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[SPOILERS] swance bitten, twice shy

Turn 147 - Zululand

uh oh, gt's posting again.... last time that meant something important happened...... could be nothing but i fear for our beautiful stack of dumbasses

relatedly we STILL haven't seen the big cat pile from western theater at the start of the war. i am starting to think it must have been run down and killed by nauf somehow, or perhaps it was spent trying to delay nauf's conquests a turn or two.... but if they were hiding it all this time and it appears now it could be quite effective as stopping us

fhqwhgads blogging

i've gone completely back around and now believe i'll make the heroic epic in aksum, if we can get it, after all... yeah, the real aksum.... i would love to save the crab and whales (oh, especially since whales are a lux we otherwise have no access to) but that's a 200 hammer investment from the settlers plus whatever buildings i raze plus maybe 6 or 7 pop points wasted.... probably not worth it from a tempo perspective.... and then the big reason which is that in aksum we would have something not every other player will have.... a heroic epic west point city stacked w great generals that can make ships.... so +2 movement from the nav promotions on all our ships which, if this game is like civ6, is devastating. or hell, just +30% strength on them which is a huge deal in a world of pure strength vs strength naval battles on 10% defensive bonus coast. an attack vector with this could look like: sneak in astro research at some point, seize control of the seas (we are already planning to beeline chemistry and milsci anyways for unrelated reasons!), mass-produce AGG amphibious muskets, and.... not just raze someone's coast, but because we're PRO, we can try KEEPING the captured cities and just galleon-dropping a shitton of city garrison 3 muskets in them on the same turn as we capture. imagine that appearing in your backlines from the fog

ugh ok. time to face the music. the civ4 background music. as i open the damn turn

welllll shit you guys:

we are actually going to get gondar....? i scarcely dared to dream of this outcome but here it is.... they left just a pike + crossbow pair in the city to slow us down (and they'll certainly at least make us spend attacks we don't want to spend, there's no really efficient way for us to kill such units) and seem to be going for a final, cataclysmic stand in aksum. addis ababa's garrison seems to have pulled out as well for the same reason. unlike at matara, there's not really any way for us to stop either group from reaching the capital. so whichever one of us takes the city will have to grind through an absolutely massive, 20 unit pile of medieval defenders. if each cat does, what, about 0.7 damage to 7 units, we would need about 12 to get everyone down to the 3.3/6 collateral damage maximum, which we don't have - not a great start lol and then we go in with what, horses and impis? our 3 macemen, and longbows on offense? yeah, there is a fair chance that we simply don't have the kind of force we'd need to grind through this city.... but we're also not going to get another chance to try for it once nauf's enormously superior units make it up there (they inexplicably did not advance this turn, for inexplicable reasons...?) so i'm thinking we'd better take our best shot at it anyways. and in the meantime, just be careful about how many units we throw away into the attrition meat grinder (so translation: we probably do need to bomb out the defenses at gondar instead of piling up the horse bodies so we can sweep northward as quickly as possible)

anyways. GT's pike has wandered into range of a random axe from kinbozan, which is about as efficient a matchup as we're likely to get against it. i think we should go for it at these odds, this pike ties down multiple perfectly good units on defense at matara while it remains alive and i'm not about that. attack and

c1 axe vs c1 pike (65%): we actually won, amazing!

soooo now that we've been playing for fully 45 minutes, anyone wanna check the event log....?

mjmd making moves! and.... GT attacking gavagai? i have to admit i initially misread that as mjmd attacking gavagai which WOULD be a development...

well, not a ton to do here but go for it i think. with a turn's lead on nauf's catapults, i think it's safe for 3 of ours (we still have the accuracy cats from the lalibela attack long ago) to stop to bombard and hopefully preserve a unit or two in expectation. and then what, pile up the horse bodies? well... all our 1-movers died so i am not sure i see much other choice... at least with the horses there is a reasonable enough chance of retreating while still doing a bit of damage, which is more or less what we're going to have to go for i think. it's not like our impis get odds against the crossbow after all... and i don't dare risk a cat just to damage ONE unit with collateral...

for the first time in my life i promote a horse to flanking TWO.... coin flip to live, 60% chance to do damage seems better than 20% to live, 80% to do damage from a combat 1 horse.

