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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Found the problem, it looked at the ranged flag to determine if a unit uses a lightning attack which is only correct for heroes using a Lightning item. Units dealing natural Lightning attack damage use the global armor piercing flag instead of the ranged one and looking at their animation type is even more accurate than that.

Actually even without armour piercing resistance his armour was 13 which I thought might be enough to withstand the attacks.

I found a crash, move the beastmaster on myrror and the units he can move with except the magician one tile south onto the Ariel's ranger stack and it crashes (attached).

Did you have any luck with the node auras not giving chaos/sorcery/nature auras outside of the node? It doesn't work consistently for me.
If you are looking at that could you add the ability for Guardian nodes to give the bonus to the spirit owner over the entire aura too?

Attached Files
.zip   myrror crash (Size: 122.13 KB / Downloads: 1)

Thanks, will be fixed in the next beta.
Yes, I fixed the node aura bug meanwhile. The fix should have been in the beta update a few days ago.

I don't think the Guardian bonus should apply to anything except the city and node tile you own.

Does the Guardian bonus work on a city if it is overlapping the node aura?

I found another crash, a hero that was confused but I could still control tried to cast dispel magic on himself causing the crash.

(March 27th, 2021, 11:28)MrBiscuits Wrote: Does the Guardian bonus work on a city if it is overlapping the node aura?

It should if it's your city.

Do you have a save file where the AI reliably casts confusion on your hero so I can test that?

The elf city Elmwood in the attached files doesn't spawn the Settler even though I bought it, it just sits there at full completion. I'm guessing this is because it doesn't have 2k pop, but in COM1 that was an intentional feature to pack up and move your city. Is this considered a bug, or has that feature been removed because of Raze? There's a material difference because I don't want to raze the city or wait numerous turns for it to get to 2k pop, I want to get the elf Settler out of it immediately.

Attached Files
.zip   settler (Size: 531.71 KB / Downloads: 0)

Yes, removing a city by building a settler is not implemented because razing can destroy the city in a more efficient way. It might be added at a later time but it's low priority.

Ok I managed to find a save with the bug, just move the Beastmaster stack one tile North East onto the city and sharee will cast confusion on him (and it always seems successful....8 out of 8 tries). Once you get control of him confused just try to cast dispel magic and it crashes.

By the way I noticed when Sharee has control of him the Beastmaster can cast spells that only Sharee this intentional?

Regarding the Guardian Spirit bonus, why would it work in the city, but not other tiles covered by the aura?

Edit: My giant spiders have 3 figures, but the health bar looks around 90% full rather than under 75%

The web graphics on a unit makes it hard to see which unit has it, maybe it is in the wrong place or the draw order is wrong

Sometimes units go off the top of the map in combat, the positioning of all units seems a bit too high on the tiles. When there is only one flying unit left it can be offscreen eg. cockatrices.

Attached Files
.zip   beastmaster dispell (Size: 88.65 KB / Downloads: 1)

Quote:Regarding the Guardian Spirit bonus, why would it work in the city, but not other tiles covered by the aura?

It doesn't.
Guardian, the retort does.

Quote:By the way I noticed when Sharee has control of him the Beastmaster can cast spells that only Sharee this intentional?

Yes, normal units can cast spells known by their current controller.

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