Turn 18
Current score
Ok this is a turn of good news, and well bad news...
First the good news. In the east.
I run into a (Genevaian?) warrior. not sure what the locals that live in Geneva call themselves but Genevaian sounded good while typing. Extra science is always welcome, although with my current situation (Read on) a military cs would have been helpful.
At least the quest is really easy and I should have no problem getting it.
Last shot of the east after I use my scouts last movement.
I am going to try and get him into Geneva borders to heal and scope out a little more land on the way.
Now the bad news. Barbs are here.
Well I knew they would be here sooner or later. I actually can't believe it took them this long. That scout move by Crater Lake (thanks Sulla) may have delayed the barb's one or two turns. Well the future of Poland was placed in my hands. If only the denizens knew what they were getting themselves into.
I kept the settler in queue in hopes that the barbs get stuck maneuvering around and don't actually assault for a few more turns. My warrior will be in the area next turn depending on what the save looks like when I open it, and I will make a decision on finishing the settler or changing my build queue.
I don't think barbs attack cities on Prince, I probably should have played a test game to confirm this. I know they do on higher difficulties but I think they just surround the city. Which is fine in that case free XP!
Each turn is a bit of a nail bitter at the moment so lets see how Jessica fairs in the upcoming turns.
In the south.
My scout gets blocked in by a barb scout. I did not take a screenshot after I moved him, but I moved him on the silver desert hills. Next turns screenshot will show the area but nothing all 2 exciting.
On thing I have noticed in this game so far is how much stone I have. I am seriously debating taking the pantheon that gives +2 faith to stone just because I have like 20+ in view. Not sure if it is the best route to go as some of the stone is on hills that I would rather mine, but stone on grassland tiles might end up being very good.
This is making me consider going with a gold / faith strategy and just be filthy rich buying everything I can. My only hesitation is that I have never tried this strategy or picked that pantheon so I don't know how good it will end up being.
Next turn Ill try to count the stone exact for the lurkers and myself so you all can get an idea of just how much faith that would end up giving me.
Of all the PBEM's I have read this PBEM seems to be unique in that all of us players are very far apart from each other. I think I am the only one who went with two scout's first and I still don't think I am close to running into someone. My guess is the map maker gave us each a corner so to speak so there may still be many turns before I run into some one.
Current score
Ok this is a turn of good news, and well bad news...
First the good news. In the east.
I run into a (Genevaian?) warrior. not sure what the locals that live in Geneva call themselves but Genevaian sounded good while typing. Extra science is always welcome, although with my current situation (Read on) a military cs would have been helpful.
At least the quest is really easy and I should have no problem getting it.
Last shot of the east after I use my scouts last movement.
I am going to try and get him into Geneva borders to heal and scope out a little more land on the way.
Now the bad news. Barbs are here.
Well I knew they would be here sooner or later. I actually can't believe it took them this long. That scout move by Crater Lake (thanks Sulla) may have delayed the barb's one or two turns. Well the future of Poland was placed in my hands. If only the denizens knew what they were getting themselves into.

I kept the settler in queue in hopes that the barbs get stuck maneuvering around and don't actually assault for a few more turns. My warrior will be in the area next turn depending on what the save looks like when I open it, and I will make a decision on finishing the settler or changing my build queue.
I don't think barbs attack cities on Prince, I probably should have played a test game to confirm this. I know they do on higher difficulties but I think they just surround the city. Which is fine in that case free XP!
Each turn is a bit of a nail bitter at the moment so lets see how Jessica fairs in the upcoming turns.
In the south.
My scout gets blocked in by a barb scout. I did not take a screenshot after I moved him, but I moved him on the silver desert hills. Next turns screenshot will show the area but nothing all 2 exciting.
On thing I have noticed in this game so far is how much stone I have. I am seriously debating taking the pantheon that gives +2 faith to stone just because I have like 20+ in view. Not sure if it is the best route to go as some of the stone is on hills that I would rather mine, but stone on grassland tiles might end up being very good.
This is making me consider going with a gold / faith strategy and just be filthy rich buying everything I can. My only hesitation is that I have never tried this strategy or picked that pantheon so I don't know how good it will end up being.
Next turn Ill try to count the stone exact for the lurkers and myself so you all can get an idea of just how much faith that would end up giving me.
Of all the PBEM's I have read this PBEM seems to be unique in that all of us players are very far apart from each other. I think I am the only one who went with two scout's first and I still don't think I am close to running into someone. My guess is the map maker gave us each a corner so to speak so there may still be many turns before I run into some one.