The lurker thread has been dormant since Sept, so idk if anyone is even following the game, but I figure I should do a really quick update:
Here's my civ-

Just finished Mining a turn early thanks to an Great Prophet event (lacked enough gold for the real prize, sadly). I've gotten two other semi-significant events before that- a different constellation awarded me around 20 beakers for Myst, and I got a PZ for the cost of a universal -1 health penalty by selecting a Sheaim-exclusive option for an event which otherwise just gives you the malus unless you're sitting on a small pile of gold.
Capital will complete the Elder Council, build a Warrior, and then a Settler. I have four Workers currently, all of whom are going to be building mines for a while, followed by cottages. The city directly west of my capital will complete its EC as well, then run a Sage from now until forever.
Not much else to report. No contacts yet, haven't been doing any scouting (Gryphons still patrol my borders, plus I already know where I want to settle for the next five or six cities). The game moves at a reasonable pace, given how many players are involved. I changed my theme to the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, a wonderful manga a friend introduced me to a year ago.
Happy to answer any questions.
Here's my civ-

Just finished Mining a turn early thanks to an Great Prophet event (lacked enough gold for the real prize, sadly). I've gotten two other semi-significant events before that- a different constellation awarded me around 20 beakers for Myst, and I got a PZ for the cost of a universal -1 health penalty by selecting a Sheaim-exclusive option for an event which otherwise just gives you the malus unless you're sitting on a small pile of gold.
Capital will complete the Elder Council, build a Warrior, and then a Settler. I have four Workers currently, all of whom are going to be building mines for a while, followed by cottages. The city directly west of my capital will complete its EC as well, then run a Sage from now until forever.
Not much else to report. No contacts yet, haven't been doing any scouting (Gryphons still patrol my borders, plus I already know where I want to settle for the next five or six cities). The game moves at a reasonable pace, given how many players are involved. I changed my theme to the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, a wonderful manga a friend introduced me to a year ago.
Happy to answer any questions.