I played a sim with the map of the previous post and I see that chopping the plains at S-SW of Karakorum will give the hammers to Karakorum. I don't know if it can go to Besbalik somehow. See link below.
Anyways the road is finished, although I think it was a good idea and the road is not so urgent. Now I expose the plans for the next turns so we can discuss them...
- Worker E of Karakorum will chop the actual tile. Setter in T38 and 3rd city in T41. After that it can be built the 4rd settler with another chop in 6 turns.
- Worker N of Besbalik goes to road the hill NE-NE of Besbalik, and continues road NE. In this way he is ready to work the cows in Turfan (3rd city). Only will lack the road of the cows for conection to Karakorum.
- New worker built in Besb in T38. In that turn Slavery must be activated. Worker goes to Copper ready when city grows to 2pop (T43). After that it can make a cottage or chop a forest to rush Granary.
- AGRI in T36 and POTTERY in T43, after that? writting? we have 50% bonus of building Libraries. Or HorseRid, and start making Gers.
With this plans we get a Chariot in Besh in T48, before if we chop. If we want to make another chariot in Karakorum that would be 6 turns before the 4rd settler. If we chop it can be 2turns, but the setter will be 3-4 turns delayed.