"Hey, quit horsing around." i throw him and... he dies pathetically BUT does get in the expected singular hit. next, well... the odds of the next guy aren't really that much better than 20% to live, 80% to do damage, unless i want to risk a combat TWO horse (i do not want to do that). man, don't tell me i AM supposed to throw in a cat here (it gets 20% odds to retreat vs the crossbow). but... well, that requires us to actually have a unit with which to efficiently beat down the pike after if we do redline the xbow, which we don't really other than the valuable and still not a sure thing GG-promoted morale axe.... i send in another horsie

c1 HA vs 5.3 health pike (21% to live): LIVES :D pike now down to 3.7 health and from here things should snowball
c2 HA vs 3.7 health pike (15% to retreat, 25% to win, which would be worth 5xp for a promotion): OMFG HE WON we lost just one horse killing a pike on offense??
c2 horse vs g1 crossbow (almost exactly the same odds as above, so winning here would ALSO be worth a promotion): retreats, doing a shitton of damage
c1 horse vs 2.9 health crossbow (92% odds, would be worth 2xp for a promotion here too):

gondar kept its market AND GRANARY yessss

the rng gods wink at us with an on-theme great general, as if i could somehow fail to see the hand of the divine in a combat in which we traded one horse archer for a pike, a crossbow, and a city

we didn't do this last turn because of our mighty phobia of getting our cats killed but i think it's time for a celebratory free upgrade... so we can use longbows on offense and FOUR maces against GT's capital lol

ok so, now what? first things first, of course we cannot allow a counterattack against gondar. and second things second, we need to stare at this game board until we come up with a way to advance our guys into the teeth of a 20-unit garrison without getting our cats murdered. seems to add up to a hideous fuckton of pillaging to me...

fyi according to WB the horses will still defend against crossbows even on a hill (which i was worried would put our mace over the top and therefore in harm's way...) - relevant to our choice of how many troops to use on dubious pillaging missions and how many to gather into the stack. also relevant - the 25% malus from attacking across a river does still apply to HAs that otherwise do not get defensive bonuses


ok, after a break for lunch and quiet contemplation:

chop's already gone, but i decided that the possibility of building some goodwill with ginger is worth a slightly more defensive settle. also, this one has more chops coming quickly as it's first-ring to a chop, which the other site no longer is, and takakeisho is on pace to grab it another chop in 8 turns. so those will respectively go into the castle and granary, and we then have a third chop to do with what we will (very likely a courthouse or just a longbow). unfortunately it is juuuust a bit too early to move our worker onto the forest though as we don't want that chop going into the walls at what would then be wasted overflow...

anyways, with the idea of razing aksum looking increasingly delusional, maybe it's time to spend our other two settlers as well. they are headed for this filler spot

which aims to turn kinbozan's two floodplains farms into 6 riverside plains windmills (way better tiles than kinbozan's non-river desert hills...) and this spot

which has dubious value as an actual city (we're talking size 7 max, working 3x oasis, 3x windmills, and an incense) but it claims another lux, multiple copies if no one tries to swipe them, and a tremendous geostrategic position in the heart of the central desert. with a castle on a hill, it should be really difficult for nauf to crack if they decide to turn on us someday, while opening up an annoying attack vector into their ethiopian gains

trying to think about what it would take to cover our two cats with remaining movement points against an attack out by GT's capital garrison if we advance NE of gondar (pillaging the road and corn farm 1N of gondar, ofc). i see 5 pikes in range of that tile after the pillage...we have an injured shock axe who could cover from last turn's stack, and a full-health shock impi. and there are a few units that were one turn behind but could now move up on our lovely new road network.... that's worth another shock impi, plus a longbow who really wants to promote guerilla 2 but who could, i guess, promote shock instead and stand over the cats to be a Real Defender against whom the pikes would not even get odds. i mean, i suppose that's enough.... they can attack with everything and get one attack against a cat, but that exposes enough of their units to a counter that i think it's ok for us. they could cover with a significant portion of the former gondar garrison though, which gets messy... they would need to leave enough to not get the capital sniped, with 7 units that will be in range next turn (3 off of boats), but there might be a way to do both which would not be great for us

then we have to either defend gondar against its former garrison or sacrifice two more units to pillage the NW road.... this is a bit easier than pushing the cats though as they'd be attacking onto a hill across a river, so we can block the pikes with just regular old unpromoted impis which we have a few of to spare. then 2 C1 horses for the 2 crossbows in range, and the mace will probably eat SOMEthing, and i think this aspect shouldn't be a problem

ohhhh man you guys, i um... i found GT's hiding workers...

