Wow, I seriously owe an update.
I've been planning for one on the symbolic t100, but that's still a ways away. I confess that mostly I've been playing on a turn-by-turn basis, with little grand strategy involved; the break / slowdown over Christmas (coupled with my poor in-game positioning) led to a loss of interest in the game - which was somewhat exacerbated by general RL responsibilities - and that killed my posting. We did get going on a stretch recently, but just as I was getting invested again we had these latest hiccoughs (to which I was not immune from contributing); hopefully though the few more plans will mature into something that will keep my engagement.
Brief summary of the last 13 turns (played through t92):
Piaff founded at the alternate spot and Ikhor planted 1S of the Sugar to close the Southern border.
In the East, I've been building Granat and planning the next city NE to (potentially) set a border with Ellimist and another 1-2 to the S/SW to border TBS.
In the NW I brute-forced the Spider with a Scout, 2 Warriors and my first Horseman, which was a big deal because Pearls showed up S-SW of the Jungle Pigs and allowed me to place Wörmann 1S of Pigs to get them 1st ring. (WB still building) Other plans in the North include Bear-dodging to get a city out to the North of Rembrandt.
I have a scattering of Horsemen out now, so am feeling a bit more secure - although I've only got touching borders so far in the South.
Deruptus complete in Bonfire.
I made my decision on Tech eventually; I decided that since I had HBR and there were several good reasons to get Sailing, that I would push on through to Trade to support my Cottage-based economy. I've recently completed Writing and am saving gold before grabbing the final tech. I also have a GMerch due in a couple of turns, which will allow me to (finally!?!) switch up my civics. Still working on where to go from there.