerain.

Turn 50
Lucky enough to get a second turn today. I chopped out the settler at Polar Vortex, wasting about 7Icon_Production due to the changes in overflow. Settler moves towards third city site. Archer crosses river to guard him from the rear. Southern warrior continues to the mountain pass and guard against Jester's scout from messing with the settler...

Barb camp and scout appears east of Bomb Cyclone and my Trader might be toast. I move the warrior up there towards the camp. Switch Bomb Cyclone to finish the builder next turn as Liang gets established. I notice that Jester's culture is slightly larger than mine and find that he has an envoy into Antananarivo. He probably has a monument too. Good, not building units.

Thanks for the steady updates. Rooting for you.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

CMF, Glad you are following along. Hopefully I can present a decent game and not fall apart when it counts.

Turn 51
Barb scout moved to threathen my builder and barb spear moves towards my warrior. I move my warrior to protect the builder as he chops the plains jungle.... 

Settler moves towards the mountains with my arch covering is rear.

Turn 52
Start the turn with a notification that the Era is ending. Nine more turns to get 12 points, very doable... 

Builder mines the plains hill and will heading south next turn to improve my new city when it is settled. Barb spear moves closer to my warrior and I am able to attack him this turn. Barb scout heads north. Up in the far north...

It looks promising and I should be able to move past Jester's capital and see what is west. I need to find a 3rd city state for the boost to Political Philosophy. I was thinking there might be one in the northern tundra but didn't see anything on settler vision and I don't want to risk my scout defogging more of it and running into barbs since he is redlined. Best option is to look west. 

Turn 53
Start turn off with...

Change my policies to...

The added production with Urban Planning should help speed things. Down south...

Two barb warriors show up, most likely from the activated scout earlier. I will keep my warrior fortified and he should easily win with them attacking across the river. I also move the archer up to shot at them over the hills. Settler will be in position next turn.

Up north, my hope of passing Jester's capital is dashed as I ran into another mountain range and some coast. I will see which way the coast goes in the north. Maybe it is just a small sea and there is a passage north. 

Turn 54
Well, a barb archer shows up in the south...

My archer shots at the barb closest to my warrior (screenshot is after attack) so that my warrior won't dies if the archer shoots him first. Don't want to lose my settler. He should survive and the barb warrior will die if he attacks. The other warrior will attack my archer and die shortly.  

Warrior finishes at Polar Vortex and I start another, which will be an immortal when finished. Barb spear, by Bomb Cyclone, retreat back to the camp and my warrior gives chase. Camp will be gone next turn. My scout up north see that the coast jogs east and doesn't look to turn west anywhere in what I can see. I think I will heal him here and then use him to recon and pillage Jester when I attack. 

Turn 55
My new city, Derecho, is founded and I immediately start a +3Icon_Science Campus. The first barb warrior suicides against my warrior in between turns. My archer shots the second warrior...

Warrior by Bomb Cyclone attacks the camp, killing the spear, gaining some gold and 3 era points. Internationally...

I am currently in last place in score, or at least I was at the start of the turn. Looks like I am 3rd to get to 3 cities, as pindicator and suboptimal both have 3. Pindicator is racing through the techs with 9, compared to my 6. I am leading in civics at 6, compared to pin's and sub's 5 and Jester's 4. Also, looks like everybody has built a district and my best guess would be that most when with a Campus. 

I am currently re-evaluating my current strategy. The gold from the camp and the extra iron from Antananarivo might speed my builds along. Interesting things are to come, I am just not sure how fast. Stay Tuned...

Turn 56
Open the save to +3 era points...

Campus at Bomb Cyclone is complete and I start a warrior, which will finish as an Immortal when Iron Working is complete. I put the envoy from Mysticism into Antananaviro to become suzerain and get 2 more era points, 20 out of 24 for a Golden Age.

Archer at Drecho takes out the redlined warrior and now I just need to deal with the Archer, unless more shows up soon.  

Turn 57
Start turn off with Iron Working finishing...

Both warrior builds in my cities turn over to Immortal builds, taking most of my iron. Immortal at Polar Vortex will finish before the era change and I will get enough points for a Golden Age. 

