November 21st, 2016, 12:58
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Nic went past me and stole a Worker from Mombasa. Guess he showed me units to make sure I didn't do something stupid like attempt to steal the stolen Worker from him?
Well, I have bigger fish to fry. Here's my strike force getting in position
November 23rd, 2016, 14:35
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Hanoi siege started
I think I have enough. I certainly hope so
Happiness is in the positive for the moment, as HAK accepted a silk for incense trade. Offer had been active for a few turns, I wasn't sure if he was stalling it on purpose or just didn't realise he had to click the decline button to make it go away. But he did accept in the end. This actually triggered a WLTKD in the capital, so I'm going to try and grow it at least one size. Will take 8 turns, and there's plenty non-Settler things to build (Shrine, Temple, Caravan, Worker, Worker, and Worker)
Meanwhile in the east, Workboat completed and found a hut. Could be worth picking at some point, although I'm not sure how much I need Optics right now. Will definitely need it if that island is worth settling - but don't know about that yet. It seems alright, but ideally it needs to have a unique luxury
Time for a coinflip of the century - will the border grow on the deer or the pearls next turn? I don't think I will improve the pearls immediately even if it wins the flip. HAK accepting the deal means I can afford to use the Wordboat for scouting for 2-3 turns. But I definitely will need the pearls before the deer, especially with my intention to keep the city at size 1 until it adopts the religion
November 25th, 2016, 07:02
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Nic got his religion and took Tithe and Pagodas. Watch someone make sane choices
The eastern island has furs. Not as good as a unique luxury, but definitely worth settling. Means Optics is going to be the next research after Philo. Want to sail around the island before improving the pearls - let's hope the workboat doesn't run into barbs along the way  I did win the coinflip by the way - borders expanded to pearls
Hanoi siege is going to be slow, even without walls in the city. But ultimately should be successful
November 30th, 2016, 13:13
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Next turn.... should be next turn...
Nic again has too many units in the middle of the map for my liking
Two more notable things in this screenshot. First, the money is tight again. I counted on capturing Hanoi this turn, but couldn't quite get there. Reshuffled the tiles after taking screenshots, so ok for now, but really need it captured next turn. Also I probably should send at least a few gold trade routes, wouldn't be as effective as food or production, but the former aren't amazing with thight happiness, the latter aren't available yet, and gold trade routes would help with deficit
Second, I screwed up and allowed Tondibi to grow to size 2. Could be a blessing in disguise, as it allows it to work a high gold tile (furs) and still grow further. But not great for purposes of spreading religion. With Nic's units potentially threatening, I really want to spread religion asap and without spending faith on a missionary, to be able to faithbuy units wherever he attacks (should he do so)
December 2nd, 2016, 11:56
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There we go  city's mine, and loot money is enough to last for at least a dozen turns
Next step - expand to islands. Hope Nic doesn't attack me.... I want his two cities in the middle of the map (one of them actually mine) - but first need to do the boring things like research more advanced units and spread religion. Would prefer not to attach until Muskets era if possible (normally would've been Knights era, but with strategic resources as limited as they are, I don't think Knights will play a huge role this game)
December 12th, 2016, 13:47
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So as you probably already know, Ichabod captured Pindicator's capital as well. He's now in control of his continent (I still don't know where it is, but have a trireme out looking for it)
Curious to see what he's going to do next. Will he send the army to our continent and try to go for early domination? Will he try to consolidate his gains and develop in peace? Obviously in Civ5 it's not enough to control a lot of land and cities - how will he attempt to leverage his strong position into a win?
More importantly, what should my plan to stop him be? My plan has been to start cleaning up my continent around Gunpowder era, by the time I establish good faith production and can faith-buy a large army in a short time. I may have to attempt to take out HAK (whose position is weaker than Nic's) before then. But not sure yet
A lot to think about. I don't think Ichabod won the game yet, there are ways to stop him, and Civ5 has plenty of catch up mechanism thanks to its desire to make smaller empires competitive and military conquest difficult. But he's the favourite at the moment, and I need to find the best way to keep pace with him. I don't know what it just yet
December 12th, 2016, 13:59
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Quote:Obviously in Civ5 it's not enough to control a lot of land and cities
I think it is, or at least, three times as much as anyone else should be enough. The brake is only happiness, and conquering capitals with luxes certainly helps. More cities do overcome their tech cost penalty by the time you get all the way to a science victory. Civ 5 doesn't have any highly leverageable purely economic catch-up factor like trading or espionage economy. Maybe you and your neighbors can try, by way of devaluation discounts and research agreements and whatever stealing you can manage. Or a good old fashioned dogpile attack.
