Thanks for being patient with me while I play the turns. I'm still just halfway through my set (taking way too many pictures and reporting at too much length as I go along) and the turns ended up going in a very different direction than I expected. I'll try to get the save and the rest of the report up tomorrow, but for now, here's what I've got so far:
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments to 2431
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments, 2432
![[Image: 2432.jpg]](
(The last three techs on this list are two tiers past Neutron Blasters, available because of the Fusion Beams we stole during DaveV's turns, and there are arguments for all three: Stinger Missiles are a huge upgrade over our Hyper-Xes, doing nearly twice the damage, moving nearly twice as fast, with and additional +2 to hit (for a total of +3) - and Fusion Rifle would be a major upgrade for our ground forces, especially since we have neither of its predecessors. But each of them has been teched already by at least one of our enemies, and I'm hoping we can get them for ourselves through espionage or trade, whereas Megabolt Cannons are absolutely unique, with their +3 native to-hit bonus on a beam, and they're easy to miniaturize on top of that. Overall, they're one of my favorite weapons in the game. And we might even - maybe - have a chance to deploy some of them before we win!)
The Sakkra weapon labs turned out a neutron blaster design earlier this year, but when you consider that they've already been deploying fusion beams aboard their Crocodile cruisers for more than a decade, you'll understand why I didn't think the news worthy of its own transmission. All indications suggest that they're about to start work on a hyper-accurate beam weapon more powerful than the basic mount for either of these, under the project codename "Megabolt," but fortunately completion is a long way off for now.
![[Image: 2432a.jpg]](
(This is likely to be overkill even after Escalon is fully terraformed, so I'll have to (remember to) send some transports away to another star just before they arrive. That's playing with fire to a certain extent, but I really want more lizards out in this corner of the galaxy, and I do trust myself to remember this, in spite of everything else going on. Plus the overkill shouldn't be too severe!)
Meanwhile, the exodus from Kulthos continues, with half its population approved for transport passes this year, all bound for the Escalon colony. Disgustingly, the lizards' terraforming capabilities are so extensive that they've been able to open up enormous tracts of Rana's radiated surface to colony domes as well - a surface radiated by their own industrialists in an accident of titanic proportions - and no doubt huge numbers of the lizards would be petitioning every year for the right to travel there if radiation levels weren't still so severe. Even as it is, amid that self-made wasteland, the population is breeding like Sakkra and may yet populate the whole world on their own again! If only the Bulrathi would teach our troops to fight on such irradiated worlds so we could invade and take the planet's riches from the scaly filth....
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments, 2433
Emergency Encrypted Burst Transmission
Encrypted Report: Follow-up, 2434
![[Image: 2434a.jpg]](
Our allies are coming through for us - may they be soon enough! With 310 Falcon and Foxbat fighters, 60 Space Gull destroyers, and 5 Wareagle cruisers, with their advanced computer and weapons technology, they'll be able to threaten Obaca more than our current fleet possibly could, when they arrive in six years' time. We'll have to coordinate with them though, and pray to Bastet that our efforts don't come too late!
Emergency Encrypted Burst Transmission
The rest of this set may go ... a little differently.
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments to 2431
I managed to tap into a feed from a Sakkra science complex and learned their research priorities. The sheer quantity of technological research to which they were committed - a large fraction of it apparently in the distant Rayden system alone - was eye-opening, but I was not deceived by the changes made by their so-called Twelfth Speaker last year.
![[Image: 2430f.jpg]](
(Actually continuing to seed Construction here with such research as I can spare, because Zortium will be a big deal, but our first-ever eco restoration tech is critical, so I'm pushing it as high into the percentages as I can while still getting "bonus" research on every RP.)
The tiny token funding they're trickling into their weapon and force field projects - the ones with the most military-sounding names - conceals the fact that they expect a breakthrough in each field within just a few of their years with no more funding than this - as well as the fact that their "trickle" amounts to tens of billions of credits every year at this research rate. As for their highest research priority, to advance their ecological restoration techniques, it may sound peaceful and even laudable but in practice what it means is that more of their Sakkra workforce will be freed from the necessity of cleaning waste manually, and made available for other duties - especially military duties - increasing the effective productivity of their developed worlds by more than fifty percent at a stroke! And as of early 2431, that potential has been realized: The image I captured of the planetology lab's report was lost when my device's image processing software crashed without warning, but fortunately the rest of the machine was not affected, and I was able to restore the software soon thereafter. For a moment, I was terrified that I had been found out - that my computer had been compromised by Sakkra security - but I checked the system and everything was working fine ... and of course if it had been compromised, I wouldn't be alive today. My memory didn't crash at least, so I can report that the Sakkra planetologists are focusing now on advanced techniques for enriching their already-habitable worlds' soil, to grow richer crops and therefore yet more of their disgusting, egg-hatched millions, in lieu of another small incremental increase in their terraforming abilities.
