Turn (43)
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
Score's did not change much, mine updated from last turn. Looks like Alhambram finally got that barb camp and now I can verify that the race for first Great General has begun. I have a slight lead but I expect a second encampment to built. I am having trouble with the barbs which is halting my GG wildcard slot.
Here is the situation with the barbs
This move allowed me to avoid an attack next turn. Also Archduke's scout has showed up and was on the silver tile, maybe the horse archer will go for him. This also gives me some time to move my archer in to help finish off the camp.
An overview of the remainder of Polish territory
Builder is still heading towards the stone, and southern sentry is keeping the fog at bay. Monument construction in Jess is set to complete in 3 turns and settler has 9. Hopefully this chop with 9 techs researched will cut down the time needed to get those people moving! Bastion is a little unhappy at the moment, and as there leader the promise of chocolate seems to satisfy them enough for now.
A turn report would not be complete without proper scouting reports so here it is, lets start in the south
Crossed the river and still no borders in sight, next turn should reveal much, much more. Still considering the friendship pact.
In the east....
I was able to reveal Archduke's capital, looking back at the screenshot I think i should have moved closer to get that last tile in view. Probably going to double back next turn and move towards the coast, I do want to meet Australia, I just don't know when this scout will be able to make it back up here. Also looking at his pantheon he was the one to take 'God of the Forge' so that would explain his very fast unit production. He is also building and encampment, so the race for the first GG will be even more interesting. He did not have early empire because I was able to run through his lands so I think he took military tradition already and will put his envoy into hong kong. I may regret my science district in my capital. Although I think if I went encampment I would not have much time to build it yet any ways. Really banking on getting that GG card slotted and possibly running a project in Bastion next.
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
Score's did not change much, mine updated from last turn. Looks like Alhambram finally got that barb camp and now I can verify that the race for first Great General has begun. I have a slight lead but I expect a second encampment to built. I am having trouble with the barbs which is halting my GG wildcard slot.
Here is the situation with the barbs
This move allowed me to avoid an attack next turn. Also Archduke's scout has showed up and was on the silver tile, maybe the horse archer will go for him. This also gives me some time to move my archer in to help finish off the camp.
An overview of the remainder of Polish territory
Builder is still heading towards the stone, and southern sentry is keeping the fog at bay. Monument construction in Jess is set to complete in 3 turns and settler has 9. Hopefully this chop with 9 techs researched will cut down the time needed to get those people moving! Bastion is a little unhappy at the moment, and as there leader the promise of chocolate seems to satisfy them enough for now.
A turn report would not be complete without proper scouting reports so here it is, lets start in the south
Crossed the river and still no borders in sight, next turn should reveal much, much more. Still considering the friendship pact.
In the east....
I was able to reveal Archduke's capital, looking back at the screenshot I think i should have moved closer to get that last tile in view. Probably going to double back next turn and move towards the coast, I do want to meet Australia, I just don't know when this scout will be able to make it back up here. Also looking at his pantheon he was the one to take 'God of the Forge' so that would explain his very fast unit production. He is also building and encampment, so the race for the first GG will be even more interesting. He did not have early empire because I was able to run through his lands so I think he took military tradition already and will put his envoy into hong kong. I may regret my science district in my capital. Although I think if I went encampment I would not have much time to build it yet any ways. Really banking on getting that GG card slotted and possibly running a project in Bastion next.