how.... how did this even HAPPEN...?

well, ginger is readying an absolute fuckton of catapults.... there are another 8 or so in attaleia on our border, plus 5 or 6 macemen, with research set to feudalism. i think we will see the push quite soon, either at guilds straight-up, or with gunpowder discovery timed to coincide with a nationalism swap via taj (probably the latter). against whom though? we will have castles in all the border cities by the time our current NAP expires, which even 30 cats will not be sufficient to reduce in one turn, and i think it's reasonable to expect each of our CG3 longbows to take at least one unit with it even on defense. they could make progress against us but it would be slow going, especially once we start whipping said longbows out of 21 cities every damn turn lol. so while they could come for us, i don't think it's too likely unless they can arrange a dogpile. but do we have any way to stop them from making gains if they go in against dreylin? well, we could be annoying at least... if we reroute our full military from the GT front after someone takes aksum, we could possibly take a border city or two.... but i'm not too sure what stops a stack of, let's say, 20 cats and 40 janissaries besides walking into a comparable stack from dreylin, which they seem unlikely to be able to field, or maybe burning themselves out against, like, 5 or 6 cities worth of longbows behind castles...

ok enough - i NEED it to not be my damn turn anymore. if this deploy loses to GT attacking out of aksum and then piling the gondar garrison on the tile to defend the wounded, so be it.... i think we have nothing better and i don't want to wait around for nauf's cats to catch up. we have only a slight lead on them, slight enough that i think we want to have the defenses bombed out BEFORE the bulk of our cats make it next to the city, so if they sit back and defend the extra turn we are getting for 2 of our cats could be significant (coupled with the bombard cat i plan to drop off on the longbow tile 1E of aksum next turn).

whatever man. just no more this please <3

Could GT's missing cats have gone off to fight Gavigai? Since they don't seem to be anywhere in his territory?

Also, seriously, what is up with that? Sure, we've had grand "I can't defend, I'll go off and try to take someone else's land" epics here at PB (yes, I'm looking at you Scooter and Pindicator). So I suppose it's on theme given the mapmaker. But, that was against an unaware player happily buildering away on their own continent until suddenly they're being invaded. This is Gavigai who's a militarist player who's already been fighting wars. I can't imagine this is going to go well. I guess you do what you need to do if you think you're game's hopeless, and the moment Nauf got Knights GT's game went from "really dire" to "completely hopeless". But gosh, wouldn't it be better to hurt someone who actually hurt you? Or maybe someone with less military like MJMD or Greenline? If he had to hate-bomb someone, seems like WE'D be the logical choice. All Nauf did was not give him peace after GT attacked, and, uh, if you attack someone you have to expect they aren't necessarily going to give you peace just because you want it. I have no idea what Gav did to GT that made him do this, but I would be FURIOUS.

Meanwhile, feels like we need a few more cats to kill Aksum, but have no time to get them. Don't know what else to suggest, but if Nauf gets it it's not the end of the world, we still got a lot out of this war for not a lot of losses.

yeah, idk man. i suppose from the perspective of "how do i survive as long as possible" it makes a little sense - gav, um, surely was not expecting an attack from this direction while nauf and us could be expected to, and we do know gav is a little behind in tech and has a largely horse-based military. maybe the idea is just to take one city and hold it until gav can put together something that can kill an xbow/pike comp, and it didn't seem like it would be possible to take one of ours or nauf's cities?

