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(January 28th, 2023, 18:26)Miguelito Wrote: ah and I PM'ed Bing, but if anybody has another channel to him (Discord?) that might be helpful, since he hasn't visited the forum in a while. - edit: nevermind, caught him ingame in PB69 smile

Oh and Q, I installed the asset files and noted that the art (icon and 3D model) for Soldier of Kilmorph and Paramander appears to be switched - is that intentional?
Yep, it's in the patch notes. It's a change from EMM I like, as the art for SoK's is much more impressive than Paramanders, despite them coming earlier. 

Details of Discovery are here.

I would probably prefer Quick but it's not a strong preference.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Installing mod, hope I got the latest variant, also I endorse any and all settings.

BFCs and the map file are in the lurker thread. Would be nice to get a second pair of eyeballs to look at it, but if none are forthcoming, I can randomize the starts and put them in your threads.

Some notes on the generation.

People expressed preference for a generated, lightly-edited map (I think some even wanted setting similar to PB 64 & 69?) but simultaneously acknowledged the myriad of things that can unbalance an FfH game. lol So I ended up rolling a Duel-sized 30% water tectonics, and I cleared two tiles of water around the poles.

Otherwise, I have made only very minimal edits to the map. I have balanced food at the capital, and that is pretty much all. Number of forests, hills, even luxury or mana resources in BFC I have left unchanged.

I have added Copper, Horse, and Iron to starts that didn't have it (and will update horse for the civ-appropriate resource), but left the computer-generated resources for starts that already had them. I have not balanced for Mithril, Gunpowder, or the high priest resources.

I also have not balanced for luxuries, mana, marble.

All that said, I do think this map is within an acceptable band of balance. Nobody is dead or winning on t0.

Additional settings used: no lairs or unique features, blessings on. I haven't added the Discovery era techs, but I'll do that when it's time to edit in people's civs. Anything I forgot to mention?

I say all this as a disclaimer. I don't want people expecting a natural, lightly-edited map that at the same time also has tile-perfect land-form balancing, equal and equivalent luxuries, starts that can survive 4 tiles of settler movement, and will file your taxes for you. nod
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

(January 28th, 2023, 18:53)BING_XI_LAO Wrote: would like a dedlurker.

I'm still unspoiled, so I'll be checking in to your thread.

Well, in Aotearoa IRD balances our taxes for us so no need but thanks Mr. Map wink

And thanks Naufragar! Really appreciate it and apologies if the brief sounded like we were asking you for everything under the sun. The map sounds great and I give you full permission to quote this at me if I ever start complaining  lol

Not an issue but just a question that duel is big enough? I don't play tectonics much.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(January 29th, 2023, 13:58)Qgqqqqq Wrote: The map sounds great and I give you full permission to quote this at me if I ever start complaining  lol

Careful! It's every player's right! wink

Quote:Not an issue but just a question that duel is big enough? I don't play tectonics much.

Instead of giving folks the distance between players, I'd encourage everybody to roll a few 5 player Duel tectonics to get a feel. There are 638 land tiles, although tectonics generates a considerable amount of mountains.

I should say that I plan to set the world size to Standard manually, so that, given Quick Speed and modified Discovery era, we don't blow through the tech tree too quickly.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

Awesome thanks Naufragar. It's been too long since I thought about tile numbers directly but that sounds about right.

And I'm sure I'll complain! My promise is half light hearted and half promise not to put any heat into it.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Could someone list the starting techs? I'm confused.

Ancient Chants

Animal Husbandry
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Bump smile

Any updates on starts? I can confirm my civ, if it would make it easier.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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