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[SPOILERS] Emperor K will see how many Polack's it takes to play civ 6 with the vets

Turn 19

This is an exciting turn. To start no score change.

PlayerScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Emperor K 14280040
TheArchduke 14280040
Suboptimal  13270040
Alhambram  14280040

To start, the east
[Image: PBEM6_19_eastjpg.jpg]

Moved my scout to get more info on the area and the mountain range is blocking my path to Geneva. Well hopefully I don't run into any more barbs. This scout has already proven his worth, but would really like to find another continent, and more CS first contacts would be nice.

The south.
[Image: PBEM6_19_south_before.jpg]
Barb scout has moved away to allow my scout clear passage.
I make this move and....
[Image: PBEM6_19_south_mid.jpg]
I meet Alhambram, the trusted leader of Persia!
[Image: PBEM6_19_persia.jpg]

This gets me the inspiration (or eureka) for writing. Also looking at his gold I think he has purchased a tile. He also has horses hooked up so he has already gotten a builder out.

My final move with the scout in (7)(1NW) to get out of view of his warrior. I couldn't cross the river this turn and did not want to move closer to the warrior. I actually thought about declaring war just so he could not and get his bonus movement. After further contemplation, I decide that there may end up being peace between us, so no need to burn any bridges.

The situation at Jess is not as bad as it looks. I ran a test game last night on prince, deleting the starting warrior and just hitting next turn until barbs showed up. The results were the AI did not seem to know what to do and just stood outside the city for 10 turns straight. What a relief!  smug

[Image: PBEM6_19_core_score.jpg]

I move my warrior closer to home in attempts to escort my settler next turn. I am not sure if horseman exert zone of control. If the horse archer moves across the river to my plains hill, and the horseman moves onto the forested plains hills, this may stop my settler from moving next turn. That is the worst case scenario, but a decision that I can't do anything about until I get the save for turn 20.

This overall rankings screen shows that Alhambram and I are tied at 6.1 science and 1.9 culture. My Military is 7 higher at 37 to his 30. One interesting thing is that he has zero faith per turn. I know from the score he has finished code of laws so must be running production card. I am thinking he either his having some barb issues and wanted the extra production, or most likely is gunning for early encampments skipping the religion race altogether. He could be building stonehenge, but with his early UU and extra movement from starting wars I find that highly unlikely. So more the reason to get an encampment down at city site #2 and research Military Tradition and grab that first GG. I want to avoid being his early target! 

Now I have some big decisions to make with my next settler (settler #3).

- Do I settle coco cotton spot? This area may be contested area soon, and so far the east looks pretty open.
- Do I fortify at city #2 which is going to cause any invader some issues with that mountain pass. This would either have me put more settler focus on my northwest corner and buckle down behind some mountains. City #3 would probably end up being a spot that has access to some elephants.
- If I settle coco cotton do I settler on the coco? This would give me more leeway in proper encampment placement.

These are just some thoughts. I would really like the settle coco cotton, but there is high incentive to use the mountain range east of Armagh to my defensive advantage.

So much to do.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [SPOILERS] Emperor K will see how many Polack's it takes to play civ 6 with the vets - by Emperor K - November 30th, 2017, 14:06

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