i guess i've been conquered before and i'll be conquered again, and while i usually react by trying to hurt whoever i think was the biggest asshole to me over the course of the game (DEFINITELY us in GT's case...), that's really just metastrategy to try to discourage assholing in future games and i think any response from a position like that is basically valid...

i haven't been highlighting it, but we do actually have a few more cats that were just produced in the core and are streaming over on engi roads.... i think there are 10 in total scattered around, including the 5 from the main stack. i don't know that we can get everyone together and coordinated in time if nauf pushes for aksum, but no reason not to try - there's always the chance that GT attacks out with too much and opens it up to being killed by boat with amphibious macemen (3 of these are 2t from the boats), or that nauf decides it would piss us off to race us for the capital given that we have 2/3 neighboring cities and an army on the way. but i agree, if we don't get the capital it's not game-ending, i didn't really expect to get gondar and am already pretty happy with the split. 7-4 cities in nauf's favor seems pretty fair given who was most responsible for GT actually dying (not team horse archers and impis, that's for sure lmao)

yeah, idk man. i suppose from the perspective of "how do i survive as long as possible" it makes a little sense - gav, um, surely was not expecting an attack from this direction while nauf and us could be expected to, and we do know gav is a little behind in tech and has a largely horse-based military. maybe the idea is just to take one city and hold it until gav can put together something that can kill an xbow/pike comp, and it didn't seem like it would be possible to take one of ours or nauf's cities?

i guess i've been conquered before and i'll be conquered again, and while i usually react by trying to hurt whoever i think was the biggest asshole to me over the course of the game (DEFINITELY us in GT's case...), that's really just metastrategy to try to discourage assholing in future games and i think any response from a position like that is basically valid...

i haven't been highlighting it, but we do actually have a few more cats that were just produced in the core and are streaming over on engi roads.... i think there are 10 in total scattered around, including the 5 from the main stack. i don't know that we can get everyone together and coordinated in time if nauf pushes for aksum, but no reason not to try - there's always the chance that GT attacks out with too much and opens it up to being killed by boat with amphibious macemen (3 of these are 2t from the boats), or that nauf decides it would piss us off to race us for the capital given that we have 2/3 neighboring cities and an army on the way. but i agree, if we don't get the capital it's not game-ending, i didn't really expect to get gondar and am already pretty happy with the split. 7-4 cities in nauf's favor seems pretty fair given who was most responsible for GT actually dying (not team horse archers and impis, that's for sure lmao). i do think in retrospect these boat builds were a bit too cute for their own good.... 7 more cats would be a lot more impactful right now than the ability to ferry over a greater quantity of units per-turn than we can actually produce lol. but perhaps they will come in handy against ginger in the future, or maybe GT attacks out of aksum in a few turns and they become the only reason we get to take the city

speaking of whom, any thoughts on what we should do about the imminent incoming from ginger? other than "try to match their pace to muskets" (we can't, they have 700 banked gold lol, but i think we can at least have guilds in time...for all the good that'll do against janissaries) and "keep building units like we're at war, because we're about to be"? mass-building cats without many attackers present is a grim omen - to me it reads "i have already started to build my doom stack, and this is the one unit in it that i have the tech for". probably the idea is that every city is on cats now, they'll get guilds in 4 turns and every city will start knights then, then they'll get gunpowder as taj completes, swap to nationhood/slavery, and draft and whip and golden age-produce a 50-unit janissary stack from every city all at once. maybe in the face of that, even a 33-hammer castle in a city that's not directly on a border is a bad build, to say nothing of the courthouses i was hoping to go for. i would also be open to intimations that swapping to serfdom was a huge mistake and we need to go back at the anarchy turn and mass-whip units again to match ginger's pace, even if that would take us economically out of the running unless we can turn it into another partial conquest.

i suppose we could at least stop giving them lux when they start drafting, and send feelers out to others who might do the same (dreylin is sending them gems...). that's not going to be remotely decisive but it's a start...

