Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Worst Turns Ever

The actual worst civ turns/feelings that I've experienced are more related to various kingmaking issues, but when I count those out I think I'll have to give dtay the honor of the hardest single blow. Dtay commando-razed our capital in PB13. Of course I blame OH, because he was turn-playing at the time mischief and overall it was not that important, because due to suttree conflict and couple of other reasons we were out of the running already and just trying to provide a good game for the remaining contenders. So probably I've so far survived without game-losing surprise attacks and can't really compete with many of the previous posts and of course not at all with rego. Below is anyways the relevant turn report by OH, which overall is pretty entertaining..

(May 24th, 2014, 15:53)Old Harry Wrote: Turn 248 part one

I don't think so.

I do think so. I offered the same back to him.

And we should have saved ourselves 30 gpt by waiting for this! I accepted, and we could declare-peace Mack to cancel the other one, but then he might offer it to our northern neighbour. So perhaps not.

These are what's left of the six commando infantry that it took to burn Agincourt. We'll need to kill them this turn. Then we turn our attention to getting reparations... At least this screwed dtay's peacetime trade bonus with Mack. We can end up ahead here, but only if we can take dtay's capital off him and get it producing like Agincourt was. That's not going to be easy. In the mean time should we think about putting Wall St or Oxford somewhere else?

This is where Commodore struck.

Our new capital - anyone know why the game chose a size 14 city being pressured on Mackoti's border for us? We lost another 1% on the rice tile even putting 120 culture into it last turn - I'm going to bet that Mack is gearing up for a culture win, so we just need to accept that we're not getting it back and work out what size Konig can survive at. I'm farming one of the workshops, I think we'll lose another in the next ten turns, but after that we should get a little grace.

Bureau is no longer a good option, so lets switch to Nationhood. I guess slavery is a good option too right now, I just wish we'd got fascism to allow police state... Dtay has Artillery, which means a land war is going to be tricky, but he isn't getting Oil from anyone so naval stuff should favour us. Right now Scooter has one source of oil and plako, Mack and Com have two each. Should we offer plako something for his oil?

(May 24th, 2014, 19:20)Old Harry Wrote: Turn 248 part two

So onto the fighting, first we repulse the invader scum.

pinch Inf vs C4 commando inf 64% LOSS
C1 Inf vs injured C4 commando inf 99% WIN

C2 pinch Inf vs C4 commando inf 65% WIN
withdraw II cav vs C4 commando inf 59% withdraw LOSS frown
But that injures him enough that a CIII Inf gets 85%, but should still get enough XP to promote to Commando next turn... WIN
Finally C1 inf vs injured C4 commando Inf 99% WIN

We're left with one 17 XP Infantry after that. smile Should perhaps have been possible to get another, but the other two are 15 and 16 XP, so not far off...

In the east this galleon has been lurking with intent for a while, the Machine Gun and Infantry in Fortunato make attacking there a no-no, but Berlin should be possible to take.

C2 Amphi Infantry vs 80/100 CG2 Infantry 34% WIN

C2 Amphi Infantry vs musket 96% WIN
86 gold doesn't seem like a great reward. I burnt the city but won't delete the Inf, just in case dtay doesn't fancy risking the battle.

We're now, painfully, 2XP away from that Great General and two turns of research away from Mil Sci. Where else can we attack?

Oh, I know... Now the odds aren't great here because Milos is on a hill, but we've got two airships in position to scratch the top defenders and some amphi cuirs to clear the way for our brave boys. This chap won't win, but should get a hit or two, allowing our Infantry to get odds... (there is a 20% chance he gets no hits) Interestingly it doesn't mention withdrawal, does that mean that amphibious attacks remove your withdrawl odds?

C2 amphi Cuir vs scratched C2 formation Inf 1% LOSS (3 hits)

C3 amphi Cuir vs C1 Inf 1% LOSS (0 hits frown)
C2 amphi Cav vs C1 Inf 3% WIN!!!!!111!!
And we have our Great General smile

I'll leave it at that for now, I'm going to play the rest of the turn tomorrow, perhaps with a bit more feedback. Things to do:
- Revolt to Nationhood/slavery
- Upgrade Ironclads to destroyers
- Decide whether to research Mil Sci or save cash for upgrades
- Take Milos and put enough Machine Guns in it to hold it.
- Whip and draft a bunch of units
Anything else?

(May 24th, 2014, 20:55)Fintourist Wrote: It's almost 5 AM in Finland and I just came out of a club so put the following comments into proper perspective!

