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Doing all of them is always the best solution lol
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player


I haven't actually played it yet, but I have questions for Pin. This AMAZING song will be southern gem island spot. The remaining 7/8 new cities will be settled T90. I could* settle 1 more on SW island this turn, but it doesn't have a food to work atm as I think I want to keep the pig with Braw Sailing for now.

1) Charriu has informed me to settle the forward spot 1N of the banana in the NW T93. Now he has brought up extending our NAP and I avoided the subject. Now with Charriu probably splitting Bing with Scooter I have incentive to get a little bit more towards Charriu. On one hand the whole reason I was ok with the split Charriu proposed way back when was that IF the situation arose it provided me a convenient point to put pressure on. As I've talked about with SD the rest of his land is pretty resistant to being invaded. On the other hand I could just try explaining the situation to Charriu and asking him for the spots I want and try to keep good relations while at the same time getting everything I want. The time for that would be now before I settle 8 cities and get HG. Mind you he could say "no" and settle a more defensible spot then.

2) What am I teching? Calendar or IW. Obviously I want calendar for MoM, but I desperately need the happiness yesterday. IW is cheaper and would obviously allow me to hook up the gems although would require me to get a lot of workers to that island, but I plan on whipping a lot of those with HG pop. IW would also let me pre chop some of the calendar resources and start clearing jungle from dry rice for northern city. On the other hand calendar I might be able to normal build MoM and just save the great engineer for something else (probably just a GA). I would also get the incense for happy, which isn't nothing. Also the fact Charriu is setting that spot tells me he is likely going calendar, so I probably* should just choose this option, but man IW sounds good.

1. I think if you push your agreement with Charriu it's going to be a matter of whether or not he is able to make you pay for this. If you think he is going to be continually ganged up on to the point where you'll usually have the upper hand then go for it. The question at that point is more whether or not you want to also be at war with him or not.

2. I would say Calendar first because you want to get started on MoM. If MoM isn't that important then I would say IW first to hook up the Gems and start chopping down those jungled calendar resources.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

1) Short term he would not. Long term more so. It really depends on how well he ends up invading and then splitting Bing. I 100% will not let him invade Bing without taking that area as a "tax", but I can't really interfere much past that at least until knights although even then it seems unlikely. In general my goal is to go tall after my very soon "wide". I don't plan on attacking immediately, but if he asks for a continued NAP I may just give to him in 5 turn increments and then if he wants to invade Bing do a negotiation for, which will at least be 'more' diplomatic.

2) Is MoM important? Maybe? If I don't get it I could go for AP (although odds on a prophet decrease if I land Great Wall). On the other hand I really want to do 4 MoM GAs into Taj (not all continuous). Its more of "A" way to break America. It also goes well with being wide early and then using that to go tall. The fact that I have an incense that doesn't need IW is nice and probably the only thing saving this as being viable.

Speaking of which, how have you been finding America?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(April 25th, 2023, 15:02)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Speaking of which, how have you been finding America?

Not T90 when I settle all my cities, but maybe T91 when I land HG I've been meaning to go through a long term GP plan. 

Long story short it makes things stupid easy for types. See above post about wondering if I can do 4!!! GAs before Taj. 3 is the guaranteed (assuming I don't die), but I do wonder if 4 is possible. 4 is probably only possible if I manaually build MoM, but as I think Charriu will go for I don't think that is possible. If I don't get MoM I'll have to figure out backup plans, but that is a nice thing about America is the flexibility in types I can probably figure out a plan. In general assuming I get HG the stupid early engineer without every having to work specialist will be nice. 

Charriu for his academy had to slow down his expansion. It netted him a stupid early currency, but he lost spots and reaction time because of it (and I could* have done as easily if I didn't want engineer). 

Scooter for his engineer for Mids had to work a specialist slowing down his expansion. 

I on the other have JUST been expanding. I've been talking about if I lose MoM, but if I lose HG which would be HUGE downer, I can choose not to finish Great Wall, I can get a prophet in 20 turns, research MC, work engineer, and get AP all fairly easily because I just have random GP lying around (and since WhereToGoJohnny with Stonehenge is barely beating Roots early library). 

Do I think America needs nerfed still even though I haven't gotten a thing from it yet. YES YES I DO. It makes planning GP planning rediculously easy which is a harder portion of the game.

For #2 are you trying to abuse the +2 GP points by stacking great person multipliers? In that case, what about a Philosophy bulb? Or running the top half of the tree and going for a quick National Epic?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

So how quick is the question. My vague tech priorities are this:

Calendar / IW - paramount for happiness and development

I think*** next I want CoL (or mono) religion and org religion first. I am org so kicking in courthouses early is a pretty big deal and I LOVE organized religion.

But yes THEN I think I want to go top of tree using org religion to help build wonders. Assuming I don't need to go construction to hold off people going "wait he went from 9 to 17 cities and landed HG and MoM". That is one reason to keep peace with Charriu is to just not worry about military. I have a T150 NAP with SD and with Scooter taking Bings land I think* SD will stay focused that way.

I'm actually mulling an early GA, which I kind of hate as I won't have a lot of modifiers in place, but kind of like to get all these things.

Can discuss more later as things progress, but that is general plan.


Its um a space shanty?

I did a thing

[Image: eRwA4bB.png]

[Image: 1q2ry3Q.png]

HG finished at a perfect 300/300. To be fair I had an extra turn so I put a turn into a worker.

Basically every established city is unhappy T91 fyi.

(July 14th, 2022, 10:09)Charriu Wrote: Every report with Tank as a song is a good report. smile

Wholeheartedly approve. Oh, and congrats on the gorgeous micro. lol
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

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