Turn (45)
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
Alright somewhat eventful turn. Alhambram has lost one point in his empire score so there will be a third city soon. His military score also increased so he can probably start on a Great General project now. Archduke still has no won the battle against his city state neighbor, that should happen soon I would think, unless the battle involved suboptimal as well. Further scouting required.
The eastern warzone
Looks like the duke will have more barbs spawning to his east. I think he has the military to cover this so probably end up being an extra 40
for him. Currently scoping out his city border's while I can, scout will be heading south.
While on southern topics
Still have not ran into Persian borders. This puts us a good distance away, and short of a rapid naval campaign I think I have plenty of time to prepare for his inevitable assault against me.
My problems with barbs are slowly improving.
I did not take a before screenshot, the battle was quick though, my archer moved and shot the horse archer, than my warrior moved to the rice tile he was defending and killed the savages. This has put my warrior at very low HP which I would like him to recover swiftly, I do need that barb camp though. Not sure how long until more spawn but I will see the situation next turn. I may have to get Military Tradition the old fashion slow way. Not optimal but I need that civic.
Overview of my current domain
Southern warrior continues fog busting. Builder moves onto the stone and I will find out next turn the exact harvest value. Masonry also completed so now I am going to grab irrigation. I have a bit of conflict going on right now as what to build in bastion after the settler. A second monument is very helpful considering I may have to slow grab Military tradition and that would help get me to PP sooner. I also need to continue the great general race so a barracks or encampment project seems good as well. Lastly I am in Ilkum and even though I want to build a builder in Jess next turn having another one could prove useful. Lots of choices I will have to make them this evening.
Score, Rankings, and Great People Race
Alright somewhat eventful turn. Alhambram has lost one point in his empire score so there will be a third city soon. His military score also increased so he can probably start on a Great General project now. Archduke still has no won the battle against his city state neighbor, that should happen soon I would think, unless the battle involved suboptimal as well. Further scouting required.
The eastern warzone
Looks like the duke will have more barbs spawning to his east. I think he has the military to cover this so probably end up being an extra 40

While on southern topics
Still have not ran into Persian borders. This puts us a good distance away, and short of a rapid naval campaign I think I have plenty of time to prepare for his inevitable assault against me.
My problems with barbs are slowly improving.
I did not take a before screenshot, the battle was quick though, my archer moved and shot the horse archer, than my warrior moved to the rice tile he was defending and killed the savages. This has put my warrior at very low HP which I would like him to recover swiftly, I do need that barb camp though. Not sure how long until more spawn but I will see the situation next turn. I may have to get Military Tradition the old fashion slow way. Not optimal but I need that civic.
Overview of my current domain
Southern warrior continues fog busting. Builder moves onto the stone and I will find out next turn the exact harvest value. Masonry also completed so now I am going to grab irrigation. I have a bit of conflict going on right now as what to build in bastion after the settler. A second monument is very helpful considering I may have to slow grab Military tradition and that would help get me to PP sooner. I also need to continue the great general race so a barracks or encampment project seems good as well. Lastly I am in Ilkum and even though I want to build a builder in Jess next turn having another one could prove useful. Lots of choices I will have to make them this evening.