we need to discuss scouting plans.
serdoa moved E, SE. I moved the warrior SE and ended turn. we are waiting on Brick to move only before the turn rolls again.
I will try and play after Serdoa again, so hopefully he won't see our warrior. But where should I send him?
If he is heading due east, it looks like he'll beat us to it. I don't think there's any huts over there, but if there are we may be out of luck
I can try to edge him out of the area around our second city site with the warrior. The scout can head towards the oasis and flat land (to 2 move) and around the northern and eastern edge of the lake. What do you think?
serdoa moved E, SE. I moved the warrior SE and ended turn. we are waiting on Brick to move only before the turn rolls again.
I will try and play after Serdoa again, so hopefully he won't see our warrior. But where should I send him?
If he is heading due east, it looks like he'll beat us to it. I don't think there's any huts over there, but if there are we may be out of luck

Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.