![[Image: 2431.jpg]](
(Collassa will be terraformed up to +40 long before these transports arrive, and we're generally going to need more people all over this part of space.)
The Sakkra cruisers and transports rushing out toward our space are probably meant to be threatening, but I was able to get access to their dispatch orders, and the cowardly fleets are all either Crocodile cruisers headed for Sakkra worlds that have no armed defensive fleet or transports to add yet more lizard-spawn to their farthest colonies. They don't have the will or the resolve to dare our invincible defenses: These movements are threatening in potential, for a future toward which they're building up strength, but not in present reality. There's no need to panic over them: Just come up with a plan to crush the loathesome creatures in their eggs!
![[Image: 2431a.jpg]](
(Notice the yellow Construction bulb is lit to partly lit to "two bars" (you can see the "lit" portion is twice as tall as in last year's view of the tech screen) - one very general rule of thumb when aiming for maximum bonus research is to "seed" a tech you want until the bulb is lit to this point, then drop to just the full bonus spending (where the LED is just barely lit). Remember though that like all rules of thumb, it's a bad idea to assign it too much (or indeed any) importance in itself. When you're back-tracking for an early tech, for instance, you may want to get it out of the way ASAP and ignore the research bonus. And you can see that in Planetology, since our research budget per turn can be expected to remain consistently high until we win the game, I'm putting in just a trickle of research while I seed Computer technology. I do this to get the ball rolling on a tech, to at least start getting some bonus research when I can't afford to do proper seeding. I'll also slow down Computer research before it hits "two bars" because I don't expect our research budget to grow fast enough to make that fast a run at both Construction and Computers so nearly simultaneously as would happen if I did. Rules of thumb always have to take a back seat to strategic considerations.)
It's vital that we attack with devastating force - with much better fleets than we've been wasting on Kulthos all this time - before the threat of their potential can be realized. Consider the research fields where their scientific efforts have been focused: The Warp Dissipator their "propulsion engineers" are nearly ready to prototype is not a means of propelling ships, but an anti- propulsion weapon! The construction project their materials engineers have been pursuing so zealously has nothing to do with factories and everything to do with strenghtening the armor on their assault troops, military bases, and attack ships! And the computer plans they've started to fund heavily this year are not for any civillian use, but a battle computer twice as powerful as the one they received in trade from the Bulrathi last year! The danger to our people hasn't materialized yet, but if we wait to stop it, it may soon be too late!
![[Image: 2430f.jpg]](
(Actually continuing to seed Construction here with such research as I can spare, because Zortium will be a big deal, but our first-ever eco restoration tech is critical, so I'm pushing it as high into the percentages as I can while still getting "bonus" research on every RP.)
The tiny token funding they're trickling into their weapon and force field projects - the ones with the most military-sounding names - conceals the fact that they expect a breakthrough in each field within just a few of their years with no more funding than this - as well as the fact that their "trickle" amounts to tens of billions of credits every year at this research rate. As for their highest research priority, to advance their ecological restoration techniques, it may sound peaceful and even laudable but in practice what it means is that more of their Sakkra workforce will be freed from the necessity of cleaning waste manually, and made available for other duties - especially military duties - increasing the effective productivity of their developed worlds by more than fifty percent at a stroke! And as of early 2431, that potential has been realized: The image I captured of the planetology lab's report was lost when my device's image processing software crashed without warning, but fortunately the rest of the machine was not affected, and I was able to restore the software soon thereafter. For a moment, I was terrified that I had been found out - that my computer had been compromised by Sakkra security - but I checked the system and everything was working fine ... and of course if it had been compromised, I wouldn't be alive today. My memory didn't crash at least, so I can report that the Sakkra planetologists are focusing now on advanced techniques for enriching their already-habitable worlds' soil, to grow richer crops and therefore yet more of their disgusting, egg-hatched millions, in lieu of another small incremental increase in their terraforming abilities.
![[Image: 2431.jpg]](
(Collassa will be terraformed up to +40 long before these transports arrive, and we're generally going to need more people all over this part of space.)