well, here is an idea re ginger: we could trade our dubious shot at aksum for GT's 400g treasury by seeing if they'll take peace for all their gold.... that plus not having to pay for our whole military in GT's territory would cut quite a bit off our guilds, and thus gunpowder, research time, probably to the tune of 5 turns. nauf might view it as a stab but they also might not, seeing as we'd be conceding the capital to them when we would otherwise have some chance of taking it

fzhhhhhh good thing i love u guys bc i really have neitgher the time nor energy for a turn right now

can i do something in one hour that caused oops-level screwups on consecutive days when i had four...??

well, GT didn't attack out or execute any unexpected, devastating counters or anything... and naufragar has not moved up any stacks or anything, which i take to indicate that they are conceding aksum to us, if we can find a way to take it. that's the good news. the bad news: LOOK at ginger's research. they are just smashing through guilds, and gunpowder is barely more expensive. i think this is gonna get real bad, real soon

re aksum, idk if this is likely to help, but i'll switch a few more cities onto cats at the cost of delaying (non-border) castles. clearly i SHOULD be simming to find out if 15 cats is sufficient to crack a 20-unit garrison where 10 cats would not be, or if there is a chance that even 10 could suffice. but not tonight, as i mentioned we r rushing

some days i think, is this sumo naming scheme REALLY confusing enough?

walls first as promised, then we time a chop to complete on the same turn to do the castle. while being careful not to screw up the fact that chops should take 2 turns now in serfdom

big nauf stack spotted, evidently heading home but could just as easily turn around and go for aksum if we falter

so don't falter, but don't rush either..... i looked this position over a bunch and i'm not sure i QUITE feel like pushing all the cats is a good idea this turn. in the meantime i will push up the cats that bombed gondar last turn to the same tile as the other two and do juuuust a little pillaging this turn to facilitate our advance....

here are the guys i didn't want to push into 21 attacks (+ 6 pillagers...) you can see that our numbers are, like, ALMOST equal to GT's stack (and we could have forced the attack to come across a river and on a hill) but a bunch of our guys are cats and i just didn't trust it, not if we ALSO have to leave a few guys in gondar to prevent a surprise attack. so with a few extra roads pillaged, including the one linking gondar to the 2 units threatening it, i think next turn we'll be ok to push, and we can also start healing HAs in gondar (where i promoted a medic HA). and highlighted is our amphibious stack E of the capital. soon we can start bombarding their defenses, at which point attacking out should look increasingly crappy. and if they don't attack our pillagers, next turn we can pillage the plains hamlet and then advance the cats in perfect safety. and we're still adding about 4 units/turn E of the capital, which i am HOPEing will add up to something closer to the 2 to 1 edge we'd need to make this plausible in 4-5 turns.

i have to admit, i am leaving these 2 guys in matara because im afraid ginger or dreylin or naufragar will violate our NAP and burn it if i leave it undefended.... please someone tell me thats being paranoid. and the answer can't be to put a longbow in there either because we need those even more badly as attackers who die to neither pike nor xbow

oh the sublime joy of getting the turn (149)

and immediately we have something to think about, which i will pre-post for discussion before playing the rest of the turn

cow, corn, pig, iron.... exactly the resources at GT's capital...... so nauf wants to buy the right to take aksum off us, for 200 gold? well, certainly the city itself is worth way way more to us than that - we would likely get 200 gold from capture and pillaging the 2 remaining cottages, if we choose to go that route, though in actuality we probably don't make that much net after paying 24 GPT for our army to sit around in GT land for the next 5 turns.....

so why might we be tempted to accept? because it looks like ginger is about to take off in terms of military threat level, and nauf's 200 gold, plus however much we will pay to keep our forces in GT land while we work through the siege, would shave at least 2-3 turns off our gunpowder time.... and more relevantly, would let us start rerouting our stacks home immediately so we can prepare to fight the real existential threat in this game. we could see ginger attack (us or dreylin) in as little at 10 turns, i think, and 5 extra turn of NOT having to siege down GT's capital could easily make the difference in whether our GT forces can get to the east in time to meet them or not. um.... not as though i really expect horse archers and impis to matter against what ginger will be bringing, but the cats and longbows would be relevant.

the other reason to accept would be to not piss naufragar off lol.

so, the floor is open for debate.... normally i would NEVER sell a city this cheaply, especially not a monster like aksum, but does geopolitics demand it?

