About the AI trade offer spam. Normally diplomatic actions use a variable which grows over time and gets reduced every time an offer happens (regardless of it being accepted or not).
However, when the AI offers the trade, this variable is used to determine how good the AI offer is (how much better or worse spells will be offered) and not to determine the chance of it happening. The chance of happening is purely based on the relation level+personality+random die roll>=constant, where good enough relations mean 100% chance.
The other half of the problem is, the AI trade offer no longer reduces this variable. It used to do that, but I had two reasons to remove it. One, it would make the AI unwilling to listen to your trade offers, since he already tried to trade with you. And two, I needed that space to code in a very important missing feature for the trade : the AI player receiving the spell in the trade. Not joking, they actually weren't getting anything at all until I added that effect there.
I could most likely restore the subtraction but that still has no effect on how often the AI makes offers...they'll just get worse, like they'll offer commons for your rares instead of other rares. Unless I also code that somewhere, somehow.
I'll see if I can do both, but remember, doing it will mean after the AI offers a trade they'll be that much less patient in listening to your trade offers. Also, this variable grows quite quickly, so this'll at best postpone the next offer by 8-10 turns.
It's also important to mention that if you trigger any positive diplomatic events it'll refill the variable faster.
However, when the AI offers the trade, this variable is used to determine how good the AI offer is (how much better or worse spells will be offered) and not to determine the chance of it happening. The chance of happening is purely based on the relation level+personality+random die roll>=constant, where good enough relations mean 100% chance.
The other half of the problem is, the AI trade offer no longer reduces this variable. It used to do that, but I had two reasons to remove it. One, it would make the AI unwilling to listen to your trade offers, since he already tried to trade with you. And two, I needed that space to code in a very important missing feature for the trade : the AI player receiving the spell in the trade. Not joking, they actually weren't getting anything at all until I added that effect there.
I could most likely restore the subtraction but that still has no effect on how often the AI makes offers...they'll just get worse, like they'll offer commons for your rares instead of other rares. Unless I also code that somewhere, somehow.
I'll see if I can do both, but remember, doing it will mean after the AI offers a trade they'll be that much less patient in listening to your trade offers. Also, this variable grows quite quickly, so this'll at best postpone the next offer by 8-10 turns.
It's also important to mention that if you trigger any positive diplomatic events it'll refill the variable faster.