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Freezing the World below Absolute Zero - Illians Succession Game

Additional notes: there's a gargoyle lurking to the west. We have a settler sitting in Dendrom; I was afraid to add another city and further depress our economy.

Going to play soon. Any thoughts on what to do with our GP? 75% GP/25% GS. a GA could really help our economy, but what do we want to tech?

*edit: I'm thinking carto next. it would save us 14gpt (less the 9gpt bonus we get from GK when saving gold; so 5 at those times, which is admittedly nearly all the time), and that's only going up. I disagree with giving away Dendrom. I'd rather hold Mahala off until she does something stupid, like move out of mortensholm.

also, congrats Auro!

Yeah, I guess a golden age makes sense right now. We need just that little boost to get up and over to a growing economy again.

Carto next after Festivals makes sense to me. It would let us resume expansion, for one thing.

After that...I still want to advocate Animal Husbandry. It would now give us 2 health per city - basically let us convert one farm to a cottage. Or else have more population to whip, if the economy is improved otherwise. Or have surplus for leaving Agrarianism and entering Foreign Trade.

And in longer term, I like heading toward Trade, probably via Sailing. 2/3 more trade routes per city, when we have foreign trading partners, would be worth something like 25 gpt just from that. Hard to quantify the improved cottage growth benefit, but it would be worth quite a bit as well.


Actually...maybe now would be a good time for Stasis? Or if not this instant, sometime during Jalepeno's set? We could definitely use the extra income en route to Trade, and pausing our opponents (especially Mahala) seems worthwhile too.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


almost finished my set. captured mortensholm, and kept it since Mahala's power is below ours now. Question is if we should slog forward to keep conquering (which is moving VERY slowly), or sue for peace? Before capturing, Mahala was willing to give up Evermore for peace. Now she just wants to give Heimeister (haven't found it yet, probably a crappy small city on the other side of her empire). I could ask for Evermore, but not sure if we want peace anyways.

I might just delay to end of my set, let the next person decide. Want to do some pillaging with our commando priests anyways. wink

Cartography is a good next tech. Something to consider seriously after that: bronze working. As long as Varn keeps giving us iron, axemen are strength 6 units, and they might let us make better headway against Mahala's ridiculously promoted bronze units.

Edit: crosspost with jalepeno.

Edit 2: also, hunting for free bears. Dancing bears would give us an extra happy, and help fight back against Acheron's culture trolling.

T190 save. No time to do the full report now (LOTS of pictures to share); will try to do tomorrow morning from the plane.

  1. captured mortensholm - 5 turns of anarchy left, settled GA will pop borders
  2. decided to sue for peace for Everformore + world map
  3. switched to city states so now we have an economy
  4. 1T left on AH

No rush on the report. Soonest I can play is tomorrow night, and that's only a maybe. More likely Wednesday night.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Impressive conquest, jalepeno. I'm glad no one listened to my defeatist talk.

Yeah, well played, jale!

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