i will also do some simming to assess just what our chances of actually TAKING aksum are if we can get all our forces in place... obviously if we don't think we can actually win there, the decision kinda makes itself lol

and lest we wonder if maybe this is some kind of non-ginger related offer, or if perhaps we are overemphasizing the immediacy of the threat that they pose

as to whether nauf could be paying us more: yes, they have 700 gold in the bank. so perhaps there is some opportunity for haggling here. if we could get their WHOLE treasury for aksum, that would fuel research to gunpowder by itself. but of course no one likes a haggler and i imagine not only are they unlikely to pay that kind of price, but we also might lastingly piss them off in so doing

unfortunately round 2 of superdeath vs gavagai starting this turn is relevant as well, as i think nauf is now pretty likely to just turn their whole army around and immediately slam into SD..... that surely means we want to take an option that makes it less likely that they'll run away with things from here... but does that mean we should take aksum ourselves or sell it for all, or at least more, of their gold?

as for the GT sim, their visible assets total

10 xbows
11 pikes
2 axes
1 spear
2 archers
= 26 total units

our assets in theater, if we heal up everything before going in and leave nothing behind on defense anywhere, are

11 lbs
4 maces
13 horses
8 impi
3 axes
3 chariots
2 archers
7 cats now, 3 stragglers a few turns back
= 51-54 units

i don't know how to account for fortify bonus, which not all of their units will have, but i suppose attacking across a river should more or less be sufficient... nor do i have the time to figure out how to deal with promotions right now. but here's the sim

going to run it a few times without waiting for the straggling cats, then we can see if things improve if we do wait for them


tried going in with 7 cats, and the slaughter was horrific.... we "won", if you can call it that, but it took two turns, and after turn 1 there were 8 redlined units in the city vs 18 of our survivors.....

10 cats did WAY better, of course.... we took the city with 34 units alive, at least in iteration one.... but that means we still lost all 10 cats and 10 other random units. which, at the risk of putting too fine a point on it, amounts to nearly 1000 hammers of military.... aksum will pay that back over its lifespan as a city, in a long game, but that may not be what this is.... with golden age ginger about to go thermonuclear in the east, do we really dare to make a trade like that?


going to play the turn sloooowly over the rest of the night, in the hopes of giving yall a chance to weigh in. i am leaning towards.... perhaps not taking the deal exactly, which i think is a lowball offer for a capital-quality city, but perhaps proposing a somewhat-higher price to naufragar, maybe in the neighborhood of 400 or 500 gold....? but then what would accepting such an agreement even look like? us echoing the agreement back to them, withdrawing from the area, and then....just kind of hoping naufragar then actually pays us? or i suppose what we would do is echo the agreement (or echo with a higher price), but have them supply an extra iron on their side, so they can accept straight-up. i'm down to give them our only corn and pigs for 10t, but the iron has consequences as if we accept a deal like this as written we then won't be able to make knights.....


after 4 runs of the sim with 10 cats, we won with
- 34 units remaining
- 32 units remaining
- 33 units remaining
- 29 units remaining (this one my attack order might have been bad though)
out of 54 attackers...

i think in production we'd do slightly better than that on average due to our promotion edge, especially on the new cats which can go all the way up to barrage 3 and should get good mileage out of that. plus not ALL of GT's units will have max fortify (in particular, not the ones that aren't even in the city yet lol) and there is some chance they don't even move them all in the city (if they were going to do this, why haven't they done it so far...?) but then on our side, not all of our units will be fully healed, and maybe i will get paranoid and leave a few stragglers behind in case someone turns on us and breaks the NAP.....

but still, apparently there is not too much variance in outcomes here and we can expect to probably take the city if we wait for all 10 cats, but at a ruinous cost of 20 units, give or take a few, including all the cats.... it's quite easy for me to envision how 20 lost units might translate into more than a city's worth of marginal losses against ginger once they are ready to move out...

while i was nervously simming, other people were nervously playing:

that's turn 174, the same timetable as the last time we discussed this, which i think has absolutely no chance of being fast enough

and THAT, indeed, is the timeline on which we not just should fight ginger but, i expect, on which ginger will give us no choice BUT to engage in such a fight....