Barb Archer at Derecho moves next to the city, so I hit him with my warrior, gaining a promotion...

My archer will move around the mountain to get into the city center, then the warrior will move to Bomb Cyclone to join in the attack on Jester. With Iron Working finishing, I decide to go for Masonry before Horseback Riding. Then I can get a ram in case Jester gets walls up in his city. I would hate to stall out if there are walls at his capital. 

Turn 58
Not much going on this turn. Cities keep building...

2 more turns before the era change.

Turn 59
I notice that Jester's city defense have increased...

Now at 36 strength, meaning he has a sword in there. I am going to have to deal with swords now. He will probably have enough iron for 1 more sword before I attack. With my scout up by his capital, I hope I can find his iron quickly and pillage it before he can get more out. 

Turn 60
Start turn with...

Gaining +5 era points, 4 for my unique unit and 1 for an iron based unit. Polar Vortex starts an Archer. I need the iron for upgrades. I have 2 warriors at Bomb Cyclone and should have enough gold to upgrade them when Political Philosophy finishes...

Barb Archer moves next to the city and I attack with my Archer, almost killing him. My builder moves into the city center and will move to place a Pairidaeza next turn.

Turn 61
Open the save to the Era change...

I get a Golden Age and take Monumnetality to faith buy builders. Look and see everybody else will have a Normal Age. Jester missed a Golden Age by 2 era points. My first trade route ends and I send it to...

It will create a road on my mined plains hill next to Bomb Cyclone and maybe the Campus, not sure. Route is not going to last long. 

I faith buy a builder at Bomb Cyclone that will quarry the stone at Polar Vortex. Since Masonry is 1 turn away from completing with the boost, I switch to Horseback Riding. Political Philosophy finishes next turn and I will have enough gold and iron to upgrade 2 warriors. The time has come, I will take Oligarchy and declare. I will burn 2 turns of extra movement getting my units into place to attack Edirne but better to get only 8 turns of extra movement then to have Jester foresee an attack and declare on me, so I don't get any turns of extra movement. With his encampment there, I need to take the city before he can get walls up. I will have a war strategy with my next turn...

Turn 62
Open the save to...wait, where is Political Philosophy? It says I still have 1 turn but I had 1 turn last turn banghead I switched Polar Vortex off of the Pairidaeza at the end of the turn to speed the archer up, must be short by 1 Icon_Culture smoke  Oh well, still going to declare this turn...

I upgrade 2 Warriors to Immortals and now have 4 total. Units will start moving forward next turn. Up north, my scout moves up and finds...

Nice, right next to the iron. I will pillage it next turn unless something pops up to protect it. Looking at Jester's, wheat, rice, bananas, and iron...nice capital and already size 8. Will be a nice addition to my empire.

Turn 63
This should have been last turn...

My new government...

I slot in Military Tradition. Builder quarries the stone and I switch to Masonry to finish next turn. My Archer at Derecho shots the barb Archer, killing him. Builder places a Pairidaeza. My Immortals start moving north...

The quicker way to Jester's lands is around the west, through the marshes. The jungle hill next to a river really slows you down. I see a sword in the encampment and a builder ready to chop.  In the north, my scout moves and pillages the iron and sees a warrior and archer. unless I get a really good dice roll, my scout is toast. The mine did give me 99 gold, so I will be close to upgrade my last warrior. Let's hope he doesn't have another builder up around Istanbul to fix the iron mine. 

My war strategy will be to push on Edirne with my 4 Immortals and the 2 Archers in production. I should be able to take the city, even if he gets walls up. I probable will kill the encampment first if he keeps the sword in it. Once I get Edrine, I will heal any injured units and move the healthy ones north of his capital. I don't want to just attack it from the east and have him use archers to pick off my units. 

I expect walls at his capital by the time I get there. I will build a ram at Bomb Cyclone once the Archer is done and speed it along with a jungle chop. I am also going to chop out an immortal at Polar Vortex with the builder that quarried the stone. I will probably switch to horsemen once Horseback Riding is complete. I am already hitting the resource cap but will only be able to build 2 at a time (they cost 20 horses per horsemen). 

Stay tuned, fireworks are coming!

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