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Miguelito gets tricked by magicians, but Bob isn't fooled. Kaiser rules from behind.

Hm yeah,  missed exploration. That has to come right after mining actually,  to connect the gold/gems. I'd think the 77b is a good enough investment for the 2 additional pop in the capital (+ increasing worker/ settler efficiency) to justify taking it before Myst.
And yes, I will take care with roads, so try to make cities chokepoints while still connecting important resources, and in general leave few routes. Still he will be able to field 7(? mobility 1+2, haste, their unique ability) move centaurs, so it's going to be a pain either way.

Trade - I think the foreign trade civic really has to be the way to go for us. I've talked about cottage economy, for which it seems to be kind of required. Also while I insisted in taking calendar early, agriarianism is of course fairly antisynergistic for us long term, at the latest from the point on when we start blooming, and FT is the best replacement at hand. Finally the tech itself has a free trade route, also huge. Very lategame when the cottages are grown we might consider guardian of nature, but that's irrelevant for now.

One worry for early midgame are the lots of revolts that we want. FoL, apprenticeship, FT, city states.... we can't take anarchy for all of that. Ideally we could launch a GA when way of the forests finishes, then tech through to trade during it, and cartography if we feel it outperforms god king already. What I'm asking myself is whether we can manage that and the GS for the academy. Maybe yes, if both are started in parallel. Ideally get ECs in both the first and second city and start scientists, then add a merchant in the second city (which has more food and less other good tiles) once we have festivals, and maybe a bard from a carnival. Market and carnival are easier to get up in the cap, but it's less suited for multiple specialists. Hm.

Drama bard into sanitation is to be considered, but how much is it worth actually? Drama seems like a pretty useless tech especially for us, and it costs only a little less than sanitation itself. The cost is the risk of missing the bard, but of course there is also denial value. But I'd argue FoL takes clear priority, and then someone with more use for building culture might already beeline for it.

Also here:
Quote:Bob, you said you wanted to dotmap, so here's your canvas:
I had  meant to post my land overview stitch, but failed to copy the link tothe pic, here it is, for the global lurkers as well:

I've looked at the dotmap, but would need more time for a good response. Just one thing, your c2 (my A2) has the problem that at the time of founding we don't have AH yet (assuming we take it after Myst), and will not for some time to come. So its food is going to be a dry rice after the border pop. That's why I am leaning heavily towards letting that city share the wheat, and allow it to grow explosively from the get go (while allowing the cap to switch to more hammer heavy tiles). S of gems is a pretty bad city long term though, so maybe I should reassess. But it can spend a long time just growing cottages for other cities (I'm assuming dry plains (forest) cottages are not a bad thing, because there will be food aplenty, and with forests on them they don't get river boni either way).

(February 9th, 2021, 02:39)Kaiser Wrote: How does you next scouting plans look like Miguelito?

the first part of the plan is to hope our scout has not been eaten yet shhh scared

Then I'd probably proceed NW, just because we're there already, and there is forest. I think we know enough right know about our immediate surroundings.

The scout lived. I promoted her to C2/woodie (unsure if the latter was wise but noidea) and sent her to heal on a forested hill, killing a wolf in the process. No new animals in sight, so she should be fine for now.

Great, you are really maximizing XP here :D


it was a close call:

One more hit from the lion and the scout's dead. Big swing, because now we have a very strong unit healing there.

Despite getting a free pop, we grew to size 3 just with most of the pack (one is still at size 2), and are only slightly above average on foodhammer yield even after the wheat farm is completed.

Calendar finished, revolting next turn.

Interesting, so basically you would settle the NW first before heading SW for B and the floodplain valley?
What is the reasoning behind?

The NW gets you to the FP center as well, but lets you settle higher-quality cities along the way, and should be easier to reinforce. As important as claiming those FP is, I would not rush to plant cities in the center, which will likely suffer severe health problems and be difficult to hold without nearby high-production cities to back them with defenders.

It looks like you are in favor of A2 over A1, is this to avoid overlap or are there other considerations worth taking into account?

A2 is a better city long-term, and once AH is in can help relieve some of the capital's obligation to pump Settlers and Workers.

What is your general opinion on overlap for Volanna?

It doesn't really matter, more important is not wasting tiles, since she can (eventually) get good use out of all of them.

Thanks Bob, so short term A1 vs long term B and A2 delayed is the decision Mig has to take at the moment. It seems the game is stuck with the save, so I would like to see if any of you two would like to elaborate on city evaluation for early game.
This is valuable for me as even in CIV4 SP I struggle and typically end up forward settling a Computer to claim as much land as possible and then backfill my territory. (Noob)

We can take this example and compare A1, A2, B and Pig/Cow with each other if you want:
- A1: Short term city, already 3 improved tiles shared with the cap, immediate use and can reduce cap pressure on working high commerce, low production, no food tiles
- A2: better long term prospect, can share the gems which is undesirable as first tile, biggest drawback is it needs AH for the cow to be improved as its first strong tile
- B: slightly longer distance than A1, can share the important wheat but needs immediate worker attention for its other decent tiles. Strong production (5 GHF) Its best tile requires Iron Working/AH. Will very likely be settled later anyway
- Pig/Cow: quicker without fish, fish would loose a tile(open for filler city later) good production site as well (6 GHF but nor PH CC), needs AH for both its resources but Cow is already farmed so a decent starting tile

B and Pig/Cow claim land in important directions so want to be settled not to far in the future.


Forward settling is more viable against the AI as it does not evaluate you and your forward city on Machiavellian terms. In MP you typically should not do it.

I learned that the hard way CIV 6 PBEM 3 :D

I think I am good at evaluating and prioritizing CIV6 city sites, but for CIV4 I am less confident as I mostly look to get 1-2 food resources which I have the tech to connect and then later decide if I develop into a commerce or hammer city.


Settling near food is fine. The distinction between producton and commerce cities doesn't have to be that sharp. It's useful for a commerce city to have some production and a production city can have a couple cottages as a concession to the early game provided there is enough food.

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