Turn (36)
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
I finish the holy site and my score goes up a bit, this also got me the inspiration for state workforce and that got me an envoy in Geneva. Archduke spent some money and looks like he grew a size as well as getting some extra culture from a tile. Also diplomacy screen shows that Alhambram has also hooked up some jade.
Triple Checked the great person screen and no one is gaining any points yet. Suboptimal is still at 6 scientist points and 0 per turn.
Both scouts have run into some barb presence, eastern scout had to run from a slinger.
He is out of range of an attack and will be forced to go around the northern map edge it seems. Southern scout finds a barb camp...
He could not stop on a tile was safe in case the barb spearman guarding the camp. So either next turn I can move the desert hills to the north, or continue my scouting south.
With the holy site done, and lots to do in the homeland I ended up with this setup..
I have changed my plan somewhat to take into account that I am in Ilkum. The build order currently will be Bastion finishes encampment followed by a settler. Jess builds a warrior that goes and chops the stone that the map pin marked Comm is on, then the remaining charges will be used at coco cotton city to improve the coco and clear out and area for an encampment. After builder Jess is either another builder or a monument.
My veteran warrior is all healed up and moves towards the barb camp in the east. My slinger slowly moves north and my southern warrior takes a look at the land around coco cotton spot. I might be lucky and that area is surrounded by mountains. Should know next turn.
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
I finish the holy site and my score goes up a bit, this also got me the inspiration for state workforce and that got me an envoy in Geneva. Archduke spent some money and looks like he grew a size as well as getting some extra culture from a tile. Also diplomacy screen shows that Alhambram has also hooked up some jade.
Triple Checked the great person screen and no one is gaining any points yet. Suboptimal is still at 6 scientist points and 0 per turn.
Both scouts have run into some barb presence, eastern scout had to run from a slinger.
He is out of range of an attack and will be forced to go around the northern map edge it seems. Southern scout finds a barb camp...
He could not stop on a tile was safe in case the barb spearman guarding the camp. So either next turn I can move the desert hills to the north, or continue my scouting south.
With the holy site done, and lots to do in the homeland I ended up with this setup..
I have changed my plan somewhat to take into account that I am in Ilkum. The build order currently will be Bastion finishes encampment followed by a settler. Jess builds a warrior that goes and chops the stone that the map pin marked Comm is on, then the remaining charges will be used at coco cotton city to improve the coco and clear out and area for an encampment. After builder Jess is either another builder or a monument.
My veteran warrior is all healed up and moves towards the barb camp in the east. My slinger slowly moves north and my southern warrior takes a look at the land around coco cotton spot. I might be lucky and that area is surrounded by mountains. Should know next turn.