The Sakkra cruisers and transports rushing out toward our space are probably meant to be threatening, but I was able to get access to their dispatch orders, and the cowardly fleets are all either Crocodile cruisers headed for Sakkra worlds that have no armed defensive fleet or transports to add yet more lizard-spawn to their farthest colonies. They don't have the will or the resolve to dare our invincible defenses: These movements are threatening in potential, for a future toward which they're building up strength, but not in present reality. There's no need to panic over them: Just come up with a plan to crush the loathesome creatures in their eggs!
![[Image: 2431a.jpg]](
(Notice the yellow Construction bulb is lit to partly lit to "two bars" (you can see the "lit" portion is twice as tall as in last year's view of the tech screen) - one very general rule of thumb when aiming for maximum bonus research is to "seed" a tech you want until the bulb is lit to this point, then drop to just the full bonus spending (where the LED is just barely lit). Remember though that like all rules of thumb, it's a bad idea to assign it too much (or indeed any) importance in itself. When you're back-tracking for an early tech, for instance, you may want to get it out of the way ASAP and ignore the research bonus. And you can see that in Planetology, since our research budget per turn can be expected to remain consistently high until we win the game, I'm putting in just a trickle of research while I seed Computer technology. I do this to get the ball rolling on a tech, to at least start getting some bonus research when I can't afford to do proper seeding. I'll also slow down Computer research before it hits "two bars" because I don't expect our research budget to grow fast enough to make that fast a run at both Construction and Computers so nearly simultaneously as would happen if I did. Rules of thumb always have to take a back seat to strategic considerations.)
It's vital that we attack with devastating force - with much better fleets than we've been wasting on Kulthos all this time - before the threat of their potential can be realized. Consider the research fields where their scientific efforts have been focused: The Warp Dissipator their "propulsion engineers" are nearly ready to prototype is not a means of propelling ships, but an anti- propulsion weapon! The construction project their materials engineers have been pursuing so zealously has nothing to do with factories and everything to do with strenghtening the armor on their assault troops, military bases, and attack ships! And the computer plans they've started to fund heavily this year are not for any civillian use, but a battle computer twice as powerful as the one they received in trade from the Bulrathi last year! The danger to our people hasn't materialized yet, but if we wait to stop it, it may soon be too late!
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments, 2432
![[Image: 2432.jpg]](
(The last three techs on this list are two tiers past Neutron Blasters, available because of the Fusion Beams we stole during DaveV's turns, and there are arguments for all three: Stinger Missiles are a huge upgrade over our Hyper-Xes, doing nearly twice the damage, moving nearly twice as fast, with and additional +2 to hit (for a total of +3) - and Fusion Rifle would be a major upgrade for our ground forces, especially since we have neither of its predecessors. But each of them has been teched already by at least one of our enemies, and I'm hoping we can get them for ourselves through espionage or trade, whereas Megabolt Cannons are absolutely unique, with their +3 native to-hit bonus on a beam, and they're easy to miniaturize on top of that. Overall, they're one of my favorite weapons in the game. And we might even - maybe - have a chance to deploy some of them before we win!)
The Sakkra weapon labs turned out a neutron blaster design earlier this year, but when you consider that they've already been deploying fusion beams aboard their Crocodile cruisers for more than a decade, you'll understand why I didn't think the news worthy of its own transmission. All indications suggest that they're about to start work on a hyper-accurate beam weapon more powerful than the basic mount for either of these, under the project codename "Megabolt," but fortunately completion is a long way off for now.
![[Image: 2432a.jpg]](
(This is likely to be overkill even after Escalon is fully terraformed, so I'll have to (remember to) send some transports away to another star just before they arrive. That's playing with fire to a certain extent, but I really want more lizards out in this corner of the galaxy, and I do trust myself to remember this, in spite of everything else going on. Plus the overkill shouldn't be too severe!)
Meanwhile, the exodus from Kulthos continues, with half its population approved for transport passes this year, all bound for the Escalon colony. Disgustingly, the lizards' terraforming capabilities are so extensive that they've been able to open up enormous tracts of Rana's radiated surface to colony domes as well - a surface radiated by their own industrialists in an accident of titanic proportions - and no doubt huge numbers of the lizards would be petitioning every year for the right to travel there if radiation levels weren't still so severe. Even as it is, amid that self-made wasteland, the population is breeding like Sakkra and may yet populate the whole world on their own again! If only the Bulrathi would teach our troops to fight on such irradiated worlds so we could invade and take the planet's riches from the scaly filth....
Encrypted Report: Critical Developments, 2433
Why wasn't the fleet recalled? What did they think they were doing? What did they think they could accomplish at Kulthos now apart from getting killed?
