A new speaker takes office to lead the OSG-37. Where do the Sakkra people stand in 2420?
Lizard kind has spread widely through the galaxy, and has contact with all the other races. The Mrrshan have lost their feline minds and declared war upon us -- cats, what can you do, right? There are still some unclaimed systems in the northeastearn sector, and one inferno planet near the Mrrshan:
We will try to claim these systems for our people. But most planets that can be settled have been claimed, and the galactic council has begun to meet at regular intervals. The next such meeting is scheduled for 5 years from now, and will be dangerous for us. The cats will of course vote against us, and they may be able to convince other races that are jealous of our strength and success to also do so. We have trade deals with the other races and relations are generally neutral to positive, but that will not stop the other races from voting against us, particuarly any that are allied with the Mrrshan.
Fortunately, our power and numbers have grown sufficiently strong that none of the other races are significantly more powerful than we are.
But if we get attacked by more than one enemy at a time, things could get very messy. I set our spies against everyone except the Mrrshan to Hide; this is not the time to risk provoking a diplomatic incident. Once the council vote is over, that will change.... Spying against the Mrrshan is increased and set to espionage, as relations can not get worse than open war. And the cats do have some techs we would like to acquire.
A bigger worry, technologically, is the powerful Bulrathi empire.
Lots of good stuff, especially in Planetology; Atmospheric Terraforming and Controlled Radiated would both be incredibly useful and are missing from our own tech tree. But we can not risk war with the bears right before a council meeting. So for now we will try to stay on their good side. The other races also each have some useful tech, especially the Psilons despite their small empire. But the same caution applies.
What do the Mrrshan have coming at us? Their fleet approaches Kulthos:
After reviewing plantary production settings, the clock advances to 2421. The Mrrshan fleet arrives at Kulthos:
OK, nothing too scary here. In fact, they can not penetrate our 7 points of shielding on poor Kulthos' lone missile base. After an exchange of long range missile fire and a couple ships lost on each side, I realize this and withdraw. If the cats come up with a better ship design, especially something with bombs, we could have trouble. But for now Kulthos is safe.
Our long range scouts find another useful world in the northeast: Simius is a size 25 inferno world. I arrange for an additonal colony ship to be built and dispatched. It is a long way to go, even with our better engines, and I worry that other races may reach it first. But we have to try.
The cats have another fleet heading for Kulthos already, but it is more Bobcats and Warcats like those that just retreated. They can not scratch the planet.
Another long range scout report: Phantos is a size 40 dead world. Another colony ship is ordered up.
The Klackon hive leader calls us, and proposes a non-aggression pact. I accept, as we would like positive relations with the bugs.
The Mrrshan have yet another fleet heading for Kulthos. They are presistent, I will give them that. This one contains some new designs we have not seen, that might have better weapons. Some of our rich worlds have been building more Crocodiles and reloc-ing them to Kulthos, so we will have a decent fleet waiting.
A colony ship dispatched by the previous speaker arrives at Escalon, and another world is claimed for lizard-kind.

Seed population is dispatched, but will take time to arrive. A slug of reserve cash is transferred to the new colony to help it grow quickly. Most of our reserves have been getting fed into Rayden each turn for artifacts research, along with extra funds for our other newly developing worlds to build factories.
Long range space scanners detect that the Alkari have a colony ship heading to newly-settled Escalon. I send some crocodiles to defend the new system.
The Psilons show up in the Rhilus system with an armed colony ship.

We have a colony ship of our own on the way, but our unarmed monitor can not stop the brains' ship with its neutron blaster and ion cannon weaponry. The system is taken by the Psilon.
The high council meets. 34 votes total, how many will go against us and for the Bulrathi?
Bulrathi - 7 for the bears
Klackons - 2 for the bears
Psilons - 4 for the bears
Mrrshan - 3 for the bears, this is not looking good
Alkari - 7 votes abstain

Us - 11 votes abstain
That was way too close for comfort. Hopefully with some new worlds settled and filled with lizards, we will have a few more votes by 2450. We can not count on the Alkari abstaining again.
Improved Industrial Tech 7 completes. This will help the build out of our new worlds quite a bit.
We have a number of choices. I decide to go with Zortrium Armor to advance the tree and strengthen our defense bases and ground combat. Reduced Waste 60% is tempting, and might have been a better choice, but I think the game will be moving towards a more war-focused phase soon.
We colonize Colassa, the inferno world near the Mrrshan. Seed population is dispatched.
The Alkari call us up, and the flight leader explains that they need new systems. They have broken our agreements and withdrawn their ambassador. Good thing this did not happen before the council meeting! I wonder if the cats bribed them to do this?
The latest Mrrshan fleet arrives at Kulthos.
Most of it is the same stuff we saw before and no threat, but those Panthers are dangerous. I focus our missile bases and Crocodiles to destroy them. We lose one Crocodile but smash almost all of the cat fleet. There is already another one on the way, however.
The Alkari colony ship shows up at Escalon. It has a barren base, reserve fuel tanks, and a heavy blast cannon. Fortunately the system is already ours, but we will need to watch our for incoming birds.
We found a new colony at Simius, a size 25 inferno world in the northeast.

Seed population is dispatched, but will be a while getting there. GNN reports that we now control 18 systems.
In less happy news, GNN also reports that a major industrial accident at Rana has irradiated the planet.

I transport the excess population off the planet to save them from dying, Palladia barely has room with some hasty terraforming spending. Clean up is funded.
A Psilon fleet arrives at Phantos and steals another system from us.
Not only have we lost two new systems to them, but the brains getting new worlds is never good news.

They are dangerous opponents, even with a small empire.
ECM Jammer IV completes, improving our computer tech level and spying ability. It will also help our missile bases against enemy missiles, although the AIs seem to be shifting towards beam weapons as tech advances. The only option for the next project is Battle Computer Mark VI, which at least will be a much needed upgrade.
I have been putting a lot of spending into research throughout the turn set, and multiple projects are nearing completion.
When these complete, we will be able to build a new generation of ships with repulsor beam and 2-space weapons that should help us gain space superiority. Our overall position looks pretty good:
Good luck to our next speaker!
RefSteel - UP!
DaveV - on deck
jez9999 - relaxing
haphazard1 - just played