With Civ6 just 2 months away, I wanted to see if there's any interest in giving Civ5 a little bit of a send-off, so that it doesn't just quietly fade into obscurity. Thinking just a regular BNW PBEM, although if there's a twist you guys would be interested in trying, I would certainly be up for it 
Player list and play windows:
yuris125 (2300-0100 GMT) - Songhai
oledavy (2100-0300 GMT) - Russia
HAK (23:00-03:00 GMT) - Inca
Ichabod (01:00-03:00 GMT) - Persia
pindicator (0300-0600 GMT) - Rome
Nicolae Carpathia (0900-1400 GMT) - Ethiopia
GMR link: http://multiplayerrobot.com/Game#23941
Speed: Quick
Difficulty: Prince
Ancient Ruins: On
Barbs: On
Religion: No bans
City States Number: 12
Worker Steals: Allowed
DLC: DLC civ are allowed. Other DLC are not used
Civ selection: The following civs are banned
Map: Custom made by chumchu, see discussion in post 18 onwards

Player list and play windows:
yuris125 (2300-0100 GMT) - Songhai
oledavy (2100-0300 GMT) - Russia
HAK (23:00-03:00 GMT) - Inca
Ichabod (01:00-03:00 GMT) - Persia
pindicator (0300-0600 GMT) - Rome
Nicolae Carpathia (0900-1400 GMT) - Ethiopia
GMR link: http://multiplayerrobot.com/Game#23941
Speed: Quick
Difficulty: Prince
Ancient Ruins: On
Barbs: On
Religion: No bans
City States Number: 12
Worker Steals: Allowed
DLC: DLC civ are allowed. Other DLC are not used
Civ selection: The following civs are banned