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Epic Eight - EGYPT

I think most, if not all, of the reports are now in, so I've made a short summary of outcomes (in alphabetical order by player):

Blake – Diplo – 1667
Bulwark – Dom – 1852
Darrelljs – Dom – 1589
Kodii – Diplo – 1869
LKendtner – Dom – 1895
mbuna120 – Space – 1985
Meiz – Dom – 1756
NeonElephant – Culture - 1893
pling – Defeat – 1986
Sarek - Dom - 1826
Sourdough – Defeat – 1760
Sulla – Diplo – 1727
sunrise089 – Dom – 1806
Swiss Pauli – Dom - 1556
The Judge – Culture – 1950
Ug the Barbarian – Dom – 1685
wojc – Dom – 1756 (DQ: DoW 1510 BC)

My choice of most impressive game: Blake - awesome and interesting play.
My personal favourite game: mbuna120 - now that's a space race.
Most unimpressive reporting - me...I will sort this out by the next epic!

Thanks for the interesting summary.

My Domination was actually 1685AD not that it makes much difference wink

Ug the Barbarian Wrote:Thanks for the interesting summary.

My Domination was actually 1685AD not that it makes much difference wink

Corrected...I'm not much of typist: I had Sulla winning in 1277, but I managed to correct that before posting!

Hey thanks for posting the results! lol And thanks for noticing...

Quote:My personal favourite game: mbuna120 - now that's a space race.

Because I don't think I'm winning any points for fastest finish! nod

Sullla Wrote:Another first game on Monarch, another first win, excellent! thumbsup Your retrospective comments seemed to be forshadowing a gloomy end, so it was a bit of a surprise to see that you won. Was that a case of Sirian-esque misdirection? wink
It wasn't intentional, if so :-)

Sullla Wrote:I think the winning strategic move was cozying up with Caesar once it became apparent he had an unbeatable army. Kind of rare to see an AI Rome found Buddhism too (actually, I don't think I've ever seen that before this game!) That combined with the elimination of Saladin in the medieval years left you in great position to take the win. Quite an early finish too! How did you manage to research all the way up to Computers and still win in 1893?

Thanks for the report. smile
Cozying up with Caesar had been a game-long goal, even before that monster army was more than a gleam in his eye. I never got him up to "Friendly", since I kept trading with his worst enemies, but I guess my efforts were enough to keep him off my back.

I'm not really sure how to explain the technological advancement. I didn't shut down my research machine until Plastics (I think), out of fear of another AI declaring war on me with a less easily-handled stack. Either Elizabeth or Roosevelt traded Plastics to me right before the end of the game.

I also did a *lot* of tech trading. I, like one of the other posters, was afraid of getting steamrolled in a tech race, and so I wound up taking almost every deal Mansa, Roosevelt, Caesar, Elizabeth, or even Mao offered me (I held off on Constitution (?) to Roosevelt so as not to give him the Statue, but that was the only deal I recall not making). I also prioritized Alphabet, and spent a lot of the middlegame initiating tech trades with people.

Thanks for your comments smile Reading many of your reports was what pointed me to RB, and between your reports and those of others here I've learned a great deal about the game (I have not yet had a chance too look at your Epic 8 report, but from comments here I'm looking forward to it).

Sixteen reports from Egypt alone, thats pretty impressive. Of course, if all 28 reported... smile

Great dotmap pling! I'm glad for once all my cities aren't black dots lol

First time reporter.
Thanks for the EGYPT file.
Report extremely basic, but felt I owed you one since I subscribed for Potluck.

Sarek Wrote:First time reporter.

But hopefully not last time? wink

I enjoyed that report, I did. I'm glad you shared it with us. Congrats on the win.

I was having a read through the reports again in order to see whether anyone else - warmongers in particular - was running Binary Science. As far as I can tell only myself and Blake (I think) took this approach. I must say that I found it very impressive: lots of cash at hand at regular intervals for upgrades and military research is much more 1-tech-at-a-time than peaceful goals, so switching the stop-go nature fits the strategy rather well. I know Sulla's not a fan, but I'm wondering if anyone else has dabbled in Binary?

What the re-reading did throw up was the differing approaches to diplomacy. We had Sulla's Sorority, Blake's Master of Puppets (as opposed to his usual Paster of Muppets), my (mostly) Godless Warmongering, NeonElephant's Godless Cultural win, Kodii's Bhuddist/Hindu world, LKendter's AI DoW-frenzy. I got pretty lucky in my game insofar as religions were shared out, which made another AI the worst enemy rather than me. Did anyone feel that the diplomacy-dice rolled against them?

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