Fintourist thought progress (wasted edition)

1. Nooooooo! cry Fu dtay! rant Nooooooo! alright This hurts!! cry

2. How did this actually happen? Did he build railroads inside our borders and then declare? I somehow thought that you can't build railroads inside your opponents borders, but never bothered to check the actual mechanics. Partly because I was overconfident and thought that dtay would not have balls to attack us (he has been very conservative and passive the whole game), partly because I was simply too lazy.

3. Damn it.

4. Good job dtay thumbsup I think both me and OH appreciate these kinds of attacks.. even if we happen to be the targets lol Even more respect if you are actually ready for what now follows... crazyeye

5. Just for the record, the fact that this happened was clearly our mistake, but I'm not blaming you OH for the least bit. First, because at this stage of the game it's extremely time-consuming (and also difficult) to check all the attack possibilities every single turn. Second, I know that your RL is extremely busy. Third, Despite knowing that you are busy I haven't logged in for several turns. (I'm sorry)

6. Anyways, let's not be disappointed!! Let's enjoy this! nod Our game has been struggle since the very first turn. We lost 15-20 turns immediately because miserable start resources etc., our aggressive suttree attack lead to a 50+ turn grudge war where 90 % of his cities ended up as gifts to mackoti and our squeezed geopolitical position has been a complete nightmare! Losing one sucky capital does not change a single thing! It's not like our economy matters anyways! It's struggle all the way! lol

7. I repeat, let's enjoy this! Let's make dtay pay the iron price! nod crazyeye

8. That being said: I definitely don't want us to go full suttree towards dtay! Yes, I'm happy to attack dtay and fight the war kind of like it were a zero-sum game. But! If mackoti (or anybody else) attacks us opportunistically I don't want that we gift our cities to mack (leave them undefended, gift them in peace deals or whatever) just so that we can maximize the damage to dtay.
First of all, I think that's extremely lame behavior. Something that I have despised earlier in this thread.
Second, I see dtay's attack mostly as "strictly business". Our unit positioning has been pretty aggressive during the last ~20 turns so we kind of asked for this. And I think we could have well done the same thing in his position crazyeye Well, who am I kidding, we would have made at least 10 different plans to sack Agincourt and several other cities if we were in his position lol At least if we were feeling suicidal.. mischief
So... what I'm trying to say.. If we are attacked by someone, I have no problem with making peace with dtay and concentrating our forces against the new aggressor.

9. Anyways! I'm happy to see that you have taken proper measures to revenge this sneaky attack! Controlling the seas should not be too difficult with oil advantage, so let's do that (it's important) and try to take the island off dtay while threatening multiple other border/coastal cities. Or how do you see our targets!?!? Let's try to avoid losing more cities to commando strikes, especially keeping Jamestown safe is important!

10. Keep up the good work thumbsup and I repeat, let's not be disappointed! This is a perfect invitation to have some military fun! hammer Even if someone would say that our position was fine on T0 or T50, this game definitely was a mess by T150, there was nothing to lose at that point and even less now, let's make sure that both ours and dtay's game is even more mess by T275! mischief

11. Aaaand let's try to chat tomorrow (today) tongue

PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Messages In This Thread
Worst Turns Ever - by scooter - February 3rd, 2016, 10:21
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by scooter - February 3rd, 2016, 10:29
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Bobchillingworth - February 3rd, 2016, 12:21
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by sunrise089 - February 3rd, 2016, 17:20
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Bobchillingworth - February 3rd, 2016, 18:13
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Commodore - February 3rd, 2016, 18:23
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by DTG - February 3rd, 2016, 19:42
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by AutomatedTeller - February 3rd, 2016, 20:35
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Boldly Going Nowhere - February 3rd, 2016, 22:30
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by GermanJoey - February 4th, 2016, 02:21
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by BRickAstley - February 3rd, 2016, 20:41
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by pindicator - February 3rd, 2016, 22:55
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Gavagai - February 4th, 2016, 04:09
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Khan - February 4th, 2016, 06:18
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Haram - February 4th, 2016, 07:24
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by darrelljs - February 4th, 2016, 08:25
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Jowy - February 4th, 2016, 10:12
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by zakalwe - February 4th, 2016, 12:56
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by scooter - February 5th, 2016, 09:23
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Molach - February 5th, 2016, 15:05
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Fintourist - February 13th, 2016, 06:23
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Old Harry - February 13th, 2016, 09:29
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by dtay - February 13th, 2016, 10:00
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Sareln - February 14th, 2016, 13:00
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Fintourist - February 14th, 2016, 13:44
RE: Worst Turns Ever - by Jkaen - February 25th, 2016, 11:30

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