I am not sure my decsion to delay third city was very good, and from demos screen is clear that someone has a health resorce beside pig and banana, which wasnt jungled(well he could had setled on it)...
Whats clear again is that happines resource werent even for all , but with the health problems who needs more happines?
And the worst news is that the barbs stoped to apear after 12 turn in which everey single turn 2 barbs apeared /turn now nothing is comming and i prpepaed warriour and even hunter from this turn but no a single barb anymore.Can anyone tell me why they dont come anymore? I even didnt fogbust , hopping they keep coming...
After edu i go AH so can get 1 more health and i bet there are horse at capitol cause you know cooper under the city.I plan to get the hunter towards auro to make contact.
Whats clear again is that happines resource werent even for all , but with the health problems who needs more happines?
And the worst news is that the barbs stoped to apear after 12 turn in which everey single turn 2 barbs apeared /turn now nothing is comming and i prpepaed warriour and even hunter from this turn but no a single barb anymore.Can anyone tell me why they dont come anymore? I even didnt fogbust , hopping they keep coming...
After edu i go AH so can get 1 more health and i bet there are horse at capitol cause you know cooper under the city.I plan to get the hunter towards auro to make contact.