caught THIS happening live in real-time too


now that i've triple-posted i guess i've kinda buried the lede, so to reiterate: naufragar sent us diplo which i interpreted as an offer to buy the right to take aksum for 200 gold. i think whether or not we accept this will be a hinge point in our game so i think i should at least open the floor for feedback before committing, insofar as i can while still playing within my 6-hour window

if we do choose to respond with some variant of acceptance, i imagine that looks like this:

first deal - i give pig, cow, iron, and corn (aksum resources) in exchange for 4-500 gold, horse, and iron (knights resources, indicating we will use the money to research guilds). they can accept this deal straight-up, at which point i'd withdraw from aksum

then i will ALSO send a second deal - war with ginger, 15 gold on my side in exchange for horse, iron, 4-500 gold, and all their cities. so i will use their gold to attack ginger with knights in about 15 turns

might also switch the order of those two deals since then they have all the info i want to convey before they receive the offer that is designed to be acceptable as-is

I think I say yes/try to get more cash, but generally go along with this. I'm loath to give up a city this nice, and it will cause some cultural friction down the line (but since its southern and eastern neighbors are already owned by us, we should be likely to get a leg up on culture). But the money is really nice to help fix our tech situation and saving all of our units for the upcoming Gingerpocalypse seems like a good plan.  This SHOULD also help cement the friendship with Nauf - it's a trade of course and we're both getting value, but it shows a lot of trust from our side that we can negotiate a friendly border. We should be able to totally demilitarize this half of the empire with obsolete garrison MP units being about it.

yeah.... i think that has to be the right answer..... 20 units for a strong city constitute a worthwhile trade during peacetime (which is why nauf's making the offer, that and they can trade more efficiently w GT's guys than we can) but i think not during wartime, and i think with this turn from ginger we are effectively at war with them. 20 units could definitely make the difference in, eg, us stopping them at the border vs not, them sending their big doomstack into dreylin rather than us, us having to concede the kriishima/takayasu line of cities but saving the next line instead of collapsing completely. i wouldn't do this in less desperate circumstances but this isn't that.... especially if, as i think is more or less our win condition for this game, we want to make it through ginger's power period WITHOUT swapping to slavery at the anarchy turn and whipping ourselves back into a towering economic hole

well, i decided we'd better at least continue along our aksum attack vector while we're in negotiations, so that us actually taking the city will continue to look plausible. so i pillage a hamlet and mine (to get to the roads underneath) to allow us to safely push the cats, which i hope will not be viewed as breaking the spirit of a deal with nauf. and then, my best attempt

deal 1: "you help us get knights, we attack ginger in 15 turns"

deal 2: "here is our price for aksum". designed so they can signal acceptance by, um, accepting, and so that we still have access to iron for said knights if they do so

deal 3: "yeah we need each other like no two neighbors ever have lmao"

deal 4: "don't you even think about helping them". this is ginger's natural ally, or would be, were ginger's position less grotesquely dominant. ginger will surely already have reached out to them about a split of whomever their target is... hopefully they are gamestate-aware enough not to agree to such a thing, but we should at least get a read on that, and hopefully lock out intervention from them in the coming apocalypse. i think the length of this NAP shouldn't backfire on us, for the following reason: i could only see us wanting to attack greenline in the next 30t if a) they join ginger in splitting drey (in which case it is obviously ginger, not greenline, who we would want to attack) or b) they split mjmd with gav (but gav just declared on superdeath, so not likely, and i think a 1v1 between them would stalemate). well, or c) they collapse and we need to vulture, but i don't think mjmd will be making that happen by themselves and dreylin is of course, um, a little preoccupied

deal 5: i'm noticing SOMEone still has an active (health/health) resource swap with them.... so in case they have forgotten i will politely suggest that they cancel it lol. of course, so do WE (and dreylin) but naturally we can't quite poke the bear yet ourselves...

do yall think we try to peace out w GT in exchange for some gold if nauf does buy aksum off of us? i doubt they'd take it but if they did we'd both make a profit and show the seriousness of our commitment to nauf

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