![[Image: 2433.jpg]](
(Okay, so if you want to see an example of how not to design a battle cruiser, check out that Warcat - bearing in mind that 4 of that +5 to hit comes from the Mrrshans' innate ability, and the other comes from the Battle Scanner ... the latter being about the only thing the AI got right with this ship!)
As I'm sure you know by now, their Crocodile stuck around to help take out one of our Warcats before the over-cautious pilot retreated in the face of a cloud of missiles it could probably have dodged without trouble. What you may not know is what the pilot transmitted back to base, which I managed to decrypt from a military records database after it was sent here to Kronos: "May as well. They can't get past our bases, and really, if they insist on paying maintenance on obsolete trash like those ships, who are we to stop them?"
![[Image: 2433a.jpg]](
(Class 6 shields would have allowed us to build ships that were completely immune to scatter packs, among other things, but I felt the Class 4s I'd already acquired via trade would be enough for a while, and if everything goes to plan, we'll be invading aliens' worlds soon, and glad of the extra bonus for ground combat we can get here.)
What you might not yet have heard is that Sakkra scientists just made another breakthrough in force field technology, and the repulsor beam they just developed will give their ships a way to keep any bombers or spore ships we build away from their bases indefinitely, unless we can blast them out of space with missiles or heavy beams. For now, we can still do that - and fortunately, they aren't pursuing shields that would make them virtually immune to our current weaponry - but the window may be closing, and worse, they've started pursuing apsorption shield technology for their murderous, slavering, cold-blooded marines. This can only mean they're planning invasions: Planning to take the war to us, at our own worlds, unless we can crush them before they have the opportunity!
![[Image: 2433b.jpg]](
They're distracted for now by their new colonies in the corner of the galaxy farthest from our battle lines with them, even now sending refugees from the Rana accident on from Paladia to Denubius, to take the place of the many former-Denubiusians now polluting the surface of Hyades - but that won't last. The disgusting egg-layers breed so quickly, they'll soon have all their worlds fully populated, and hold a controlling veto over all the High Council's decisions, even as they make war against our people! They must be stopped, and soon!
![[Image: 2433.jpg]](
(Okay, so if you want to see an example of how not to design a battle cruiser, check out that Warcat - bearing in mind that 4 of that +5 to hit comes from the Mrrshans' innate ability, and the other comes from the Battle Scanner ... the latter being about the only thing the AI got right with this ship!)
As I'm sure you know by now, their Crocodile stuck around to help take out one of our Warcats before the over-cautious pilot retreated in the face of a cloud of missiles it could probably have dodged without trouble. What you may not know is what the pilot transmitted back to base, which I managed to decrypt from a military records database after it was sent here to Kronos: "May as well. They can't get past our bases, and really, if they insist on paying maintenance on obsolete trash like those ships, who are we to stop them?"
![[Image: 2433a.jpg]](
(Class 6 shields would have allowed us to build ships that were completely immune to scatter packs, among other things, but I felt the Class 4s I'd already acquired via trade would be enough for a while, and if everything goes to plan, we'll be invading aliens' worlds soon, and glad of the extra bonus for ground combat we can get here.)
What you might not yet have heard is that Sakkra scientists just made another breakthrough in force field technology, and the repulsor beam they just developed will give their ships a way to keep any bombers or spore ships we build away from their bases indefinitely, unless we can blast them out of space with missiles or heavy beams. For now, we can still do that - and fortunately, they aren't pursuing shields that would make them virtually immune to our current weaponry - but the window may be closing, and worse, they've started pursuing apsorption shield technology for their murderous, slavering, cold-blooded marines. This can only mean they're planning invasions: Planning to take the war to us, at our own worlds, unless we can crush them before they have the opportunity!
![[Image: 2433b.jpg]](
They're distracted for now by their new colonies in the corner of the galaxy farthest from our battle lines with them, even now sending refugees from the Rana accident on from Paladia to Denubius, to take the place of the many former-Denubiusians now polluting the surface of Hyades - but that won't last. The disgusting egg-layers breed so quickly, they'll soon have all their worlds fully populated, and hold a controlling veto over all the High Council's decisions, even as they make war against our people! They must be stopped, and soon!
Emergency Encrypted Burst Transmission
The Sakkra have warp-5 engines! The Sakkra have impulse drives!!
