(July 9th, 2023, 13:40)scooter Wrote: Yuris settled on the PH on T0, and I assume has gone worker first while teching Agriculture. The worker will take 10T, which means it's out on T11. I assume from there he'd improve the corn while working it, then do the same with the Wheat. He'd grow to size 2 end of turn 17 and size 3 end of turn 22, then likely start a settler because he doesn't have the techs to do more with workers. If he starts that T23 on corn/wheat/whatever at size 3, that would be 9.1T settler. I'll assume he can scrounge together 1h of overflow by lining up a warrior completion to build it in 9T. That puts the settler out EoT31, which probably puts him settling a Wheat-related city on T33 with 4 population total. By then I'll have 3 cities and 7-8 population. Maybe he starts the settler at size 2, which still has him settling his second city on roughly T29, the same turn on which I'll settle my 3rd city.
Quick correction.

Of course he would farm the Wheat first because the Corn is likely dry. Anyway, without boring details, this speeds his start up by 1-2T compared to what I projected above.
Anyway, Cairo grew to size 2 first, 1 turn ahead of me. We're the only two size 2 players in the game. This is somewhat weird.

Why? Well, because France does not start with Fishing so no WB first, and he could not possibly have gone worker-first and then grown in this time. Uhhhh, please tell me that's not Musketeer first opening

The only other thing I can think of is he grew while teching Fishing, then switched to a hammer config. I'm not tracking demos SUPER closely, but I did notice rival best/worst in hammers changed a few turns ago. So maybe he partial-grew, paused to hammer out WB, then resumed growth on netted Fish. That would get him to size 2 super fast. But it means he's just starting on his worker. With no Expansive to power it, that means he's working Fish/Banana right now which gets him a 6T Worker. I guess that makes sense because that forested banana is such a good tile that this start benefits a ton from getting to size 2 quickly, and the worker has overall less to do than our start.