December 12th, 2016, 14:17
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Yeah, that's the problem, and that's why I need to rethink my plan of attacking people in medieval era. I could try offering DoF to Nic and seeing if he accepts - he probably will if he agrees Ichabod is a major threat. That being said, research agreements may be too slow - 25 turns after Education? That's ages.... dogpile may be more realistic. But Nic and myself aren't exactly good friends in this game, I don't know how much will to cooperate there is. Turns have been slow lately, so I have a couple of days to think and decide
December 12th, 2016, 17:55
(This post was last modified: December 12th, 2016, 17:57 by yuris125.)
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So, where am I at the moment?
To be fair, I'm not doing badly in the non-Ichabod league. But that's not where I want to be to have a shot at winning the game. Just look at that land area.... also he does not have unhappiness problems at the moment, Nic has the worst approval rating, and it's only -1 happiness
One temporary reprieve is that Ichabod's cities are small - but if he's given time to consolidate, and I don't see how we can stop him considering how far away he is, he will run away
Also of note - Ichabod actually is the guy with Pyramids. Unless he took them from Pindicator? I was certain Pindicator was the one who built it, but even if he did, he likely did it in the capital, which is Ichabod's now. Ichabod also completed full Liberty - perhaps he used his golden age bonus from Representation to help the attack? Perhaps he even took a Great Artist from completing Liberty to extend the golden age? Wouldn't be surprised, and it would make a lot of sense given his UA
Anyway, what's my plan? Firstly, I have two or three more cities to found myself - the green dot in the north and an island city or two. Island cities won't be amazing, and they don't have unique luxuries - just furs. But they also have iron, and I need more cities for faith production. Think I definitely want one - not sure about more
Secondly, I'm going to forgo religion enhancement for now. T-hawk said earlier how I was going to run out of faith if I tried to use holy warriors together with religious buildings, and I see it being the truth now. I need to start spending faith on an army - I can't afford to spend 200+ faith on an enhancement great prophet (rolls start at 201 faith), then 130 faith per building which returns 3 faith per turn (assuming I get mosques) - so about 50 turns payback. I'll be dead by then
I'm finishing Mathematics next turn, and will immediately start faith-buying Catapults. They have a long lifespan and demolish classical era cities in no time, even medieval cities aren't safe. In two turns after that I will also get Construction and will be able to faith-buy Composite Bowmen as well. I won't have a strong melee unit for a while, which is concerning - but there's no rush. I likely will pick up Horseback Riding at some point along the way to buy a single Horseman for city capture
So who am I going to attack?
Going after Nic is tempting. The way my empire shaped up, Tombouctu is very exposed, and even with the walls, it shouldn't be too hard to recapture it. Taking Tombouctu, Harar, and Adwa should establish a solid defensible border and open the path for me to attack HAK at a later point
HAK is in a weaker position than Nic in general, but I only border him at the south from Jenne, and there's a lot of rough terrain there. Won't be easy to get my troops in position. Also there are meta considerations - HAK is a less aggressive player who's less likely to attack me while I'm fighting someone else
The biggest concern I have is that Nic is ahead of me in tech. He's also going to get Judaism spread to him, at least to Tombouctu, and will be able to faith-buy units himself
I'm not sure yet - and I still have a few turns to decide, at the moment all I need to do is faith buy uinits and make sure I don't accidentally spawn a great prophet - but I'm inclined to attack Nic in a dozen turns, 20 tops. I likely won't take his capital, but taking the three eastern cities in this war would be good enough
December 12th, 2016, 19:16
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Oh, one more thing: it would make sense for Ichabod to research towards Frigates and pretend he's a Viking. This would work particularly well against me and my (future) island cities. So I need to be very mindful of the possibility and at least have some control of the seas - especially considering ships cannot be faith bought