Looking at a turn ~150 save, the AI cities have garrisons with a few halberdiers, some low tier summons (spiders, ghouls), and some swordsmen or occasionally magicians. There are some good units here and there like an occasional 2-3 Nightmares or Doom Drakes but most cities aren't old enough yet for those.
Merlin just started getting Stone Giants which explains why he was less affected as he managed to get a rare creature into many of the cities in time.
Rjak on the other hand only has ghouls.
Looking at this realistically, getting the first rare summons at this time is reasonable for this level of difficulty. So Merlin is okay. Rampaging stacks being 1 rare and several uncommons at the time players get their first rares might be excessive, although these rares aren't supported by a wizard. It's as easy to deal with the as dropping 5-6 Fire Bolts on it or having 3-4 magicians in the garrison.
Rjak plays Trolls. I guess Trolls really underperform for the AI. They had bad growth, bad production, bad magic power, and regeneration is not relevant for AI strategies. What's worse, they can't attack flying so the advantage in lair hunting is gone as well.
Oh and meanwhile Ariel seems to be stuck on their starting island. Only 4 cities... she has no ships or ship buildings on turn 90, I suspect a bug. She isn't at war so she couldn't have lost them that way.
Merlin just started getting Stone Giants which explains why he was less affected as he managed to get a rare creature into many of the cities in time.
Rjak on the other hand only has ghouls.
Looking at this realistically, getting the first rare summons at this time is reasonable for this level of difficulty. So Merlin is okay. Rampaging stacks being 1 rare and several uncommons at the time players get their first rares might be excessive, although these rares aren't supported by a wizard. It's as easy to deal with the as dropping 5-6 Fire Bolts on it or having 3-4 magicians in the garrison.
Rjak plays Trolls. I guess Trolls really underperform for the AI. They had bad growth, bad production, bad magic power, and regeneration is not relevant for AI strategies. What's worse, they can't attack flying so the advantage in lair hunting is gone as well.
Oh and meanwhile Ariel seems to be stuck on their starting island. Only 4 cities... she has no ships or ship buildings on turn 90, I suspect a bug. She isn't at war so she couldn't have lost them that way.