![[Image: 2434.jpg]](
(My first spy success on any of my turns this game, against the Psilons, had all fields available except Planetology, and I knew exactly what I wanted. There was a chance that I would have wound up with just Hydrogen Fuel (Range 4) - I'd tried in vain to trade for it back in 2430 to eliminate that possibility, but saw no deal I could accept - and Uridium fuel (Range 8) was another semi-worthless possibility, but the Psilons also had Inertial Stabilizers ... and these. Ships with Impulse Drives will be nearly twice as fast as our current fleets, and our transports will double in speed. All those little incremental bonuses to our computer tech level may or may not have made the difference here, but we hit the jackpot either way. Instead of framing someone, I hit the Esc key, hoping/believing that it would cause our spies to escape cleanly without alerting the Psilons that anything happened, and without framing anybody.)
I had to take enormous risks to confirm it, but it's true! A Ranan agent made it all the way to Whynil, the farthest Psilon world from Sssssla that's within the cold-bloods' range, found a way into a top-secret propulsion laboratory, and came away with plans for the most-advanced warp engines in the galaxy! Once they build new ships, every world in our empire is within their one-year striking range! We have to act fast! We may be too late already!
![[Image: 2434.jpg]](
(My first spy success on any of my turns this game, against the Psilons, had all fields available except Planetology, and I knew exactly what I wanted. There was a chance that I would have wound up with just Hydrogen Fuel (Range 4) - I'd tried in vain to trade for it back in 2430 to eliminate that possibility, but saw no deal I could accept - and Uridium fuel (Range 8) was another semi-worthless possibility, but the Psilons also had Inertial Stabilizers ... and these. Ships with Impulse Drives will be nearly twice as fast as our current fleets, and our transports will double in speed. All those little incremental bonuses to our computer tech level may or may not have made the difference here, but we hit the jackpot either way. Instead of framing someone, I hit the Esc key, hoping/believing that it would cause our spies to escape cleanly without alerting the Psilons that anything happened, and without framing anybody.)
I had to take enormous risks to confirm it, but it's true! A Ranan agent made it all the way to Whynil, the farthest Psilon world from Sssssla that's within the cold-bloods' range, found a way into a top-secret propulsion laboratory, and came away with plans for the most-advanced warp engines in the galaxy! Once they build new ships, every world in our empire is within their one-year striking range! We have to act fast! We may be too late already!
Encrypted Report: Follow-up, 2434
![[Image: 2434a.jpg]](
Our allies are coming through for us - may they be soon enough! With 310 Falcon and Foxbat fighters, 60 Space Gull destroyers, and 5 Wareagle cruisers, with their advanced computer and weapons technology, they'll be able to threaten Obaca more than our current fleet possibly could, when they arrive in six years' time. We'll have to coordinate with them though, and pray to Bastet that our efforts don't come too late!
Emergency Encrypted Burst Transmission
This is the end. We should have stepped on the insects while we could.
![[Image: 2435a.jpg]](
(This was probably a mistake: The Klackons are so far behind, running a one-planet empire, that I should probably have given them Advanced Eco instead. Still, I'll gladly trade a repulsor beam for Doom Drives. In case you're unfamiliar, "Doom Drives" was Maniac Marshall's nickname for any combination of engines and stabilizers that allows 4 spaces of movement per round on the combat screen: Enough to reach the planet in two moves, and to literally outrun scatter-pack rockets. And as of now, we have them.)
They traded their inertial stabilizer design to the RBO-37 in for a repulsor beam, and whether or not that thrice-accursed lizard device can protect them from the Sakkra fleets, it won't do anything to protect us! I may as well send the image I stole from their scout database earlier this year:
![[Image: 2435.jpg]](
The rich, fiery world of Moro Prime, at the neutron star at the farthest edge of the galaxy from their home, may be added to their empire soon, but that doesn't make a difference; nothing makes a difference now, because there are other stars they'll be adding to their empire: Ours.
![[Image: 2435a.jpg]](
(This was probably a mistake: The Klackons are so far behind, running a one-planet empire, that I should probably have given them Advanced Eco instead. Still, I'll gladly trade a repulsor beam for Doom Drives. In case you're unfamiliar, "Doom Drives" was Maniac Marshall's nickname for any combination of engines and stabilizers that allows 4 spaces of movement per round on the combat screen: Enough to reach the planet in two moves, and to literally outrun scatter-pack rockets. And as of now, we have them.)
They traded their inertial stabilizer design to the RBO-37 in for a repulsor beam, and whether or not that thrice-accursed lizard device can protect them from the Sakkra fleets, it won't do anything to protect us! I may as well send the image I stole from their scout database earlier this year:
![[Image: 2435.jpg]](
The rich, fiery world of Moro Prime, at the neutron star at the farthest edge of the galaxy from their home, may be added to their empire soon, but that doesn't make a difference; nothing makes a difference now, because there are other stars they'll be adding to their empire: Ours.
The rest of this set may go ... a little differently.