Choose Your Own Adventure: The Abominable Snowman Alternate Endings Part 17
In CHOICE #12, the other option is to talk to Carlos before bringing Sangee with us. But the results are a little different. While shopping for climbing supplies, I notice a purple parka with a strange skull in one of the pockets, and a map of a road between Kathmandu and Nagarkot. An X is near an abandoned Shiva temple.
My character thinks "Carpe Diem" because it's too interesting to wait for Carlos. I ask Sangee about the parka, and he demands I give it to him after saying "that is a mistake to have it here". This is Sangee's parka, and he threatens me with an ice axe. To throw him off, I toss the parka at him. Before I can get away, "two tough-looking men" draw near: one who has a beard, and one with no beard but shoulder-length hair. If this were a Mark Trail comic strip, the bearded man would be punched immediately, but I have to settle for moving to the back of the store to grab an ice axe.
Sangee grabs me, snarls, and says "Foolish one. Now you have gone too far. Why are you here? What do you want?" The bearded man points an automatic pistol at me. He orders me to trick Carlos into coming by sending him a letter saying I found a clue. "If you don't, we'll kill you on the spot". Sangee and the others want us to help them smuggle "packages wrapped in brown paper" out of the country. Because you can't have a CYOA without smugglers, poachers, or counterfeiters. CHOICE #20 is whether to agree to the demands, or refuse.
To warn Carlos about the trap, I scratch 3 marks on the paper with the pen and pretend the pen doesn't work. This is based on a signal where 3 tugs on a rope mean danger. The bearded man asks me "Tell us now what you know about the map" in a German accent to fulfill the action movie cliche.
CHOICE #21 is to either make up a "fantastic story", or say I know nothing.
"Well, you see, it's like this. I am the prince of a tribe of superior beings from the lost continent of Atlantis. We live under the sea off the coast of Africa. Now we are ready to join forces with the Yeti, a tribe from the planet Borodoz which has been in the high mountains for the last three hundred years.'
The three look at you and begin to laugh. One of them says, 'Sure, and I'm Julius Caesar, and here is Cleopatra.' They all laugh at the big joke. This gives you time to whip out your Swiss Army knife. You cut some cords hanging from the ceiling. A mountain tent on display falls down on top of your enemies. You scoot out the door just in time. You forget about supplies for now, and go to the police. Later you decide to cancel the expedition for this season. There will always be another chance. The End".
Are the smugglers arrested? Is the player character telling the truth about being an Atlantean prince? If the claim sounds ridiculous, you haven't read many RA Montgomery CYOAs. The protagonist's gender is confirmed to be male in this ending. I guess this is a Good Ending.
Results So Far
11 Good Endings
2 Deaths
2 Bad Non-Death Endings
2 Neutral Endings
1 Inconclusive Endings
In CHOICE #12, the other option is to talk to Carlos before bringing Sangee with us. But the results are a little different. While shopping for climbing supplies, I notice a purple parka with a strange skull in one of the pockets, and a map of a road between Kathmandu and Nagarkot. An X is near an abandoned Shiva temple.
My character thinks "Carpe Diem" because it's too interesting to wait for Carlos. I ask Sangee about the parka, and he demands I give it to him after saying "that is a mistake to have it here". This is Sangee's parka, and he threatens me with an ice axe. To throw him off, I toss the parka at him. Before I can get away, "two tough-looking men" draw near: one who has a beard, and one with no beard but shoulder-length hair. If this were a Mark Trail comic strip, the bearded man would be punched immediately, but I have to settle for moving to the back of the store to grab an ice axe.
Sangee grabs me, snarls, and says "Foolish one. Now you have gone too far. Why are you here? What do you want?" The bearded man points an automatic pistol at me. He orders me to trick Carlos into coming by sending him a letter saying I found a clue. "If you don't, we'll kill you on the spot". Sangee and the others want us to help them smuggle "packages wrapped in brown paper" out of the country. Because you can't have a CYOA without smugglers, poachers, or counterfeiters. CHOICE #20 is whether to agree to the demands, or refuse.
To warn Carlos about the trap, I scratch 3 marks on the paper with the pen and pretend the pen doesn't work. This is based on a signal where 3 tugs on a rope mean danger. The bearded man asks me "Tell us now what you know about the map" in a German accent to fulfill the action movie cliche.
CHOICE #21 is to either make up a "fantastic story", or say I know nothing.
"Well, you see, it's like this. I am the prince of a tribe of superior beings from the lost continent of Atlantis. We live under the sea off the coast of Africa. Now we are ready to join forces with the Yeti, a tribe from the planet Borodoz which has been in the high mountains for the last three hundred years.'
The three look at you and begin to laugh. One of them says, 'Sure, and I'm Julius Caesar, and here is Cleopatra.' They all laugh at the big joke. This gives you time to whip out your Swiss Army knife. You cut some cords hanging from the ceiling. A mountain tent on display falls down on top of your enemies. You scoot out the door just in time. You forget about supplies for now, and go to the police. Later you decide to cancel the expedition for this season. There will always be another chance. The End".
Are the smugglers arrested? Is the player character telling the truth about being an Atlantean prince? If the claim sounds ridiculous, you haven't read many RA Montgomery CYOAs. The protagonist's gender is confirmed to be male in this ending. I guess this is a Good Ending.
Results So Far
11 Good Endings
2 Deaths
2 Bad Non-Death Endings
2 Neutral Endings
1 Inconclusive Endings
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.